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Top 10 Examples of "p-map-series in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'p-map-series' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

await env.create();
    try {
      const isolatedComponent = await env.isolateComponent(concreteId, isolateOpts);
      if (!dontPrintEnvMsg) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
        logger.console.debug(`successfully installed the ${concreteId.toString()} ${id.type}`));
      return isolatedComponent;
    } catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof ComponentNotFound) {
        e.dependentId = dependentId ? dependentId.toString() : null;
      throw e;
  return pMapSeries(nonExistingEnvsIds, importEnv);
// Destroying environment to make sure there is no left over
      await env.destroyIfExist();
      await env.create();
      try {
        await env.isolateComponent(concreteId, isolateOpts);
        if (!dontPrintEnvMsg) {
          console.log(`successfully installed the ${concreteId.toString()} ${id.type}`));
      } catch (e) {
        if (e instanceof ComponentNotFound) {
          e.dependentId = dependentId ? dependentId.toString() : '';
        throw e;
    await pMapSeries(nonExistingExtIds, importExtension);
    return res;
async remove(): Promise {
    const { missingComponents, foundComponents } = await this.scope.filterFoundAndMissingComponents(this.bitIds);
    const dependentBits = await this.scope.findDependentBits(foundComponents);
    if (R.isEmpty(dependentBits) || this.force) {
      // do not run this in parallel (promise.all), otherwise, it may throw an error when
      // trying to delete the same file at the same time (happens when removing a component with
      // a dependency and the dependency itself)
      const removedComponents = await pMapSeries(foundComponents, bitId => this._removeSingle(bitId));
      await this.scope.objects.persist();
      const ids = new BitIds( => x.bitId));
      const removedDependencies = new BitIds(...R.flatten( => x.removedDependencies)));
      return new RemovedObjects({ removedComponentIds: ids, missingComponents, removedDependencies });
    // some of the components have dependents, don't remove them
    return new RemovedObjects({ missingComponents, dependentBits });
export async function triggerComponentsHook(
  hookName: string,
  components: ComponentType[] | ConsumerComponent[],
  args: ?Object
) {
  if (!components || !Array.isArray(components)) {
    throw TypeError('triggerComponentsHook expects to get an array of components as the second parameter');
  const componentsType = getComponentsType(components);
  // don't use Promise.all(), the order is important. (the order/priority is not implemented yet)
  return pMapSeries(componentsType, componentType => runHookFromComponentType(componentType, hookName, args));
// Make sure to not start the loader if there are no components to build
    if (components && components.length) {
      if (components.length > 1) loader.stopAndPersist({ text: `${BEFORE_RUNNING_BUILD}...` });
    const build = async (component: Component) => {
      if (component.compiler) loader.start(`building component - ${}`);
      await{ scope: this, consumer, noCache, verbose, dontPrintEnvMsg });
      const buildResults = await component.dists.writeDists(component, consumer, false);
      if (component.compiler) loader.succeed();
      return { component:, buildResults };
    const writeLinks = async (component: Component) => component.dists.writeDistsLinks(component, consumer);

    const buildResults = await pMapSeries(components, build);
    await pMapSeries(components, writeLinks);
    return buildResults;
snapMessage: string;
}) {
  const componentWithConflict = allComponentsStatus.find(
    component => component.mergeResults && component.mergeResults.hasConflicts
  if (componentWithConflict && !mergeStrategy) {
    mergeStrategy = await getMergeStrategyInteractive();
  const failedComponents: FailedComponents[] = allComponentsStatus
    .filter(componentStatus => componentStatus.failureMessage)
    .map(componentStatus => ({ id:, failureMessage: componentStatus.failureMessage }));
  const succeededComponents = allComponentsStatus.filter(componentStatus => !componentStatus.failureMessage);
  // do not use Promise.all for applyVersion. otherwise, it'll write all components in parallel,
  // which can be an issue when some components are also dependencies of others
  const componentsResults = await pMapSeries(succeededComponents, ({ componentFromFS, id, mergeResults }) => {
    return applyVersion({
      remoteHead: new Ref(id.version),
      remoteName: remoteName || componentFromFS.scope,

