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Top 10 Examples of "simple-markdown in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'simple-markdown' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

//  * but this is not part of the same item
const LIST_ITEM_R = new RegExp(
  '[^\\n]*(?:\\n' +
  `(?!\\1${LIST_BULLET} )[^\\n]*)*(\n|$)`,
const BLOCK_END_R = /\n{2,}$/;
// recognize the end of a paragraph block inside a list item:
// two or more newlines at end end of the item
const LIST_ITEM_END_R = / *\n+$/;

const rule = {

  match: function (source, state, prevCapture) {

    // We only want to break into a list if we are at the start of a
    // line. This is to avoid parsing "hi * there" with "* there"
    // becoming a part of a list.
    // You might wonder, "but that's inline, so of course it wouldn't
    // start a list?". You would be correct! Except that some of our
    // lists can be inline, because they might be inside another list,
    // in which case we can parse with inline scope, but need to allow
    // nested lists inside this inline scope.
    const isStartOfLine = LIST_LOOKBEHIND_R.test(prevCapture);

    if (isStartOfLine) {
      return LIST_R.exec(source);
    } else {
      const child = Array.isArray(this.props.children)
        ? this.props.children.join('')
        : this.props.children
      // @TODO: Add another \n?
      const blockSource = `${child}\n`
      const tree = SimpleMarkdown.parserFor(rules)(blockSource, {
        inline: false,
      return SimpleMarkdown.reactFor(SimpleMarkdown.ruleOutput(rules, 'react'))(
    catch (errors) {
        ? this.props.errorHandler(errors, children)
        : console.error(errors)
    return null
parse: (capture, parse, state) => {
      const content = capture[0].replace(/^ *> */gm, '')
      const blockQuoteRecursionLevel = state.blockQuoteRecursionLevel || 0
      const nextState = {...state, blockQuoteRecursionLevel: blockQuoteRecursionLevel + 1}

      return {
        content: parse(content, nextState),
  del: {
    // original:
    // match: inlineRegex(/^~~(?=\S)([\s\S]*?\S)~~/),
    // ours: single tilde doesn't cross a newline
    match: wordBoundryLookBehindMatch(SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^~((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\\n])+?)~(?!~)/)),
  em: {
    // original is pretty long so not inlining it here
    // ours: wrapped in _'s
    match: wordBoundryLookBehindMatch(SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^_((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\\n])+?)_(?!_)/)),
  emoji: {
    match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(emojiRegex),
    order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.text.order - 0.5,
    parse: function(capture, parse, state) {
      // If it's a unicode emoji, let's get it's shortname
      const shortName = emojiIndexByChar[capture[0]]
      return {content: shortName || capture[0]}
  text: {
    parse(capture, recurseParse, state) {
      return state.nested ? {
        content: capture[0]
      } : recurseParse(translateSurrogatesToInlineEmoji(capture[0]), {
        nested: true
  s: {
    order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.u.order,
    match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^~~([\s\S]+?)~~(?!_)/),
    parse: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.u.parse

function createRules(r) {
  const paragraph = r.paragraph;
  const url = r.url;
  const link =;
  const codeBlock = r.codeBlock;
  const inlineCode = r.inlineCode;

  return {
    // rules we don't care about:
    //  mention
    //  channel
    //  highlight

function translateSurrogatesToInlineEmoji(surrogates) {
  return surrogates.replace(replacer, (_, match) => convertSurrogateToName(match));

// i am not sure why are these rules split like this.

