Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'prosemirror-state' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
setTimeout(() => {
const pluginState: PluginState = plugin.getState(localView.state);
// If there's already a validation in flight, defer validation
// for another throttle tick
if (pluginState.validationInFlight) {
return scheduleValidation();
}, plugin.getState(localView.state).currentThrottle);
const plugin: Plugin = new Plugin({
state: {
init(_, { doc }): PluginState {
// getValidationRangesForDocument(doc);
// Hook up our validation events.
(validationResponse: ValidationResponse) =>
// placeholderPlugin{
import {Plugin} from "prosemirror-state"
import {Decoration, DecorationSet} from "prosemirror-view"
let placeholderPlugin = new Plugin({
state: {
init() { return DecorationSet.empty },
apply(tr, set) {
// Adjust decoration positions to changes made by the transaction
set = set.map(tr.mapping, tr.doc)
// See if the transaction adds or removes any placeholders
let action = tr.getMeta(this)
if (action && action.add) {
let widget = document.createElement("placeholder")
let deco = Decoration.widget(action.add.pos, widget, {id: action.add.id})
set = set.add(tr.doc, [deco])
} else if (action && action.remove) {
set = set.remove(set.find(null, null,
spec => spec.id == action.remove.id))
return set
import { Plugin } from 'prosemirror-state';
import { getPluginState } from '../plugins';
import { keys } from './pluginKeys';
import { schema } from '../schema';
const { DecorationSet, Decoration } = require('prosemirror-view');
const mentionsPlugin = new Plugin({
state: {
init(config, instance) {
// const set = DecorationSet.empty;
return { decos: DecorationSet.empty, start: null };
apply(transaction, state, prevEditorState, editorState) {
const sel = editorState.selection;
const updateMentions = this.spec.editorView.props.viewHandlers.updateMentions;
if (!sel.empty) {
return { decos: DecorationSet.empty, start: null, };
// const doc = editorState.doc;
import React, { useState, useRef } from 'react';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';
// import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
// import { Node, DOMSerializer } from 'prosemirror-model';
// import { ChangeSet, simplifyChanges } from 'prosemirror-changeset';
import { Plugin, PluginKey } from 'prosemirror-state';
import { Transform, Step } from 'prosemirror-transform';
// import { DecorationSet, Decoration } from 'prosemirror-view';
import Editor, { buildSchema } from '../src/index';
// import sampleDoc from './initialDocs/plainDoc';
import emptyDoc from './initialDocs/emptyDoc';
import { adjustSteps2 } from './stepTestStories';
const editorSchema = buildSchema();
const captureStepsPluginKey = new PluginKey('captureSteps');
const createCaptureStepsPlugin = () =>
new Plugin({
key: captureStepsPluginKey,
state: {
init: () => {
return [];
apply: (transaction, value) => {
console.log('tr is', transaction);
return [...value, ...transaction.steps];
const createDiffDoc = (doc, schema, hydratedSteps, divergeKey) => {
return true
// }
// editor{
import {EditorState} from "prosemirror-state"
import {EditorView} from "prosemirror-view"
import {DOMParser} from "prosemirror-model"
import {schema} from "prosemirror-schema-basic"
import {exampleSetup} from "prosemirror-example-setup"
let state = EditorState.create({
doc: DOMParser.fromSchema(schema).parse(document.querySelector("#content")),
plugins: exampleSetup({schema}).concat(lintPlugin)
window.view = new EditorView(document.querySelector("#editor"), {state})
// }
open() {
// Append a tooltip to the outer node
let tooltip = this.dom.appendChild(document.createElement("div"))
tooltip.className = "footnote-tooltip"
// And put a sub-ProseMirror into that
this.innerView = new EditorView(tooltip, {
// You can use any node as an editor document
state: EditorState.create({
doc: this.node,
plugins: [keymap({
"Mod-z": () => undo(this.outerView.state, this.outerView.dispatch),
"Mod-y": () => redo(this.outerView.state, this.outerView.dispatch)
// This is the magic part
dispatchTransaction: this.dispatchInner.bind(this),
handleDOMEvents: {
mousedown: () => {
// Kludge to prevent issues due to the fact that the whole
// footnote is node-selected (and thus DOM-selected) when
// the parent editor is focused.
if (this.outerView.hasFocus()) this.innerView.focus()
...new Array(compressedStepsJSON.length).fill(changesSnapshotVal[key].c),
/* Update the prosemirror view with new doc */
const newDoc = Node.fromJSON(
doc: newDoc,
plugins: this.view.state.plugins,
const trans = receiveTransaction(this.view.state, steps, stepClientIds);
/* Retrieve and Listen to Cursors */
if (!this.pluginProps.isReadOnly) {
const cursorsRef = this.pluginProps.firebaseRef.child('cursors');
export const createEditorView = (
input: WrappedFieldInputProps,
editorEl: RefObject,
contentEl: HTMLDivElement
) => {
if (!editorEl.current) {
const ed: EditorView = new EditorView(editorEl.current, {
state: EditorState.create({
doc: DOMParser.fromSchema(basicSchema).parse(contentEl),
plugins: createBasePlugins(basicSchema)
dispatchTransaction: (transaction: Transaction) => {
const { state, transactions } = ed.state.applyTransaction(transaction);
if (transactions.some((tr: Transaction) => tr.docChanged)) {
const serializer = DOMSerializer.fromSchema(basicSchema);
const outputHtml = serializer.serializeFragment(state.doc.content);
// to format the outputHtml as an html string rather than a document fragment, we are creating a temporary div, adding it as a child, then using innerHTML which returns an html string
const tmp = document.createElement('div');
if (input.onChange) {
function menuPlugin(items) {
return new Plugin({
view(editorView) {
let menuView = new MenuView(items, editorView)
editorView.dom.parentNode.insertBefore(menuView.dom, editorView.dom)
return menuView
// }
export const enhancedLinkHandler = ({ state, url, from, to, tr, type }: EnhancedLinkHandlerProps) => {
const endPosition = state.selection.to;
const enhancedLink = type.create({ href: extractHref(url) });
tr = (tr ?? state.tr).replaceWith(from, to, state.schema.text(url, [enhancedLink]));
// Ensure that the selection doesn't jump when the the current selection is within the range
if (endPosition < to) {
return tr.setSelection(TextSelection.create(tr.doc, endPosition));
return tr;