Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ytdl-core' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
async addSong(song_url, textchannel, cb) {
try {
this.emit("addSong", {
data: await YTDL.getInfo(song_url),
cb: cb,
channel: textchannel.id
} catch (err) {
// console.log(await YTDL.getInfo(song_url))
opts.outputHelp((help) => {
return chalk.red('\n url argument is required\n') + help;
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs');
const ytdl = require('ytdl-core');
const homedir = require('homedir');
const util = require('../lib/util');
const label = chalk.bold.gray;
ytdl.cache.info.timeout = 0;
if (opts.cache !== false) {
// Keep cache in file.
const cachefile = path.resolve(homedir(), '.ytdl-cache.json');
let cache = {};
fs.readFile(cachefile, (err, contents) => {
if (err) return;
try {
cache = JSON.parse(contents);
} catch (err) {
console.error(`Badly formatted cachefile (${cachefile}): ${err.message}`);
ytdl.cache.sig.get = key => cache[key];
ytdl.cache.sig.set = (key, value) => {
cache[key] = value;
self.run = () => {
console.log('run() called');
ytdl = require('ytdl-core')
var id = ytdl.getURLVideoID(self.entry.url);
console.log('run() id', id, self.entry.url);
ytdl.getInfo(id, (err, info) => {
if (err){
console.log('YTDL error');
self.error = 'connect';
throw err;
} else {
console.log('YT Info', info);
if(info.title) {
self.rename(info.title, info.thumbnail_url)
var live = [];
for(var i=0;i
function (err, info) {
// Emit info about download
self.emit("started", {
info: info
if (parseInt(info.length_seconds) > MAX_LENGTH) {
callback(`Video is too long, max seconds is ${MAX_LENGTH}`, resultObj);
} else {
// Stream setup
var stream = ytdl.downloadFromInfo(info, {
quality: self.youtubeVideoQuality,
requestOptions: self.requestOptions
stream.on("response", function (httpResponse) {
// Setup of progress module
var str = progress({
length: parseInt(
time: self.progressTimeout
// Add progress event listener
str.on("progress", function (progress) {
if (progress.percentage === 100) {
async run(message, [query]) {
const music_settings = message.guildSettings.get('music');
if (!this._getVoiceChannel(message)) return message.channel.sendLocale('MUSIC_NOTINVOICECHANNEL');
/* Planned Removal */
/*for (let i = 0; i < message.client.provider.getGuild(message.guild.id, 'musicchannelblacklist').length; i++) {
if (voiceChannel.id === message.client.provider.getGuild(message.guild.id, 'musicchannelblacklist')[i]) return message.reply(lang.play_blacklistchannel);
/* Planned Removal */
if ((ytdl.validateURL(query) || ytdl.validateID(query)) && !query.includes(' ')) { // youtube video
* @property { videoId, url, title, description, owner, channelId, thumbnailUrl, embedURL, datePublished, genre, paid, unlisted, isFamilyFriendly, duration, views, regionsAllowed, dislikeCount, likeCount, channelThumbnailUrl, commentCount }
this._pushToQueue(message, await this._getYoutubeVideoInfo(ytdl.getVideoID(query)));
} else if ((regexes.youtube_playlist.test(query) || (query.length >= 20 && query.length <= 34)) && !query.includes(' ') && decodeURIComponent(query).includes('/playlist?list=')) { // youtube playlist
await message.send({ embed: { description: message.language.get('LOADING_MESSAGE'), color: 7506394 } });
const videos = (await this._getYoutubePlaylistVideos(query)).map((info) => this._pushToQueue(message, info, { is_playlist: true }));
await message.send({ embed: { description: message.language.get('MUSIC_ADDEDNUMITEMSTOQUEUE', videos.length), color: 7506394 } });
} else if (!query.includes(' ') && regexes.domain_name.test(query) && !ytdl.validateURL(query)) { // radio stream
const track = new StreamTrack(message, query);
await track._autoFill();
this._pushToQueue(message, track, { is_stream: true })
//this._pushToQueue(message, { url: query, duration: Infinity }, { is_stream: true });
} else { // play from stream [only supports youtube and radio streams currently]
if (query.toLowerCase().startsWith('yt:')) {
}).then((connection) => {
// Play the video.
