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Top 10 Examples of "scratch-blocks in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'scratch-blocks' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const json = jsonForMenuBlock('TO', spriteMenu, motionColors, [
            [random, '_random_'],
            [mouse, '_mouse_']

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_of_object_menu.init = function () {
        const stage = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_OF_STAGE', 'Stage');
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('OBJECT', spriteMenu, sensingColors, [
            [stage, '_stage_']

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_of.init = function () {
        const blockId =;
        // Function that fills in menu for the first input in the sensing block.
        // Called every time it opens since it depends on the values in the other block input.
        const menuFn = function () {
            const stageOptions = [
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNUMBER, 'backdrop #'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNAME, 'backdrop name'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_VOLUME, 'volume']
            const spriteOptions = [
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_XPOSITION, 'x position'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_YPOSITION, 'y position'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_DIRECTION, 'direction'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENUMBER, 'costume #'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENAME, 'costume name'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_SIZE, 'size'],
[mouse, '_mouse_']

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.motion_glideto_menu.init = function () {
        const random = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('MOTION_GLIDETO_RANDOM', 'random position');
        const mouse = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('MOTION_GLIDETO_POINTER', 'mouse-pointer');
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('TO', spriteMenu, motionColors, [
            [random, '_random_'],
            [mouse, '_mouse_']

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_of_object_menu.init = function () {
        const stage = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_OF_STAGE', 'Stage');
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('OBJECT', spriteMenu, sensingColors, [
            [stage, '_stage_']

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_of.init = function () {
        const blockId =;
        // Function that fills in menu for the first input in the sensing block.
        // Called every time it opens since it depends on the values in the other block input.
        const menuFn = function () {
            const stageOptions = [
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNUMBER, 'backdrop #'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNAME, 'backdrop name'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_VOLUME, 'volume']
if (menu.length === 0) {
                return [['', '']]; // Empty menu matches Scratch 2 behavior
            return menu;
        const myself = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('CONTROL_CREATECLONEOF_MYSELF', 'myself');
        return [[myself, '_myself_']].concat(spriteMenu());

    const soundColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.sounds;

    const looksColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.looks;

    const motionColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.motion;

    const sensingColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.sensing;

    const controlColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.control;

    const eventColors = ScratchBlocks.Colours.event;

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sound_sounds_menu.init = function () {
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('SOUND_MENU', soundsMenu, soundColors, []);

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.looks_costume.init = function () {
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('COSTUME', costumesMenu, looksColors, []);

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.looks_backdrops.init = function () {
        return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.NOT_READY;

    ScratchBlocks.FieldNote.playNote_ = function (noteNum, extensionId) {
        vm.runtime.emit('PLAY_NOTE', noteNum, extensionId);

    // Use a collator's compare instead of localeCompare which internally
    // creates a collator. Using this is a lot faster in browsers that create a
    // collator for every localeCompare call.
    const collator = new Intl.Collator([], {
        sensitivity: 'base',
        numeric: true
    ScratchBlocks.scratchBlocksUtils.compareStrings = function (str1, str2) {
        return, str2);

    // Blocks wants to know if 3D CSS transforms are supported. The cross
    // section of browsers Scratch supports and browsers that support 3D CSS
    // transforms will make the return always true.
    // Shortcutting to true lets us skip an expensive style recalculation when
    // first loading the Scratch editor.
    ScratchBlocks.utils.is3dSupported = function () {
        return true;

    return ScratchBlocks;

    ScratchBlocks.VerticalFlyout.getCheckboxState = function (blockId) {
        const monitoredBlock = vm.runtime.monitorBlocks._blocks[blockId];
        return monitoredBlock ? monitoredBlock.isMonitored : false;

    ScratchBlocks.FlyoutExtensionCategoryHeader.getExtensionState = function (extensionId) {
        if (vm.getPeripheralIsConnected(extensionId)) {
            return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.READY;
        return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.NOT_READY;

    ScratchBlocks.FieldNote.playNote_ = function (noteNum, extensionId) {
        vm.runtime.emit('PLAY_NOTE', noteNum, extensionId);

    // Use a collator's compare instead of localeCompare which internally
    // creates a collator. Using this is a lot faster in browsers that create a
    // collator for every localeCompare call.
    const collator = new Intl.Collator([], {
        sensitivity: 'base',
        numeric: true
    ScratchBlocks.scratchBlocksUtils.compareStrings = function (str1, str2) {
        return, str2);

    // Blocks wants to know if 3D CSS transforms are supported. The cross
    // section of browsers Scratch supports and browsers that support 3D CSS
[edge, '_edge_']

