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Top 10 Examples of "postcss-load-config in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'postcss-load-config' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// Merge user provided options into default context
  const context = merge(
      from: filename,
      map: {
        annotation: false,
        inline: false,
      to: filename,

  try {
    const { plugins, options } = await postcssrc(context, filename);
    const result = await postcss(plugins).process(content, options);

    for (const err of result.warnings()) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console

    const dependencies: string[] = [];

    // Register dependencies for Rollup to detect changes
    for (const msg of result.messages) {
      if (msg.type === 'dependency') {
async prepare({ dev }) {
    console.log('> Building from source')
    // Load user config
    const { data, path: configPath } = await config.load(
    this.configPath = configPath
    await this.normalizeConfig(data)

    const postcssConfig = await require('postcss-load-config')({
      cwd: this.options.baseDir,
      argv: false
    }).catch(err => {
      if (err.message.includes('No PostCSS Config found')) {
        // Return empty options for PostCSS
        return {}
      throw err

    if (postcssConfig.file) {
      this.postcss = {
        config: {
          path: postcssConfig.file
loadPostcssConfig = Meteor.wrapAsync(function (cb) {
  let error = null
  if (!loaded) {
    loaded = load({'vue-meteor': true}).catch(err => {
      // postcss-load-config throws error when no config file is found,
      // but for us it's optional. only emit other errors
      if (err.message.indexOf('No PostCSS Config found') < 0) {
        error = err
        error.message = 'PostCSS config Error: '.red + error.message

  loaded.then(config => {
    let plugins = []
    let options = {}

    // merge postcss config file
    if (config && config.plugins) {
      plugins = plugins.concat(config.plugins)
    // Return empty options for PostCSS
    return {}

  configPath = configPath ? path.resolve(configPath) : path.dirname(id)
  const ctx = {
    file: {
      extname: path.extname(id),
      dirname: path.dirname(id),
      basename: path.basename(id)
    options: configOptions || {}

  return findPostcssConfig(ctx, configPath).catch(handleError)
if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {
            throw err;

        if (cache && cache.hash === hash) {


        const extractModules = (_, resultTokens: any) => {
          tokens = resultTokens;
        const { plugins, options: postcssOpts } =
          await loadConfig({ extractModules }, path.dirname(cssFile));

        const runner = postcss(plugins);

        await runner.process(source, Object.assign({
          from: cssFile,
          to: cssFile, // eslint-disable-line id-length
        }, postcssOpts));

        cache = {

        // eslint-disable-next-line no-sync
        fs.writeFileSync(cachePath, JSON.stringify(cache));
async function processCss({
  banner = '',
  optimize = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
  to = from,
}: ProcessCssOpts): Promise {
  const src = await readFile(from, 'utf8');

  const ctx = { from, map: sourcemap && { inline: false }, to };
  const source = banner + src;

  const { options, plugins } = await postcssrc(ctx, from);
  const result = await postcss(plugins).process(source, options);

  warn('PostCSS', 'WARN', result.warnings());

  let code = result.css;
  // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
  let map: string | { toString(): string } | undefined =;
  const hasMap = sourcemap && !!map;

  // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
  const filePath =!;
  const dirPath = dirname(filePath);

  if (optimize) {
    // Minify resulting CSS
    const min = new CleanCSS({
requireRelative.resolve('preact/compat', cwd);
		compat = 'preact/compat';
	} catch (e) {}

	let babelConfig = Object.assign(
		{ babelrc: false },
		createBabelConfig(env, { browsers }),
		babelrc // intentionally overwrite our settings

	let tsconfig = resolveTsconfig(cwd, isProd);

	let postcssPlugins;

	try {
		postcssPlugins = loadPostcssConfig.sync(cwd).plugins;
	} catch (error) {
		postcssPlugins = [autoprefixer({ overrideBrowserslist: browsers })];

	return {
		context: src,

		resolve: {
			modules: [...nodeModules, 'node_modules'],
			extensions: [
test("Autoprefixer", () => {
  let input = ":fullscreen a { display: flex }"

  return loadConfig({ map: "inline" }).then(({ plugins, options }) => {
    return postcss(plugins)
      .process(input, options)
      .then((result) => expect(result.css).toMatchSnapshot())
export default async function (postcssOpt) {
    let options = {}
    let plugins = []

    if (typeof postcssOpt === 'function') {
        plugins =
    } else if (Array.isArray(postcssOpt)) {
        plugins = postcssOpt
    } else if (typeof postcssOpt === 'object') {
        plugins = (typeof postcssOpt.plugins === 'function') ? : postcssOpt.plugins || []
        options = postcssOpt.options || {}

    return postcssrc().then((config) => {
        if (config.plugins) {
            plugins = plugins.concat(config.plugins)

        if (config.options) {
            options = Object.assign(options, config.options)
        return {plugins, options}
    }).catch(() => { return {plugins, options} })
const postcssrcSync = deasync(cb => {
    .then(res => cb(null, res))
    .catch(err => cb(err))

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