try {
if (!current_audio) return message.channel.sendLocale('MUSIC_UNABLETOPLAYAUDIO');
const dispatcher =/*!music_settings.stream_mode ?*/ connection.play(ytdl.validateURL(current_audio.url) ? ytdl(current_audio.url, { filter: 'audioonly' }) : current_audio.url, { volume: music_settings.volume / 100 });
connection.once('failed', (reason) => {
console.error(`Connection failed: ${reason.toString()}`);
if (message && message.channel) message.channel.send(reason.toString());
try {
if (connection) connection.disconnect();
} catch (err) {
console.error(err.stack ? err.stack : err.toString());
connection.once('error', (err) => {
console.error(`Connection error: ${err.stack ? err.stack : err.toString()}`);
if (message && message.channel) message.channel.sendLocale('MUSIC_CONNECTIONERROR', [err.toString()]);
if (queue.length) {
if (music_settings.loop && !current_audio.repeat) {
/* Planned Removal */
/*for (let i = 0; i < message.client.provider.getGuild(message.guild.id, 'musicchannelblacklist').length; i++) {
if (voiceChannel.id === message.client.provider.getGuild(message.guild.id, 'musicchannelblacklist')[i]) return message.reply(lang.play_blacklistchannel);
/* Planned Removal */
if ((ytdl.validateURL(query) || ytdl.validateID(query)) && !query.includes(' ')) { // youtube video
* @property { videoId, url, title, description, owner, channelId, thumbnailUrl, embedURL, datePublished, genre, paid, unlisted, isFamilyFriendly, duration, views, regionsAllowed, dislikeCount, likeCount, channelThumbnailUrl, commentCount }
this._pushToQueue(message, await this._getYoutubeVideoInfo(ytdl.getVideoID(query)));
} else if ((regexes.youtube_playlist.test(query) || (query.length >= 20 && query.length <= 34)) && !query.includes(' ') && decodeURIComponent(query).includes('/playlist?list=')) { // youtube playlist
await message.send({ embed: { description: message.language.get('LOADING_MESSAGE'), color: 7506394 } });
const videos = (await this._getYoutubePlaylistVideos(query)).map((info) => this._pushToQueue(message, info, { is_playlist: true }));
await message.send({ embed: { description: message.language.get('MUSIC_ADDEDNUMITEMSTOQUEUE', videos.length), color: 7506394 } });
} else if (!query.includes(' ') && regexes.domain_name.test(query) && !ytdl.validateURL(query)) { // radio stream
const track = new StreamTrack(message, query);
await track._autoFill();
this._pushToQueue(message, track, { is_stream: true })
//this._pushToQueue(message, { url: query, duration: Infinity }, { is_stream: true });
} else { // play from stream [only supports youtube and radio streams currently]
if (query.toLowerCase().startsWith('yt:')) {
await this._searchForYoutubeVideo(message, query.replace(/^yt\:/i, '')); // if query starts with `yt:` search for youtube video
} else {
await this._searchForYoutubeVideo(message, query); // if none match default to youtube
// search for builtin radio name or youtube video
//otherwise it's a search query for youtube
if (music_settings.queue.length === 1 || !this._getVoiceConnection(message)) await this._executeQueue(message, music_settings.queue);
async run(message, [query]) {
const music_settings = message.guildSettings.get('music');
if (!this._getVoiceChannel(message)) return message.channel.sendLocale('MUSIC_NOTINVOICECHANNEL');
/* Planned Removal */
/*for (let i = 0; i < message.client.provider.getGuild(message.guild.id, 'musicchannelblacklist').length; i++) {
if (voiceChannel.id === message.client.provider.getGuild(message.guild.id, 'musicchannelblacklist')[i]) return message.reply(lang.play_blacklistchannel);
/* Planned Removal */
if ((ytdl.validateURL(query) || ytdl.validateID(query)) && !query.includes(' ')) { // youtube video
* @property { videoId, url, title, description, owner, channelId, thumbnailUrl, embedURL, datePublished, genre, paid, unlisted, isFamilyFriendly, duration, views, regionsAllowed, dislikeCount, likeCount, channelThumbnailUrl, commentCount }
this._pushToQueue(message, await this._getYoutubeVideoInfo(ytdl.getVideoID(query)));
} else if ((regexes.youtube_playlist.test(query) || (query.length >= 20 && query.length <= 34)) && !query.includes(' ') && decodeURIComponent(query).includes('/playlist?list=')) { // youtube playlist
await message.send({ embed: { description: message.language.get('LOADING_MESSAGE'), color: 7506394 } });
const videos = (await this._getYoutubePlaylistVideos(query)).map((info) => this._pushToQueue(message, info, { is_playlist: true }));
await message.send({ embed: { description: message.language.get('MUSIC_ADDEDNUMITEMSTOQUEUE', videos.length), color: 7506394 } });
} else if (!query.includes(' ') && regexes.domain_name.test(query) && !ytdl.validateURL(query)) { // radio stream
const track = new StreamTrack(message, query);
await track._autoFill();
this._pushToQueue(message, track, { is_stream: true })
//this._pushToQueue(message, { url: query, duration: Infinity }, { is_stream: true });
} else { // play from stream [only supports youtube and radio streams currently]
if (query.toLowerCase().startsWith('yt:')) {
await this._searchForYoutubeVideo(message, query.replace(/^yt\:/i, '')); // if query starts with `yt:` search for youtube video
} else {
await this._searchForYoutubeVideo(message, query); // if none match default to youtube
match ( video : string, subtitles : YoutubeSubtitleResult[] ) : YoutubeSubtitleResult {
const id = ytdl.getVideoID( video );
let result = this.findLanguage( this.languages, subtitles );
if ( result ) {
// console.log( result );
return {
language: result.lang_code,
url: `${ this.downloadEndpoint }?lang=${ result.lang_code }&v=${ id }&fmt=${ this.format }`,
format: this.format
let englishLanguage = this.findLanguage( [ 'en', 'en-US', 'en-UK' ], subtitles );
let original = ( englishLanguage || subtitles[ 0 ] ).lang_code;
self.run = () => {
console.log('run() called');
ytdl = require('ytdl-core')
var id = ytdl.getURLVideoID(self.entry.url);
console.log('run() id', id, self.entry.url);
ytdl.getInfo(id, (err, info) => {
if (err){
console.log('YTDL error');
self.error = 'connect';
throw err;
} else {
console.log('YT Info', info);
if(info.title) {
self.rename(info.title, info.thumbnail_url)
var live = [];
for(var i=0;i