Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'multimap' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// BreakStatement nodes; cleared at iteration; switch; and function boundaries
this.freeBreakStatements = [];
// ContinueStatement nodes; cleared at
this.freeContinueStatements = [];
// labeled BreakStatement nodes; cleared at LabeledStatement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledBreakStatements = [];
// labeled ContinueStatement nodes; cleared at labeled iteration statement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledContinueStatements = [];
// NewTargetExpression nodes; cleared at function (besides arrow expression) boundaries
this.newTargetExpressions = [];
// BindingIdentifier nodes; cleared at containing declaration node
this.boundNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a lexical binding position
this.lexicallyDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were the name of a FunctionDeclaration
this.functionDeclarationNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.varDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.forOfVarDeclaredNames = [];
// Names that this module exports
this.exportedNames = new MultiMap;
// Locally declared names that are referenced in export declarations
this.exportedBindings = new MultiMap;
// CallExpressions with Super callee
this.superCallExpressions = [];
// NewTargetExpression nodes; cleared at function (besides arrow expression) boundaries
this.newTargetExpressions = [];
// BindingIdentifier nodes; cleared at containing declaration node
this.boundNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a lexical binding position
this.lexicallyDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were the name of a FunctionDeclaration
this.functionDeclarationNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.varDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.forOfVarDeclaredNames = [];
// Names that this module exports
this.exportedNames = new MultiMap;
// Locally declared names that are referenced in export declarations
this.exportedBindings = new MultiMap;
// CallExpressions with Super callee
this.superCallExpressions = [];
// SuperCall expressions in the context of a Method named "constructor"
this.superCallExpressionsInConstructorMethod = [];
// MemberExpressions with Super object
this.superPropertyExpressions = [];
// YieldExpression and YieldGeneratorExpression nodes; cleared at function boundaries
this.yieldExpressions = [];
// AwaitExpression nodes; cleared at function boundaries
this.awaitExpressions = [];
// labeled BreakStatement nodes; cleared at LabeledStatement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledBreakStatements = [];
// labeled ContinueStatement nodes; cleared at labeled iteration statement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledContinueStatements = [];
// NewTargetExpression nodes; cleared at function (besides arrow expression) boundaries
this.newTargetExpressions = [];
// BindingIdentifier nodes; cleared at containing declaration node
this.boundNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a lexical binding position
this.lexicallyDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were the name of a FunctionDeclaration
this.functionDeclarationNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.varDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.forOfVarDeclaredNames = [];
// Names that this module exports
this.exportedNames = new MultiMap;
// Locally declared names that are referenced in export declarations
this.exportedBindings = new MultiMap;
// CallExpressions with Super callee
this.superCallExpressions = [];
// SuperCall expressions in the context of a Method named "constructor"
this.superCallExpressionsInConstructorMethod = [];
// MemberExpressions with Super object
this.superPropertyExpressions = [];
// YieldExpression and YieldGeneratorExpression nodes; cleared at function boundaries
this.freeBreakStatements = [];
// ContinueStatement nodes; cleared at
this.freeContinueStatements = [];
// labeled BreakStatement nodes; cleared at LabeledStatement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledBreakStatements = [];
// labeled ContinueStatement nodes; cleared at labeled iteration statement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledContinueStatements = [];
// NewTargetExpression nodes; cleared at function (besides arrow expression) boundaries
this.newTargetExpressions = [];
// BindingIdentifier nodes; cleared at containing declaration node
this.boundNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a lexical binding position
this.lexicallyDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were the name of a FunctionDeclaration
this.functionDeclarationNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.varDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.forOfVarDeclaredNames = [];
// Names that this module exports
this.exportedNames = new MultiMap;
// Locally declared names that are referenced in export declarations
this.exportedBindings = new MultiMap;
// CallExpressions with Super callee
this.superCallExpressions = [];
// SuperCall expressions in the context of a Method named "constructor"
this.superCallExpressionsInConstructorMethod = [];
this.freeContinueStatements = [];
// labeled BreakStatement nodes; cleared at LabeledStatement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledBreakStatements = [];
// labeled ContinueStatement nodes; cleared at labeled iteration statement with same Label and function boundaries
this.freeLabeledContinueStatements = [];
// NewTargetExpression nodes; cleared at function (besides arrow expression) boundaries
this.newTargetExpressions = [];
// BindingIdentifier nodes; cleared at containing declaration node
this.boundNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a lexical binding position
this.lexicallyDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were the name of a FunctionDeclaration
this.functionDeclarationNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.varDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
// BindingIdentifiers that were found to be in a variable binding position
this.forOfVarDeclaredNames = [];
// Names that this module exports
this.exportedNames = new MultiMap;
// Locally declared names that are referenced in export declarations
this.exportedBindings = new MultiMap;
// CallExpressions with Super callee
this.superCallExpressions = [];
// SuperCall expressions in the context of a Method named "constructor"
this.superCallExpressionsInConstructorMethod = [];
// MemberExpressions with Super object
this.superPropertyExpressions = [];
observeLexicalDeclaration() {
addEach(this.lexicallyDeclaredNames, this.boundNames);
this.boundNames = new MultiMap;
return this;
functionDeclarationNamesAreLexical() {
addEach(this.lexicallyDeclaredNames, this.functionDeclarationNames);
this.functionDeclarationNames = new MultiMap;
return this;
clearExportedBindings() {
this.exportedBindings = new MultiMap;
return this;
observeLexicalBoundary() {
this.previousLexicallyDeclaredNames = this.lexicallyDeclaredNames;
this.lexicallyDeclaredNames = new MultiMap;
this.functionDeclarationNames = new MultiMap;
return this;
observeVarDeclaration() {
addEach(this.varDeclaredNames, this.boundNames);
this.boundNames = new MultiMap;
return this;