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US School Shooter Emergency Plans Exposed in Raptor Technologies Data Leak

US School Shooter Emergency Plans Exposed in Raptor Technologies Data Leak

Table of Contents

Incident Details

Numerous emergency preparedness files from American educational institutions, which encompass protocols for handling active shooter incidents, were exposed in a collection of over 4 million files. The breach transpired after Jeremiah Fowler, a security researcher, stumbled upon 800 gigabytes of data and records associated with the educational software company Raptor Technologies. Within the extensive collection of documents were evacuation strategies, information on students deemed risky, medical records, legal papers, as well as personal data pertaining to school personnel, students, and parents.


How Did the Breach Happen?

A security researcher named Jeremiah Fowler uncovered 800 gigabytes of files and logs associated with school software provider Raptor Technologies, leading to a breach. These files were unintentionally exposed to the public and could be accessed through unsecured web buckets.

What Data has been Compromised?

The leaked information encompassed evacuation strategies, profiles of students deemed risky, medical files, legal papers, as well as personal data of faculty, students, and guardians.

Why Did the company's Security Measures Fail?

The security protocols of the organization were unsuccessful as a result of unintentionally exposing the files, allowing public access through insecure web repositories.

What Immediate Impact Did the Breach Have on the company?

The company suffered significant consequences from the breach, which led to the exposure of sensitive information like emergency protocols and personal data. Upon being informed by the security researcher, the company promptly made the leaked files unavailable.

How could this have been prevented?

Implementing correct security measures to secure the files and logs from public access could have avoided this breach. Conducting routine security audits and assessments could have detected the vulnerability.

What have we learned from this data breach?

The incident of data exposure underscores the significance of safeguarding confidential data, particularly pertaining to emergency protocols and personal details of students and faculty. It further stresses the necessity of conducting routine security assessments and evaluations to detect and rectify vulnerabilities.

Summary of Coverage

A security researcher named Jeremiah Fowler uncovered a data breach that resulted in the exposure of thousands of emergency planning documents from schools in the United States. This incident occurred when files and logs associated with school software provider Raptor Technologies were mistakenly made available to the public. The breach compromised confidential information including evacuation strategies, profiles of potentially troublesome students, medical records, legal papers, as well as personal details of school personnel, students, and parents. Promptly, the company took action to rectify the situation by restricting access to the leaked files.

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