Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'rot-js' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
canHit(owner, target, attackNum) {
if(owner.hp.atMin()) return false;
const hitRoll = Roll(`1d${20 + attackNum}`); // subsequent attacks are less likely to hit
const targetAC = target.getAC();
const myToHitBonus = (Roll(this.toHit) - owner.getToHit(target) - owner.getSkillLevelValue(this.getType()) - (this._itemRef ? this._itemRef.buc-1 : 0)); // cursed: -2, uncursed: 0, blessed: +1
let targetACRoll = 0;
if(targetAC >= 0) {
targetACRoll = targetAC + owner.level - myToHitBonus;
} else {
targetACRoll = Settings.game.baseAC + ROT.RNG.getUniformInt(targetAC, -1) + owner.level - myToHitBonus;
return hitRoll < targetACRoll;
brightenColor(color) {
// console.log(color);
let hsl_color = ROT.Color.rgb2hsl(ROT.Color.fromString(color))
hsl_color[2] *= 1.25
return ROT.Color.toRGB(ROT.Color.hsl2rgb(hsl_color))
brightenColor(color) {
// console.log(color);
let hsl_color = ROT.Color.rgb2hsl(ROT.Color.fromString(color))
hsl_color[2] *= 1.25
return ROT.Color.toRGB(ROT.Color.hsl2rgb(hsl_color))
// this.scheduler.add(new PlayerController(), true) // Add the player to the scheduler
this.scheduler.add(this.player, true) // Add the player to the scheduler
this.scheduler.add(this.display, true)
let actors = this.map.getActors()
for (let actor of actors) {
if (actor.seenTiles) actor.seenTiles = []
// Some 'actor' objects do not take turns, such as ladders / items
if (actor !== this.player && actor instanceof Actor) {
this.scheduler.add(actor, true)
// if the actor is goal driven, clear their current goals
if (actor.subscribeToEventStream) actor.clearGoals()
// emit a new spawned event when each actor gets loaded in
actors.forEach(actor => this.eventStream.emit('EntitySpawnedEvent', { entity: actor }))
this.engine = new ROT.Engine(this.scheduler) // Create new engine with the newly created scheduler
scheduleAllActors() {
// Set up the ROT engine and scheduler
this.scheduler = new ROT.Scheduler.Simple()
// this.scheduler.add(new PlayerController(), true) // Add the player to the scheduler
this.scheduler.add(this.player, true) // Add the player to the scheduler
this.scheduler.add(this.display, true)
let actors = this.map.getActors()
for (let actor of actors) {
if (actor.seenTiles) actor.seenTiles = []
// Some 'actor' objects do not take turns, such as ladders / items
if (actor !== this.player && actor instanceof Actor) {
this.scheduler.add(actor, true)
// if the actor is goal driven, clear their current goals
if (actor.subscribeToEventStream) actor.clearGoals()
// emit a new spawned event when each actor gets loaded in
actors.forEach(actor => this.eventStream.emit('EntitySpawnedEvent', { entity: actor }))
this.engine = new ROT.Engine(this.scheduler) // Create new engine with the newly created scheduler
hitCallback(owner) {
// TODO this should probably be a behavior
if(this.spawn && ROT.RNG.getPercentage() <= this.spawnChance) {
const spawnMe = WeightedExtension(this.spawn).key;
const validTile = _.sample(GameState.world.getValidTilesInRange(owner.x, owner.y, owner.z, 1, (tile) => GameState.world.isTileEmpty(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)));
if(!validTile) return;
MonsterSpawner.spawnSingle(spawnMe, validTile);
return ROT.RNG.getPercentage() <= this.percent;
stepRandomly() {
const tiles = GameState.world.getAllTilesInRange(this.x, this.y, this.z, 1);
const validTiles = _.map(tiles, (tile, i) => GameState.world.isTileEmpty(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z) ? i+1 : null); // 1-9 instead of 0-8
let direction = _(validTiles).compact().sample() - 1; // adjustment for array
let newTile = tiles[direction]; // default to a random tile
if(this.lastDirection) {
const probs = calc(this.lastDirection + 1); // adjust for array
const choices = _(validTiles).map(tileIndex => tileIndex ? [tileIndex, probs[tileIndex]] : null).compact().zipObject().value();
direction = parseInt(ROT.RNG.getWeightedValue(choices)) - 1;
newTile = tiles[direction];
if(!newTile) return; // surrounded
this.lastDirection = direction;
die(me) {
if(ROT.RNG.getPercentage() > this.percent) {
MessageQueue.add({ message: `${me.name} explodes a little bit.`, type: MessageTypes.COMBAT });
MessageQueue.add({ message: `${me.name} violently explodes!`, type: MessageTypes.COMBAT });
_.each(GameState.world.getValidEntitiesInRange(me.x, me.y, me.z, this.range), (entity) => {
if(me === entity || entity.hp.atMin()) return; // infinite loop prevention
entity.takeDamage(Roll(this.roll), me);
} else if (t.type === textures.FOREST.type) {
if (between(5, t.elevation, 6) || between(10, t.elevation, 100)) {
} else {
if (getRandomInt(0, 4) > 0) {
let obstacle = ROT.RNG.getWeightedValue(floraFaunaProbability)
// chance of placing an enemy in the open tiles...
if (!tile.blocked()) {
if (getRandomInt(0, 500) === 1) {
// 1% chance
let chosenActor = ROT.RNG.getWeightedValue(mobDistribution)
let possibleActorTextures = actorTextures[chosenActor]
let randomTexture = possibleActorTextures[getRandomInt(0, possibleActorTextures.length - 1)]
// let actor = createActor(chosenActor, x, y, randomTexture)
// tile.actors.push(actor)
gameMap.playerLocation = [~~(w / 2), ~~(h / 2)]
return gameMap
interact(entity) {
if(ROT.RNG.getPercentage() <= 60) {
this.getRandomEffect(SinkDrinkEffects).use(entity, this);
} else {
this.getRandomEffect(SinkKickEffects).use(entity, this);
// break chance
if(ROT.RNG.getPercentage() <= 30) {
// it might turn into a fountain, but probably not
if(ROT.RNG.getPercentage() <= 20) {
return `The pipes explode! Water spurts out!`;
return `The sink stops providing water.`;