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.control_create_clone_of_menu.init = function () {
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('CLONE_OPTION', cloneMenu, controlColors, []);

    ScratchBlocks.VerticalFlyout.getCheckboxState = function (blockId) {
        const monitoredBlock = vm.runtime.monitorBlocks._blocks[blockId];
        return monitoredBlock ? monitoredBlock.isMonitored : false;

    ScratchBlocks.FlyoutExtensionCategoryHeader.getExtensionState = function (extensionId) {
        if (vm.getPeripheralIsConnected(extensionId)) {
            return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.READY;
        return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.NOT_READY;

    ScratchBlocks.FieldNote.playNote_ = function (noteNum, extensionId) {
        vm.runtime.emit('PLAY_NOTE', noteNum, extensionId);

    // Use a collator's compare instead of localeCompare which internally
    // creates a collator. Using this is a lot faster in browsers that create a
    // collator for every localeCompare call.
    const collator = new Intl.Collator([], {
        sensitivity: 'base',
        numeric: true
ScratchBlocks.Blocks.sensing_touchingobjectmenu.init = function () {
        const mouse = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_POINTER', 'mouse-pointer');
        const edge = ScratchBlocks.ScratchMsgs.translate('SENSING_TOUCHINGOBJECT_EDGE', 'edge');
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('TOUCHINGOBJECTMENU', spriteMenu, sensingColors, [
            [mouse, '_mouse_'],
            [edge, '_edge_']

    ScratchBlocks.Blocks.control_create_clone_of_menu.init = function () {
        const json = jsonForMenuBlock('CLONE_OPTION', cloneMenu, controlColors, []);

    ScratchBlocks.VerticalFlyout.getCheckboxState = function (blockId) {
        const monitoredBlock = vm.runtime.monitorBlocks._blocks[blockId];
        return monitoredBlock ? monitoredBlock.isMonitored : false;

    ScratchBlocks.FlyoutExtensionCategoryHeader.getExtensionState = function (extensionId) {
        if (vm.getPeripheralIsConnected(extensionId)) {
            return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.READY;
        return ScratchBlocks.StatusButtonState.NOT_READY;

    ScratchBlocks.FieldNote.playNote_ = function (noteNum, extensionId) {
        vm.runtime.emit('PLAY_NOTE', noteNum, extensionId);

    // Use a collator's compare instead of localeCompare which internally
setBlocks (blocksRef) {
        if (!blocksRef) return;
        this.blocks = blocksRef;
        const workspaceConfig = defaultsDeep({},

        // @todo This is a hack to make there be no toolbox.
        const oldDefaultToolbox = ScratchBlocks.Blocks.defaultToolbox;
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.defaultToolbox = null;
        this.workspace = ScratchBlocks.inject(this.blocks, workspaceConfig);
        ScratchBlocks.Blocks.defaultToolbox = oldDefaultToolbox;

        // Create the procedure declaration block for editing the mutation.
        this.mutationRoot = this.workspace.newBlock('procedures_declaration');
        // Make the declaration immovable, undeletable and have no context menu
        this.mutationRoot.contextMenu = false;

        this.workspace.addChangeListener(() => {
            // Keep the block centered on the workspace
            const metrics = this.workspace.getMetrics();
            const {x, y} = this.mutationRoot.getRelativeToSurfaceXY();
const menuFn = function () {
            const stageOptions = [
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNUMBER, 'backdrop #'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_BACKDROPNAME, 'backdrop name'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_VOLUME, 'volume']
            const spriteOptions = [
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_XPOSITION, 'x position'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_YPOSITION, 'y position'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_DIRECTION, 'direction'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENUMBER, 'costume #'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_COSTUMENAME, 'costume name'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_SIZE, 'size'],
                [ScratchBlocks.Msg.SENSING_OF_VOLUME, 'volume']
            if (vm.editingTarget) {
                let lookupBlocks = vm.editingTarget.blocks;
                let sensingOfBlock = lookupBlocks.getBlock(blockId);

                // The block doesn't exist, but should be in the flyout. Look there.
                if (!sensingOfBlock) {
                    sensingOfBlock = vm.runtime.flyoutBlocks.getBlock(blockId);
                    // If we still don't have a block, just return an empty list . This happens during
                    // scratch blocks construction.
                    if (!sensingOfBlock) {
                        return [['', '']];
                    // The block was in the flyout so look up future block info there.
const sort = function (options) {
                // Get all the stage variables (no lists) so we can add them to menu when the stage is selected.

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