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Top 10 Examples of "quill in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'quill' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const testConnector = new TestConnector(prng)
  result.testConnector = testConnector
  for (let i = 0; i < opts.users; i++) {
    let y = testConnector.createY(i)
    result['array' + i] = y.define('array', Y.Array)
    result['map' + i] = y.define('map', Y.Map)
    const yxml = y.define('xml', Y.XmlElement)
    result['xml' + i] = yxml
    const dom = document.createElement('my-dom')
    const domBinding = new DomBinding(yxml, dom, { filter })
    result['domBinding' + i] = domBinding
    result['dom' + i] = dom
    const textType = y.define('text', Y.Text)
    result['text' + i] = textType
    const quill = new Quill(document.createElement('div'))
    result['quillBinding' + i] = new QuillBinding(textType, quill)
    result['quill' + i] = quill
    y.quill = quill // put quill on the y object (so we can use it later)
    y.dom = dom
    y.domBinding = domBinding
  return result
function test_DeltaDiff() {
    const a = new Delta().insert('Hello');
    const b = new Delta().insert('Hello!');

    const diff = a.diff(b);  // { ops: [{ retain: 5 }, { insert: '!' }] }
                           // a.compose(diff) == b
    const diff2 = a.diff(b, 0);  // { ops: [{ retain: 5 }, { insert: '!' }] }
                               // a.compose(diff) == b
function test_DeltaCompose() {
    const a = new Delta().insert('abc');
    const b = new Delta().retain(1).delete(1);

    const composed = a.compose(b);  // composed == new Delta().insert('ac');
function test_DeltaCompose() {
    const a = new Delta().insert('abc');
    const b = new Delta().retain(1).delete(1);

    const composed = a.compose(b);  // composed == new Delta().insert('ac');
function test_DeltatransformPosition() {
    const delta = new Delta().retain(5).insert('a');
    const n1: number = delta.transformPosition(4); // 4
    const n2: number = delta.transformPosition(5); // 6
    const n3: number = delta.transformPosition(5, true);
    const n4: number = delta.transformPosition(5, false);
function test_DeltaTransform() {
    const a = new Delta().insert('a');
    const b = new Delta().insert('b').retain(5).insert('c');

    const d1: DeltaStatic = a.transform(b, true);  // new Delta().retain(1).insert('b').retain(5).insert('c');
    const d2: DeltaStatic = a.transform(b, false); // new Delta().insert('b').retain(6).insert('c');
    const n1: number = a.transform(5);
    const n2: number = a.transform(5, true);
    const n3: number = a.transform(5, false);
// Define custom inline blot for find highlighting
const Inline = Quill.import('blots/inline');
class HighlightBlot extends Inline {}
HighlightBlot.blotName = 'highlight';
HighlightBlot.className = 'highlight';
HighlightBlot.tagName = 'hl';

// Custom embedded block blot for line separator
const Block = Quill.import('blots/block');
class HrBlot extends Block {}
HrBlot.blotName = 'separator';
HrBlot.tagName = 'hr';

// Register the blots

// Initialize the editor
const quill = new Quill('.editor', {
  debug: 'error',
  theme: 'snow',
  modules: {
    history: {
      userOnly: true,

module.exports = {
  init() {
    // Automatically focus the editor
VariableField.className = 'variable';
			VariableField.tagName = 'span';

				'formats/variable': VariableField,

			AutoFormat.DEFAULTS = {
				expression: {
					trigger: /\B[\w\s]/,
					find: /\{\{[^\s,;:!?}]+\}\}/i,
					format: 'variable',

			this.editor = new Quill(this.$refs['expression-editor'] as Element, {
				readOnly: !!this.resolvedValue,
				modules: {
					autoformat: {},

			this.editor.root.addEventListener('blur', (event: Event) => {
				this.$emit('blur', event);


			if (!this.resolvedValue) {
				// Only call update when not resolved value gets displayed
				this.editor.on('text-change', () => this.update());
componentDidMount() {
        // After this component gets initialized for the first time it will
        // receive props whose value will stay the same the next time the
        // component gets mounted - this means if we go to a notebook, the first
        // time content of the last opened note will get loaded, but on the 2nd
        // run it won't. Code below explicitly requests note data for this case.
        let lastOpenedNote = this.props.lastOpenedNote as string;
        if (lastOpenedNote.length) {
            let data = {
                notebook: this.state.notebookName,
                note: lastOpenedNote
            ElectronMessager.sendMessageWithIpcRenderer(GET_NOTE_CONTENT, data);

        this.quill = new Quill('#quill-container', {
            modules: {
                toolbar: {
                    container: '#toolbar',
                    handlers: {
                        'omega': function(value: any) {
                // toolbar: [
                // ['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
                // ['image', 'code-block'],
                // ['trash'],
                // ],
                resizableImages: {},
                renameAttachment: {},
static register() {
    Quill.register(TableCol, true);
    Quill.register(TableColGroup, true);
    Quill.register(TableCellLine, true);
    Quill.register(TableCell, true);
    Quill.register(TableRow, true);
    Quill.register(TableBody, true);
    Quill.register(TableContainer, true);
    Quill.register(TableViewWrapper, true);
    Quill.register(TableViewWrapper, true);
    // register customized Header,overwriting quill built-in Header
    // Quill.register('formats/header', Header, true);

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