  if (localLane) consumer.scope.objects.add(localLane);

  await consumer.scope.objects.persist(); // persist anyway, it localLane is null it should save all master heads
    components: Array,
    clientVersion: string | null | undefined
  ): Promise {
    return pMapSeries(components, component => component.toObjects(this.scope.objects, clientVersion));
async importMany(ids: BitIds, cache = true, persist = true): Promise {
    logger.debugAndAddBreadCrumb('ScopeComponentsImporter', 'importMany: {ids}', { ids: ids.toString() });
    const idsWithoutNils = removeNils(ids);
    if (R.isEmpty(idsWithoutNils)) return Promise.resolve([]);

    const [locals, externals] = R.partition(id => id.isLocal(, idsWithoutNils);

    const localDefs = await this.sources.getMany(locals);
    const versionDeps = await pMapSeries(localDefs, def => {
      if (!def.component) throw new ComponentNotFound(;
      return this.componentToVersionDependencies(def.component,;
      'importMany: successfully fetched local components and their dependencies. Going to fetch externals'
    const remotes = await getScopeRemotes(this.scope);
    const externalDeps = await this._getExternalMany(externals, remotes, cache, persist);
    return versionDeps.concat(externalDeps);
saveDependenciesAsComponents?: boolean
  ): Promise {
    const scopeComponentsImporter = ScopeComponentsImporter.getInstance(this.scope);
    const versionDependenciesArr: VersionDependencies[] = withAllVersions
      ? await scopeComponentsImporter.importManyWithAllVersions(ids, false)
      : await scopeComponentsImporter.importMany(ids);
    const shouldDependenciesSavedAsComponents = await this.shouldDependenciesSavedAsComponents( =>,
    const manipulateDirData = await getManipulateDirWhenImportingComponents(
    const componentWithDependencies = await pMapSeries(versionDependenciesArr, versionDependencies =>
      versionDependencies.toConsumer(this.scope.objects, manipulateDirData)
    componentWithDependencies.forEach(componentWithDeps => {
      const shouldSavedAsComponents = shouldDependenciesSavedAsComponents.find(c =>
      if (!shouldSavedAsComponents) {
        throw new Error(`saveDependenciesAsComponents is missing for ${}`);
      componentWithDeps.component.dependenciesSavedAsComponents = shouldSavedAsComponents.saveDependenciesAsComponents;
    return componentWithDependencies;
codemod: boolean;
  defaultScope: string | null | undefined;
}): Promise<{ exported: BitIds; updatedLocally: BitIds }> {
  logger.debugAndAddBreadCrumb('scope.exportMany', 'ids: {ids}', { ids: ids.toString() });
  if (includeDependencies) {
    const dependenciesIds = await getDependenciesImportIfNeeded();
    ids = BitIds.uniqFromArray(ids);
  const remotes: Remotes = await getScopeRemotes(scope);
  if (remoteName) {
    return exportIntoRemote(remoteName, ids);
  const groupedByScope = await sortAndGroupByScope();
  const results = await pMapSeries(groupedByScope, result => exportIntoRemote(result.scopeName, result.ids));
  return {
    exported: BitIds.uniqFromArray(R.flatten( => r.exported))),
    updatedLocally: BitIds.uniqFromArray(R.flatten( => r.updatedLocally)))

  async function exportIntoRemote(
    remoteNameStr: string,
    bitIds: BitIds
  ): Promise<{ exported: BitIds; updatedLocally: BitIds }> {
    const remote: Remote = await remotes.resolve(remoteNameStr, scope);
    const componentObjects = await pMapSeries(bitIds, id => scope.sources.getObjects(id));
    const idsToChangeLocally = BitIds.fromArray(
      bitIds.filter(id => !id.scope || id.scope === remoteNameStr || changeLocallyAlthoughRemoteIsDifferent)
    const componentsAndObjects = [];
    const manyObjectsP = (componentObject: ComponentObjects) => {

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