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What is the Difference Between IaC and CaC?

Ever thought of deploying entire software environments with just a few lines of code? That’s the magic of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) and Configuration as Code (CaC)- two DevOps practices that are revolutionizing the way we build and manage applications. 

But are they the same thing? Not quite! Keep reading as we dive into the specifics of the code-driven IT, where IaC lays the foundation and CaC fine-tunes the settings. We’ll explore IaC and CaC in detail, uncover their strengths, and guide you on choosing the right tool for your needs. 

What is IaC?

IaC is a modern approach to building and managing your cloud infrastructure using code, rather than manual configurations. Instead of clicking through endless menus and settings, you describe your desired infrastructure state in human-readable files like JSON or YAML. These files serve as blueprints, allowing you to provision, configure, and manage your entire infrastructure with just a few clicks or script executions.

The benefits of IaC 

The benefits of IaC
  • Repeatability: Spin up identical environments in seconds, ensuring consistency and eliminating configuration drift.
  • Faster time to market: Deploy updates and applications rapidly with automated infrastructure provisioning.
  • Version control: Track changes, roll back errors, and manage infrastructure like any other codebase.
  • Automation: Integrate IaC into your development workflow, streamlining deployments and infrastructure changes.
  • Efficiency: Free up your IT team from repetitive tasks and allow them to focus on strategic initiatives.
  • Security: Enforce compliance and governance by codifying best practices within your infrastructure definition.

What is CaC?

While IaC is very good at creating the basic structure of your infrastructure, Configuration as Code (CaC) comes next to carefully set up everything inside. It specifies and controls how individual servers, operating systems, and applications are configured so that every system matches what you want it to be like.

Instead of manually tweaking settings and installing software, CaC automates these actions using code, usually written in specific languages such as Chef, Puppet, or Ansible. It’s like following preset rules that tell you exactly which software to install, the settings to apply, and what security policies each system should have.

CaC’s key benefits:

CaC's key benefits
  • Consistency: Identical configurations across all systems, minimizing errors and security vulnerabilities.
  • Automation: Repeatable, error-free configuration management that saves time and resources.
  • Version control: Track changes, roll back if needed, and simplify audits.
  • Standardization: Enforces desired configurations, reducing human error and security risks.

Key Differences Between IaC and CaC

Scope and Purpose:

IaC: IaC has a broad focus, encapsulating the definition and provisioning of the complete infrastructure stack. This includes servers, networks, storage, and diverse resources. The primary aim is to automate the entire infrastructure lifecycle through the use of declarative or imperative language, specifying the desired state of the infrastructure.

CaC: In contrast, CaC operates on a more specific level, concentrating on the configuration details of individual software applications or services within the larger infrastructure. It aims to automate configuration settings, ensuring consistency and replicability in configuring distinct software components. This involves defining configurations related to application settings, middleware configurations, or other software-specific parameters.


For instance, IaC, facilitated by tools like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation, employs code to define the creation of virtual machines, networks, and storage resources—encapsulating the entire infrastructure setup. Contrastingly, CaC utilizes tools like Ansible or Puppet that enables developers to write codes that focus on configuring specific parameters within an application or service. This could include tasks such as installations and configurations for web servers, database servers, or application servers, specifying settings like port numbers and security configurations.

Level of Abstraction:

IaC operates at a higher level of abstraction, focusing on the big picture of infrastructure design. It offers an overview of the parts that make up the system and how they connect to each other. On the other hand, CaC works with finer details. It handles specific settings and configurations inside software parts, focusing on those at the application level. IaC simplifies the difficult parts of managing infrastructure setups, but CaC pays attention to the specific elements of how applications are configured.


IaC orchestrates the entire infrastructure as a cohesive unit, covering servers, networks, storage, and other elements. It provides a holistic approach to infrastructure automation. In contrast, CaC’s granularity is more targeted, focusing on the detailed configuration settings within individual software applications or services. It caters to the specific parameters needed for optimal functioning, ensuring consistency in the configuration of software components.

Use Cases:

IaC finds its application in scenarios where managing the entire infrastructure as code is essential, such as cloud environments requiring scalability and repeatability. It is particularly beneficial for creating, modifying, and tearing down entire environments. On the other hand, CaC is valuable in scenarios demanding precise configuration of software components. Its common use cases include application deployment, ensuring consistent configurations across various environments like development, testing, and production.

 Here’s the table that breakdown the key differences for you:

FeatureIaC (Infrastructure as Code)CaC (Configuration as Code)
ScopeDefines and provisions entire infrastructure environmentsConfigures individual systems within an environment
GranularityHigh-level, focusing on overall infrastructure layoutLow-level, focusing on specific system settings
LanguageTypically uses domain-specific languages (DSL) like Terraform, Ansible, or CloudFormationOften uses specialized languages like Chef, Puppet, or Ansible
Primary FocusAutomating infrastructure creation and deploymentAutomating system configuration management
BenefitsFaster time to market, reduced errors, improved consistency, increased agilityEnhanced security, simplified audits, standardized configurations, reduced human error
Use CasesBuilding new cloud environments, automating infrastructure provisioningManaging configurations of existing servers, applications, and operating systems

Use Cases of IaC and CaC 

Selecting between IaC and CaC usually relies on the specific requirements of a DevOps setting. The best method is determined by the technologies employed and the characteristics of the deployment process.

