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Top 10 Examples of "prompts in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'prompts' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

;(async function generate() {
  // Get the details about the component to create.
  const answers = await prompts(questions)

  // Verify the answers.
  if (!(await verifyAnswers(answers))) {

  const { confirmation, folders, name } = answers

  if (confirmation) {
    // Create the folders and modify the theme to add the new component.
    const created = await createFolders({ componentName: name, folders })
    if (created) {
        "Component created. Don't forget to add your component theme into src/theme/componentsFactory.js.",
    } else {
const warnings = migrationsWithDbSteps.flatMap(m => m.warnings)

    if (warnings.length > 0 && !autoApprove) {
      if (onWarnings && typeof onWarnings === 'function' && !autoApprove) {
        const ok = await onWarnings(warnings)
        if (!ok) {
          await exit()
      console.log(chalk.bold(`\n\n⚠️  There will be data loss:\n`))
      for (const warning of warnings) {
        console.log(`  • ${warning.description}`)
      console.log() // empty line before prompt
      if (!autoApprove && !onWarnings) {
        const response = await prompt({
          type: 'confirm',
          name: 'value',
          message: `Are you sure you want to apply this change?`,

        if (!response.value) {
          await exit()
      } else {
        console.log(`As ${chalk.bold('--auto-approve')} is provided, the destructive changes are accepted.\n`)

    const progressRenderer = new ProgressRenderer(migrationsWithDbSteps, short || false)

const run = async opts => {
  const response = await prompts(form)

  if (!response.confirm) {
  const { name } = response
  const template = templates[response.template] || templates[0]

  log('creating docs...')

  if (!name) {
    log.error('name is required')
    // todo: prompt again
module.exports = async function(repo, dest, argv) {
	// Prompt if incomplete data
	if (!repo || !dest) {
		const questions = requestParams(argv);
		const onCancel = () => {
			info('Aborting execution');
		const response = await prompt(questions, { onCancel });

		Object.assign(argv, response);
		repo = repo || response.template;
		dest = dest || response.dest;

	if (!repo || !dest) {
		warn('Insufficient arguments!');
		info('Alternatively, run `preact create --help` for usage info.');

	let cwd = resolve(argv.cwd);
	let target = resolve(cwd, dest);
	let isYarn = argv.yarn && hasCommand('yarn');
	let exists = isDir(target);
* npm init @open-wc --type scaffold --scaffoldType app --tagName foo-bar --installDependencies false
 * npm init @open-wc --type upgrade --features linting demoing --tagName foo-bar --scaffoldFilesFor demoing --installDependencies false
const optionDefinitions = [
  { name: 'destinationPath', type: String }, // path
  { name: 'type', type: String }, // scaffold, upgrade
  { name: 'scaffoldType', type: String }, // wc, app
  { name: 'features', type: String, multiple: true }, // linting, testing, demoing, building
  { name: 'buildingType', type: String }, // rollup, webpack
  { name: 'scaffoldFilesFor', type: String, multiple: true }, // testing, demoing, building
  { name: 'tagName', type: String },
  { name: 'installDependencies', type: String }, // yarn, npm, false
  { name: 'writeToDisk', type: String }, // true, false
const overrides = commandLineArgs(optionDefinitions);

export const AppMixin = subclass =>
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
  class AppMixin extends subclass {
    constructor() {
      this.wantsNpmInstall = false;
      this.wantsWriteToDisk = false;
      this.wantsRecreateInfo = false;

    async execute() {
      const scaffoldOptions = [];
      const questions = [
public async run(): Promise {
        const { flags } = this.parse(PublishCommand);

        if (!flags.token) {
            flags.token = configManager.get("token");

        if ( {
            return this.performPublishment(flags);

        // Interactive CLI
        const response = await prompts([
                type: "select",
                name: "network",
                message: "What network do you want to operate on?",
                choices: this.getNetworksForPrompt(),
                type: "confirm",
                name: "confirm",
                message: "Can you confirm?",

        if (! {
public async run(): Promise {
        const { flags, paths } = await this.parseWithNetwork(DatabaseCommand);

        const envFile: string = `${paths.config}/.env`;

        if (this.hasValidFlag(flags)) {
            updateEnvironmentVariables(envFile, this.conform(flags));


        // Interactive CLI
        const response = await prompts([
                type: "text",
                name: "host",
                message: "What host do you want to use?",
                initial: "localhost",
                type: "text",
                name: "port",
                message: "What port do you want to use?",
                initial: 5432,
                validate: value => (value < 1 || value > 65535 ? `The port must be in the range of 1-65535.` : true),
                type: "text",
                name: "database",
public async run(): Promise {
        const { flags } = await this.parseWithNetwork(BIP39Command);

        if (flags.bip39) {
            return this.performConfiguration(flags);

        // Interactive CLI
        const response = await prompts([
                type: "password",
                name: "bip39",
                message: "Please enter your delegate passphrase",
                validate: value =>
                    !bip39.validateMnemonic(value) ? `Failed to verify the given passphrase as BIP39 compliant.` : true,
                type: "confirm",
                name: "confirm",
                message: "Can you confirm?",

        if (!response.bip39) {
public async run(): Promise {
        const { flags } = this.parse(GenerateCommand);

        if (!Object.keys(GenerateCommand.flags).find(flagName => !flags[flagName])) {
            // all the flags are filled, we can generate network
            return this.generateNetwork(flags);

        const stringFlags = ["network", "premine", "token", "symbol", "explorer"];
        const response = await prompts(Object.keys(GenerateCommand.flags)
                flagName =>
                        type: stringFlags.includes(flagName) ? "text" : "number",
                        name: flagName,
                        message: GenerateCommand.flags[flagName].description,
                        initial: `${flags[flagName]}`,
                    } as prompts.PromptObject),
                type: "confirm",
                name: "confirm",
                message: "Can you confirm?",
            } as prompts.PromptObject) as Array>);

        if (Object.keys(GenerateCommand.flags).find(flagName => !response[flagName])) {
const run = async opts => {
  const response = await prompts(form)

  if (!response.confirm) {
  const { name } = response
  const theme = themes[response.theme] || themes[0]

  log('Creating docs ...')

  if (!name) {
    log.error('name is required')

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