Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'stable' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
if (selectorText.indexOf(',') > -1) {
selectorText.split(/\s*,\s*/).forEach(st => {
buildSelectorTextToCSSText(selectorTextToCSSTexts, st, cssText);
} else {
// Sort selector by
stable(selectorTextToCSSTexts, sortBySpecificity)
.reduce(buildElementToCSSTexts.bind(null, doc), new Map())
// Create the CRD with the Kubernetes API
const create = await client.apis['apiextensions.k8s.io'].v1beta1.customresourcedefinitions.post({ body: crd })
console.log('Create: ', create)
// Add endpoints to our client
// List all the resources of the new type
const all = await client.apis['stable.example.com'].v1.namespaces('default').crontabs.get()
console.log('All: ', all)
// Get a specific resources.
const one = await client.apis['stable.example.com'].v1.namespaces('default').crontabs('foo').get()
console.log('One: ', one)
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error: ', err)
// Find regular middleware entries
const middleware = instances.filter(function(m) {
return !m.isPhasePlaceHolder;
// Sort the entries to keep the order
stableSortInPlace(phases, compareByOrder);
// Build a map for phase orders (phaseName --> phaseOrder)
const phaseOrders = {};
phases.forEach(function(p) {
phaseOrders[p.phase] = p.order;
stableSortInPlace(middleware, function(m1, m2) {
// First by phase
let delta = phaseOrders[m1.phase] - phaseOrders[m2.phase];
if (delta !== 0) return (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1);
// by subPhase
delta = compareBySubPhase(m1, m2);
if (delta !== 0) return (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1);
// By order
return compareByOrder(m1, m2);
return {
phases: phases,
middleware: middleware,
const playerIds = [
...this.parser.player.pets.map(pet => pet.guid),
filter = `(${filter}) and source.id not in (${playerIds})`
// Request the new events
const newEvents = await getFflogsEvents(
// Add them onto the end, then sort. Using stable to ensure order is kept, as it can be sensitive sometimes.
stable.inplace(events, (a, b) => {
if (a.timestamp === b.timestamp) {
const aTypeOrder = EVENT_TYPE_ORDER[a.type] || EVENT_TYPE_ORDER.default
const bTypeOrder = EVENT_TYPE_ORDER[b.type] || EVENT_TYPE_ORDER.default
return aTypeOrder - bTypeOrder
return a.timestamp - b.timestamp
return events
proto._sortLayersByPhase = function() {
if (this._skipLayerSorting) return;
const phaseOrder = {};
this._requestHandlingPhases.forEach(function(name, ix) {
phaseOrder[name + ':before'] = ix * 3;
phaseOrder[name] = ix * 3 + 1;
phaseOrder[name + ':after'] = ix * 3 + 2;
const router = this._router;
stableSortInPlace(router.stack, compareLayers);
function compareLayers(left, right) {
const leftPhase = left.phase;
const rightPhase = right.phase;
if (leftPhase === rightPhase) return 0;
// Builtin middleware is always first
if (leftPhase === BUILTIN_MIDDLEWARE) return -1;
if (rightPhase === BUILTIN_MIDDLEWARE) return 1;
// Layers registered via app.use and app.route
// are executed as the first items in `routes` phase
if (leftPhase === undefined) {
if (rightPhase === 'routes')
return -1;
function middleware(req, res, next) {
// bail early if req/res don't pass conditions for execution or there's no data to sort
if (!should_execute(req, res) || _.isEmpty(res.data)) {
return next();
// capture the pre-sort order
const presort_order = res.data.map(_.property('_id'));
// stable operates on array in place
stable.inplace(res.data, comparator(req.clean));
// capture the post-sort order
const postsort_order = res.data.map(_.property('_id'));
// log it for debugging purposes
`req.clean: ${JSON.stringify(req.clean)}`,
`pre-sort: [${presort_order}]`,
`post-sort: [${postsort_order}]`
].join(', '));
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
currentPost.categoryInCommon =
currentPost.category_id === post.category_id;
const ranking = Object.keys(articles).filter(
currentSlug =>
articles[currentSlug].issue_id === latestIssueId &&
currentSlug !== post.slug,
if (ranking.length < 3) {
throw new Error(
'Less than three articles to qualify as related articles',
stable.inplace(ranking, (slugA, slugB) => {
const a = articles[slugA];
const b = articles[slugB];
if (a.tagsInCommon !== b.tagsInCommon) {
// This puts a before b if a has more tags in common
return b.tagsInCommon - a.tagsInCommon;
if (a.categoryInCommon !== b.categoryInCommon) {
if (a.categoryInCommon) {
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
// since the sort is stable we know we should always get the
// same values, also if there are no articles with related tags
export function mergeEvents(existing: Fflogs.Event[], incoming: Fflogs.Event[]) {
// Create a new array with the incoming events at the end
const events = existing.concat(incoming)
// Sort them in place
stable.inplace(events, (a, b) => {
if (a.timestamp === b.timestamp) {
const aTypeOrder = EVENT_TYPE_ORDER[a.type as string] || EVENT_TYPE_ORDER.default
const bTypeOrder = EVENT_TYPE_ORDER[b.type as string] || EVENT_TYPE_ORDER.default
return aTypeOrder - bTypeOrder
return a.timestamp - b.timestamp
return events
function sortMiddleware(instances) {
// Find all phases
const phases = instances.filter(function(m) {
return m.isPhasePlaceHolder;
// Find regular middleware entries
const middleware = instances.filter(function(m) {
return !m.isPhasePlaceHolder;
// Sort the entries to keep the order
stableSortInPlace(phases, compareByOrder);
// Build a map for phase orders (phaseName --> phaseOrder)
const phaseOrders = {};
phases.forEach(function(p) {
phaseOrders[p.phase] = p.order;
stableSortInPlace(middleware, function(m1, m2) {
// First by phase
let delta = phaseOrders[m1.phase] - phaseOrders[m2.phase];
if (delta !== 0) return (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1);
// by subPhase
delta = compareBySubPhase(m1, m2);
if (delta !== 0) return (delta > 0 ? 1 : -1);
// By order
return compareByOrder(m1, m2);
result.seenIps[ip] = true
return result
{ unique: [], seenIps: {} }
const dedupedWithoutIp = differenceBy(
uniqBy(listWithoutIp, 'name'),
// use a stable sort because core-js polyfills can mess with Array.sort order
return stableSort(sanitizedWithIp.concat(dedupedWithoutIp), compareServices)