Explore our detailed database of Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE). CWE is a community-developed list of software and hardware weakness types that helps in identifying and addressing security vulnerabilities. Dive into each category to enhance your understanding and strengthen your security measures.
Choose a hierarchical representation below to navigate the list based on your needs. The Software Development view groups weaknesses by common software development concepts, while the Hardware Design view focuses on hardware-related concepts. The Research Concepts view aids in researching weakness types, organizing them by behaviors with various abstraction levels.
These views represent mappings to external groupings like a Top-N list and express subsets of entries related by external factors.
Several additional helpful views have been created based on specific criteria, aiming to provide insights tailored to particular domains or use cases.
The views below are marked as obsolete. While still valid, they are no longer considered relevant, likely due to being superseded by more recent views