const baseRules = {
  newline: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.newline,
  paragraph: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.paragraph,
  escape: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape,
  autolink: {
    match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^<(https?:\/\/[^ >]+)>/)
  url: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.url,
  strong: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.strong,
  em: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.em,
  u: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.u,
  inlineCode: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.inlineCode,
  emoticon: {
    order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.text.order,
    match: function(source) {
      return /^(¯\\_\(ツ\)_\/¯)/.exec(source);
    parse: function(capture) {
      return { type: 'text', content: capture[1] };

var RefEnd = React.createClass({
    render: function() {
        return <span style="{REF_STYLE}">_</span>;

var rules = {
    newline: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.newline,
    paragraph: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.paragraph,
    escape: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape,
    passageFootnote: {
        order: SimpleMarkdown.defaultRules.escape.order + 0.1,
        match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^\^/),
        parse: (capture, parse, state) =&gt; {
            // if no footnotes have been seen, we're id 1. otherwise,
            // we're the next subsequent id
            var id = + 1;
            var footnote = {
                id: id,
                // our text is what to output. if there is only one footnote,
                // it's a *; otherwise it's a superscript number
                text: id === 1 ? "*" : "" + id,

            // If the previous footnote was a *, we need to adjust it to be
            // a number, since now we know there is more than one footnote
            if (state.lastFootnote.text === "*") {
                state.lastFootnote.text = "" +;
// This copies the functionality of this named group
// $FlowIssue treat this like a RegExp
const linkRegex: RegExp = {
  exec: source => {
    const result = _linkRegex.exec(source)
    if (result) {
      result.groups = {tld: result[4]}
      return result
    return null

// Only allow a small set of characters before a url
const beforeLinkRegex = /[\s/(]/
const inlineLinkMatch = SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(linkRegex)
const textMatch = SimpleMarkdown.anyScopeRegex(
  new RegExp(
    // [\s\S]+? any char, at least 1 - lazy
    // (?= // Positive look ahead. It should have these chars ahead
    //     // This is kinda weird, but for the regex to terminate it should have these cases be true ahead of its termination
    //   [^0-9A-Za-z\s] not a character in this set. So don't terminate if there is still more normal chars to eat
    //   | [\u00c0-\uffff] OR any unicode char. If there is a weird unicode ahead, we terminate
    //   | [\w-_.]+@ // OR something that looks like it starts an email. If there is an email looking thing ahead stop here.
    //   | (\w+\.)+(${commonTlds.join('|')}) // OR there is a url with a common tld ahead. Stop if there's a common url ahead
    //   | \w+:\S // OR there's letters before a : so stop here.
    //   | $ // OR we reach the end of the line
    // )
serviceDecoration: {
    match: (source, state, lookBehind) => {
      return serviceDecorationMatcher(source, state, lookBehind)
    order: 1,
    parse: capture => ({
      content: capture[1],
      type: 'serviceDecoration',
  strong: {
    // original
    // match: inlineRegex(/^\*\*((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\])+?)\*\*(?!\*)/),
    // ours: single stars
    match: wordBoundryLookBehindMatch(SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(/^\*((?:\\[\s\S]|[^\\\n])+?)\*(?!\*)/)),
  text: {
    // original:
    // /^[\s\S]+?(?=[^0-9A-Za-z\s\u00c0-\uffff]|\n\n| {2,}\n|\w+:\S|$)/
    // ours: stop on single new lines and common tlds. We want to stop at common tlds so this regex doesn't
    // consume the common case of saying: Checkout, they got all the cool gizmos.
    match: (source, state, lookBehind) =>
      Styles.isMobile && !state.inParagraph ? null : textMatch(source, state, lookBehind),

const simpleMarkdownParser = SimpleMarkdown.parserFor(rules)

const isAllEmoji = ast => {
  const trimmed = ast.filter(n => n.type !== 'newline')
                ) :  // :( (middle of the ternary expression)
                "//invalid table//";
            return <div>
                    {output(node.title, state)}
    widget: {
        order: - 0.75,
        match: SimpleMarkdown.inlineRegex(Util.rWidgetRule),
        parse: (capture, parse, state) =&gt; {
            return {
                id: capture[1],
                widgetType: capture[2],
        react: (node, output, state) =&gt; {
            // The actual output is handled in the renderer, where
            // we know the current widget props/state. This is
            // just a stub for testing.
            return <em>
                [Widget: {}]
    blockMath: {
["list", "heading"].forEach((type) => {
	simpleMarkdown.defaultRules[type] = {
		order: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,
		match: () => null	// Never match anything in order to ignore this rule

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