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Top 10 Examples of "text-buffer in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'text-buffer' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

moveRight(position, { copy = false } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        let tokenLocator = this.tokenLocatorForPosition(position);

        if (!tokenLocator)
            return null;

        let [ row, tokenIndex, line, token ] = tokenLocator;

        // if we're inside the token, or on its left edge
        if (position.column < token.outputOffset + token.outputLength) {

            // if we're a static token, we can just move inside the token
            if (token.type === STATIC_TOKEN) {
                position.column += 1;
const _ = require('underscore-plus')
const Grim = require('grim')
const FirstMate = require('first-mate')
const {Disposable, CompositeDisposable} = require('event-kit')
const TextMateLanguageMode = require('./text-mate-language-mode')
const Token = require('./token')
const fs = require('fs-plus')
const {Point, Range} = require('text-buffer')

const GRAMMAR_SELECTION_RANGE = Range(Point.ZERO, Point(10, 0)).freeze()
const PATH_SPLIT_REGEX = new RegExp('[/.]')

// Extended: This class holds the grammars used for tokenizing.
// An instance of this class is always available as the `atom.grammars` global.
module.exports =
class GrammarRegistry {
  constructor ({config} = {}) {
    this.config = config
    this.subscriptions = new CompositeDisposable()
    this.textmateRegistry = new FirstMate.GrammarRegistry({maxTokensPerLine: 100, maxLineLength: 1000})

  clear () {
const {target, button, ctrlKey, shiftKey, metaKey} = event

    // Only handle mousedown events for left mouse button
    if (button !== 0) return

    const clickedScreenRow = this.screenPositionForMouseEvent(event).row
    const startBufferRow = model.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([clickedScreenRow, 0]).row

    if (target && target.matches('.foldable .icon-right')) {

    const addOrRemoveSelection = metaKey || (ctrlKey && this.getPlatform() !== 'darwin')
    const endBufferRow = model.bufferPositionForScreenPosition([clickedScreenRow, Infinity]).row
    const clickedLineBufferRange = Range(Point(startBufferRow, 0), Point(endBufferRow + 1, 0))

    let initialBufferRange
    if (shiftKey) {
      const lastSelection = model.getLastSelection()
      initialBufferRange = lastSelection.getBufferRange()
      lastSelection.setBufferRange(initialBufferRange.union(clickedLineBufferRange), {
        reversed: clickedScreenRow < lastSelection.getScreenRange().start.row,
        autoscroll: false,
        preserveFolds: true,
        suppressSelectionMerge: true
    } else {
      initialBufferRange = clickedLineBufferRange
      if (addOrRemoveSelection) {
        model.addSelectionForBufferRange(clickedLineBufferRange, {autoscroll: false, preserveFolds: true})
      } else {
scopeDescriptorForPosition(position) {
    let scopes;
    const { row, column } = this.buffer.clipPosition(

    const iterator = this.tokenizedLineForRow(row).getTokenIterator();
    while ( {
      if (iterator.getBufferEnd() > column) {
        scopes = iterator.getScopes();

    // rebuild scope of last token if we iterated off the end
    if (!scopes) {
      scopes = iterator.getScopes();
moveDown(position, { copy = false, amount = 1 } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        // if jumping would bring us below the very last line, we just go to the end of this line
        if (position.row + amount >= this.lineInfo.length) {
            position.row = this.lineInfo.length - 1;
            position.column = this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength;

        } else {
            position.row += amount;

            // if we land on the left edge, short-circuit the rest of the procedure
            if (position.column === 0) {
                return position;

            // if we land on the right edge or beyond, we can short-circuit the rest of the procedure too
            } else if (position.column >= this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength) {
                position.column = this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength;
moveLeft(position, { copy = false } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        let tokenLocator = this.tokenLocatorForPosition(position);

        if (!tokenLocator)
            return null;

        let [ row, tokenIndex, line, token ] = tokenLocator;

        // if we're inside the token, or on its right edge
        if (position.column > token.outputOffset) {

            // if we're a static token, we can just move inside the token
            if (token.type === STATIC_TOKEN) {
                position.column -= 1;

            // otherwise, we need to teleport to the beginning of the token
moveUp(position, { copy = false, amount = 1 } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        // if jumping would bring us above the very first line, we just go to the beginning of this line
        if (position.row - amount < 0) {
            position.row = 0;
            position.column = 0;

        } else {
            position.row -= amount;

            // if we land on the left edge, short-circuit the rest of the procedure
            if (position.column === 0) {
                return position;

            // if we land on the right edge or beyond, we can short-circuit the rest of the procedure too
            } else if (position.column >= this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength) {
                position.column = this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength;
moveTo(position, { copy = false } = {}) {

        if (this.lineInfo.length === 0)
            return new Point();

        position = Point.fromObject(position, copy);

        position.row = Math.max(0, Math.min(position.row, this.lineInfo.length - 1));
        position.column = Math.max(0, Math.min(position.column, this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength));

        if (position.column === 0 || position.column === this.lineInfo[position.row].outputLineLength)
            return position;

        let tokenLocator = this.tokenLocatorForPosition(position);
        let [ row, tokenIndex, line, token ] = tokenLocator;

        if (token.type === DYNAMIC_TOKEN) {

            // if we're closer to the right side, we jump to it
            if (position.column >= token.outputOffset + token.outputLength / 2) {
                position.column = token.outputOffset + token.outputLength;
const handleBufferState = bufferState => {
      if (bufferState.shouldDestroyOnFileDelete == null) {
        bufferState.shouldDestroyOnFileDelete = () =>

      // Use a little guilty knowledge of the way TextBuffers are serialized.
      // This allows TextBuffers that have never been saved (but have filePaths) to be deserialized, but prevents
      // TextBuffers backed by files that have been deleted from being saved.
      bufferState.mustExist = bufferState.digestWhenLastPersisted !== false;

      return TextBuffer.deserialize(bufferState).catch(_ => {
        return null;
row === lastRow ||
          _.isEqual(this.stackForRow(row), previousStack)
        ) {
          filledRegion = true;
          endRow = row;

      if (!filledRegion) this.invalidateRow(endRow + 1);

        Range(Point(startRow, 0), Point(endRow + 1, 0))

    if (this.firstInvalidRow() != null) {
    } else {

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