IaC Use Cases:

In modern DevOps settings where serverless or containerized technologies are common, IaC tools find significant utility. IaC is well-suited for automating the creation and management of infrastructure in dynamic, scalable, and cloud-native applications. For instance, if a team primarily deploys applications using serverless services or containers, IaC tools like Terraform or AWS CloudFormation become invaluable. They make it possible to automatically set up virtual machines, networks, and other parts of the infrastructure in line with ideas of being able to scale and do things consistently.

Mostly used for:

  • Building new cloud environments: Quickly spin up cloud infrastructure with pre-defined configurations, ensuring consistency and reducing manual effort.
  • Automating infrastructure provisioning: Eliminate manual server setup and configuration, speeding up deployments and reducing errors.
  • Managing large-scale infrastructure: Efficiently manage complex deployments across multiple environments with consistent configurations.

Examples: Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, Azure Resource Manager.

CaC Use Cases:

Configuration as Code is particularly relevant in scenarios where there’s a focus on provisioning and configuring hardware. Teams dealing with virtualized machines, server configurations, and software settings benefit from CaC tools like Ansible or Puppet. For example, in a scenario where a server runs on a virtualized machine with specific configuration dependencies, CaC tools shine. They allow for codifying and automating the intricate details of software configurations, including operating systems and application setups.

Mostly used for:

  • Managing server configurations: Define and enforce consistent configurations across all servers, applications, and operating systems, improving security and stability.
  • Automating configuration changes: Standardize configuration changes and rollbacks, simplifying management and reducing errors.
  • Enforcing security policies: Apply security policies consistently across all systems, enhancing security posture.

Examples: Chef, Puppet, Ansible.

Combined Use Cases:

Some DevOps teams leverage both IaC and CaC tools in a complementary manner. In environments where overseeing both the “hardware” aspects (handled by IaC) and the “software” side (managed by CaC) is crucial, using both approaches creates a comprehensive automation strategy. 

This is often the case when a consistent system and state need to be maintained. An IaC tool takes care of infrastructure orchestration, while a CaC tool handles the detailed configurations of operating systems and applications. This combined approach ensures a unified and reproducible environment.

Current Popularity:

  • IaC: Due to its focus on automating cloud infrastructure provisioning, IaC is generally considered more widely adopted, especially with the increasing popularity of cloud computing.
  • CaC: While gaining traction, CaC might be less commonly used in organizations primarily focused on serverless or containerized technologies, where IaC can handle configuration aspects as well.

How Can CloudDefense.AI Help?

Having explored the distinct roles of IaC and CaC in infrastructure automation, it’s crucial to address the ever-present concern of security. While these tools streamline efficiency, they introduce potential vulnerabilities if not managed effectively. 

This is where CloudDefense.AI steps in, providing a comprehensive IaC scanning solution to empower you on your secure infrastructure journey.

Here’s how CloudDefense.AI empowers you:

  • Multi-layered protection: CloudDefense.AI identifies known vulnerabilities within your IaC templates,  actively scanning for vulnerabilities, secrets exposed in code, and misconfigurations that could compromise your infrastructure.
  • Policy enforcement: Define and enforce security policies within your IaC, automatically flagging any code that violates them and preventing potential security risks.
  • Compliance made easy: CloudDefense.AI helps you ensure your infrastructure adheres to industry standards like PCI DSS and SOC 2, streamlining compliance audits and reducing risk.
  • Unmatched efficiency and accuracy: CloudDefense.AI’s advanced scanning capabilities ensure you identify and address security issues with remarkable speed and precision.
  • Streamlined workflows: Integrate CloudDefense.AI seamlessly into your development pipeline, automating security checks and streamlining your development process.
  • Remediation guidance: Receive clear instructions on how to fix vulnerabilities and misconfigurations, enabling swift remediation.


The world of infrastructure management has undergone a significant transformation lately, with IaC and CaC emerging as powerful tools for automation and efficiency. While their distinct functionalities cater to different aspects of your infrastructure, understanding their strengths and when to leverage each empowers you to make informed decisions.  

However, the journey doesn’t end with automation. Security remains paramount, and CloudDefense.AI stands ready to be your trusted partner. Our comprehensive IaC scanning solution empowers you to identify and address vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and compliance concerns, ensuring your infrastructure remains secure from the ground up. Schedule a demo with CloudDefense.AI today and see how we can help you build, manage, and secure your infrastructure with confidence.

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Anshu Bansal
Anshu Bansal, a Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist, currently co-founds CloudDefense.AI, a cybersecurity solution with a mission to secure your business by rapidly identifying and removing critical risks in Applications and Infrastructure as Code. With a background in Amazon, Microsoft, and VMWare, they contributed to various software and security roles.

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