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Top 10 Examples of "pbkdf2 in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'pbkdf2' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

vectors.forEach(function (input) {
    // skip inputs that will take way too long
    if (input.iterations > 10000) return

    var key = crypto.pbkdf2Sync(input.password, input.salt, input.iterations, input.length)

    if (key.toString('hex') !== input.sha1) {

    t.equal(key.toString('hex'), input.sha1)
api.pack = function () {
    var pack = api.getEntireJSON()
    pack = Buffer.from(stringToArr(pack))

    var context = blake2bInit(32)
    blake2bUpdate(context, pack)
    checksum = blake2bFinal(context)

    var salt = Buffer.from(nacl.randomBytes(16)) // new Buffer(nacl.randomBytes(16))
    var key = pbkdf2.pbkdf2Sync(passPhrase, salt, iterations, 32, 'sha1')

    var options = { mode: AES.CBC, padding: Iso10126 }
    var encryptedBytes = AES.encrypt(pack, key, salt, options)

    var payload = Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(checksum), salt, encryptedBytes])
    return payload.toString('hex')
generateDerivedKey: function(password, usedSalt, rounds) {
            rounds = rounds || getRandomInRange(
            var salt = usedSalt || lib.generateSalt(config.SALT_LENGTH),
                derivedKey = pbkdf2.pbkdf2Sync(
                    config.PASSWORD_KEY_SIZE + config.HMAC_KEY_SIZE, // size
            // Get key and split it into 2 buffers: 1 for the password, 1 for the HMAC key
            var derivedKeyHex = derivedKey.toString("hex"),
                dkhLength = derivedKeyHex.length,
                keyBuffer = new Buffer(derivedKeyHex.substr(0, dkhLength / 2), "hex"),
                hmacBuffer = new Buffer(derivedKeyHex.substr(dkhLength / 2, dkhLength / 2), "hex");
            return {
                salt: salt,
                key: keyBuffer,
                hmac: hmacBuffer,
                rounds: rounds
// send progress notifications once every 1,000 ops
      if (currentOp % 1000 === 0) {
          current: currentOp,
          total: totalOps,
          percent: (currentOp / totalOps) * 100.0

  for (var i = 0; i < p; i++) {
    smix(B, i * 128 * r, r, N, V, XY, _X, B32, x, tickCallback)

  return pbkdf2.pbkdf2Sync(key, B, 1, dkLen, 'sha256')
export default function toMiniSecret (mnemonic: string, password = ''): Uint8Array {
  if (isReady()) {
    return bip39ToMiniSecret(mnemonic, password);

  const entropy = u8aToBuffer(toEntropy(mnemonic));
  const salt = u8aToBuffer(stringToU8a(`mnemonic${password}`));

  // return the first 32 bytes as the seed
  return bufferToU8a(
    pbkdf2Sync(entropy, salt, 2048, 64, 'sha512')
  ).slice(0, 32);
toV3Keystore(password, options) {
        options = options || {};
        const salt = options.salt || randomBytes(32);
        const iv = options.iv || randomBytes(16);

        let derivedKey;
        const kdf = options.kdf || 'scrypt';
        const kdfparams = {
            dklen: options.dklen || 32,
            salt: salt.toString('hex')

        if (kdf === 'pbkdf2') {
            kdfparams.c = options.c || 262144;
            kdfparams.prf = 'hmac-sha256';
            derivedKey = pbkdf2Sync(
                Buffer.from(kdfparams.salt, 'hex'),
        } else if (kdf === 'scrypt') {
            // FIXME: support progress reporting callback
            kdfparams.n = options.n || 8192; // 2048 4096 8192 16384
            kdfparams.r = options.r || 8;
            kdfparams.p = options.p || 1;
            derivedKey = scrypt(
                Buffer.from(kdfparams.salt, 'hex'),
api.decryptAndCheck = function(data) {
    var bytes = new Buffer(data, 'hex');
    var checksum = bytes.slice(0, 32);
    var salt = bytes.slice(32, 48);
    var payload = bytes.slice(48);
    var key = pbkdf2.pbkdf2Sync(passPhrase, salt, iterations, 32, 'sha1');

    var options = {};
    options.padding = options.padding || Iso10126;
    var decryptedBytes = AES.decrypt(payload, key, salt, options);

    var context = blake.blake2bInit(32);
    blake.blake2bUpdate(context, decryptedBytes);
    var hash = uint8_hex(blake.blake2bFinal(context));

    if (hash != checksum.toString('hex').toUpperCase())
      return false;
    return decryptedBytes;
derivedKey = scrypt(
                Buffer.from(kdfparams.salt, 'hex'),
        } else if (json.crypto.kdf === 'pbkdf2') {
            kdfparams = json.crypto.kdfparams;

            if (kdfparams.prf !== 'hmac-sha256') {
                throw new Error('Unsupported parameters to PBKDF2');

            derivedKey = pbkdf2Sync(
                Buffer.from(kdfparams.salt, 'hex'),
        } else {
            throw new Error('Unsupported key derivation scheme');

        const ciphertext = Buffer.from(json.crypto.ciphertext, 'hex');

        const mac = keccak256(Buffer.concat([derivedKey.slice(16, 32), ciphertext])).replace('0x', '');
        if (mac !== json.crypto.mac) {
            throw new Error('Key derivation failed - possibly wrong password');
async function getDerivedKey(
  key: Buffer,
  kdf: KDF,
  params: KDFParams,
): Promise {
  const salt = Buffer.from(params.salt, 'hex');

  if (kdf === 'pbkdf2') {
    const { c, dklen } = params as PBKDF2Params;
    return pbkdf2Sync(key, salt, c, dklen, 'sha256');

  if (kdf === 'scrypt') {
    const { n, r, p, dklen } = params as ScryptParams;
    return scrypt(key, salt, n, r, p, dklen);

  throw new Error('Only pbkdf2 and scrypt are supported');
const encryptKey = (password, salt) => {
    return pbkdf2.pbkdf2Sync(password, salt, 1, 256 / 8, 'sha512');

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