Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'newrelic' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
], safe.sure(cb, function () {
// Set up Raven
ctx.locals.ravenjs = new raven.Client('http://blah:blah@localhost/collect/sentry/'+self_id);
setTimeout(function () {
ctx.locals.ravenjs.captureError(new Error("Tinelic Sentry startup!"));
}, 1000);
require("newrelic").noticeError( new Error("Tinelic NewRelic startup!"));
getFeed:function (token, p, cb) {
if (ctx.locals.newrelic)
feed = p.feed.split(".");
requirejs(["feed/"+feed[0]], function (m) {
app.use((req, res) => {
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=60');
res.setHeader('Expires', new Date(Date.now() + (1000 * 60)).toUTCString());
const requestId = req.headers['x-request-id']
// This needs to be generated in the request, not a callback
const timingHeader = newrelic.getBrowserTimingHeader()
if (canPrerenderRequest(req)) {
// Ensure the cache gets busted when new JS is deployed
const cacheKey = cacheKeyForRequest(req, stats.hash)
console.log(`[${requestId}][handler] Attempting to serve pre-rendered markup for path`, req.url, cacheKey)
memcacheClient.get(cacheKey, (err, value) => {
if (value) {
console.log(`[${requestId}][memcache] Cache hit!`, req.url)
const { body, postIds, postTokens, streamKind, streamId } = JSON.parse(value)
trackPostViews(requestId, postIds, postTokens, streamKind, streamId)
} else {
renderFromServer(req, res, cacheKey, timingHeader)
} else {
// stringify the whole object so that it can be escaped in one pass
const initialStateJson = JSON.stringify(initialState);
// escape the string
const escapedState = escapeHtml(initialStateJson);
const APP_RUNTIME = {
// strip
newrelic.startBackgroundTransaction('collect:clearCollections', function transactionHandler() {
const transaction = newrelic.getTransaction();
let dtlw = new Date(Date.now() - ctx.cfg.app.cleanRetention);
let q = { _dt: { $lte: dtlw } };
let collectionsToClear = ['page_errors', 'pages', 'page_reqs', 'actions', 'action_stats', 'action_errors', 'metrics'];
safe.each(collectionsToClear, async ctc => {
await collections[ctc].deleteMany(q);
/* const { deletedCount } = */ await collections[ctc].deleteMany(q);
if (deletedCount > 0)
console.info('cleaned %d documents in collection %s at %s', deletedCount, ctc, new Date());
}, err => {
if (err)
function cleaner() {
newrelic.startBackgroundTransaction('collect:clearCollections', function transactionHandler() {
const transaction = newrelic.getTransaction();
let dtlw = new Date(Date.now() - ctx.cfg.app.cleanRetention);
let q = { _dt: { $lte: dtlw } };
let collectionsToClear = ['page_errors', 'pages', 'page_reqs', 'actions', 'action_stats', 'action_errors', 'metrics'];
safe.each(collectionsToClear, async ctc => {
await collections[ctc].deleteMany(q);
/* const { deletedCount } = */ await collections[ctc].deleteMany(q);
if (deletedCount > 0)
console.info('cleaned %d documents in collection %s at %s', deletedCount, ctc, new Date());
}, err => {
if (err)
import reactCookie from 'react-cookie'
import bodyParser from 'body-parser'
import { tokenAuth } from '@youversion/js-api'
import { IntlProvider } from 'react-intl'
import moment from 'moment'
import Raven from 'raven'
import planLocales from './locales/config/planLocales.json'
import revManifest from './rev-manifest.json'
const urlencodedParser = bodyParser.json()
const router = express.Router()
const availableLocales = require('./locales/config/availableLocales.json');
const localeList = require('./locales/config/localeList.json');
const getAssetPath = nr.createTracer('fnGetAssetPath', (path) => {
const IS_PROD = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
if (IS_PROD) {
return revManifest[path];
} else {
return path;
const checkAuth = nr.createTracer('fnCheckAuth', (auth) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (typeof auth === 'object' && typeof auth.token === 'string') {
// We have a token
try {
const token = auth.token
const tokenData = tokenAuth.decodeToken(token)
const sessionData = tokenAuth.decryptToken(tokenData.token)
const urlencodedParser = bodyParser.json()
const router = express.Router()
const availableLocales = require('./locales/config/availableLocales.json');
const localeList = require('./locales/config/localeList.json');
const getAssetPath = nr.createTracer('fnGetAssetPath', (path) => {
const IS_PROD = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production';
if (IS_PROD) {
return revManifest[path];
} else {
return path;
const checkAuth = nr.createTracer('fnCheckAuth', (auth) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (typeof auth === 'object' && typeof auth.token === 'string') {
// We have a token
try {
const token = auth.token
const tokenData = tokenAuth.decodeToken(token)
const sessionData = tokenAuth.decryptToken(tokenData.token)
isLoggedIn: true,
isWorking: false,
userData: sessionData,
user: sessionData.email,
password: null,
errors: {
store =>
// create tracer and immediately invoke the resulting function.
// trace should start before rendering, finish after rendering
newrelic.createTracer('serverRender', getRouterRenderer)({
location: url,
}) // immediately invoke callback
return Object.assign({}, defaultConfig, config)
const loadData = nr.createTracer('fnLoadData', (feature, params, startingState, sessionData, store, Locale) => {
return new Promise(nr.createTracer('fnLoadData::promise', (resolve) => {
let fn = null
try {
fn = require(`./app/standalone/${feature}/loadData`).default
resolve(fn(params, startingState, sessionData, store, Locale))
} catch (ex) {
const getLocale = nr.createTracer('fnGetLocale', (languageTag) => {
let final = {}
if (typeof languageTag === 'undefined' || languageTag === null || languageTag === '' || typeof availableLocales[languageTag] === 'undefined') {
final = { locale: availableLocales['en-US'], source: 'default' }
} else {
final = { locale: availableLocales[languageTag], source: 'param' }
// Get the appropriate set of localized strings for this locale
final.messages = require(`./locales/${final.locale}.json`);
for (const lc of localeList) {
if (lc.locale === final.locale) {
final.locale2 = lc.locale2
final.locale3 = lc.locale3
final.momentLocale = lc.momentLocale
store =>
// create tracer and immediately invoke the resulting function.
// trace should start before rendering, finish after rendering
newrelic.createTracer('serverRender', getRouterRenderer)({
routes: resolvedRoutes,
}) // immediately invoke callback