Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'load-json-file' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
glob.sync(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'packages', 'turf-*', 'index.js')).forEach(filepath => {
let index = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8');
const dir = path.parse(filepath).dir;
const pckg = load.sync(path.join(dir, 'package.json'));
const name = camelcase(pckg.name).replace('@turf/', '');
// Modules without named export function
if (index.includes('export default function (')) {
// duplicate function names
if (index.includes('function ' + name)) {
throw new Error('duplicate function name', name);
index = index.replace('export default function (', `function ${name}(`);
index += `\nexport default ${name};`;
index += `\nmodule.exports.default = ${name};\n`;
fs.writeFileSync(filepath, index);
// Modules with named export function
if (index.includes(`export default function ${name}(`)) {
index = index.replace(`export default function ${name}(`, `function ${name}(`);
const { step } = args;
try {
if (!installation.stepAvailable(step)) {
return new ErrorResponse({
message: `Installation step ${step} not available or already executed.`
if (step === 1) {
// /tmp/installation-files/apiPageBuilder/data/categoriesData.json'","
const INSTALL_EXTRACT_DIR = await downloadInstallationFiles();
const categoriesData = await loadJson(
path.join(INSTALL_EXTRACT_DIR, "data/categoriesData.json")
const staticPageCount = await PbCategory.count({ query: { slug: "static" } });
if (staticPageCount === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < categoriesData.length; i++) {
const instance = new PbCategory();
await instance.populate(categoriesData[i]).save();
await settings.save();
return new Response(true);
it('should work without actorId', async () => {
const apifyJson = loadJson.sync('apify.json');
apifyJson.env = {
MY_ENV_VAR: 'envVarValue',
writeJson.sync('apify.json', apifyJson);
await command.run(['push']);
const userInfo = await getLocalUserInfo();
const { name } = apifyJson;
const actorId = `${userInfo.username}/${name}`;
const createdActor = await testUserClient.acts.getAct({ actId: actorId });
const createdActorVersion = await testUserClient.acts.getActVersion({
actId: actorId,
versionNumber: apifyJson.version,
const store = await testUserClient.keyValueStores.getOrCreateStore({ storeName: UPLOADS_STORE_NAME });
it("is set from lerna.json config", async () => {
const lernaJsonLocation = path.join(testDir, "lerna.json");
const lernaConfig = await loadJsonFile(lernaJsonLocation);
lernaConfig.loglevel = "warn";
await writeJsonFile(lernaJsonLocation, lernaConfig, { indent: 2 });
const ok = new OkCommand([], {}, testDir);
await ok.run();
test('`now.files` overrides `.gitignore` in Docker', async t => {
const path = 'now-json-docker-gitignore-override';
let files = await getDockerFiles(
await loadJSON(getLocalConfigPath(fixture(path)))
files = files.sort(alpha);
t.is(files.length, 5);
t.is(base(files[0]), `${path}/Dockerfile`);
t.is(base(files[1]), `${path}/a.js`);
t.is(base(files[2]), `${path}/b.js`);
t.is(base(files[3]), `${path}/build/a/c.js`);
t.is(base(files[4]), `${path}/now.json`);
it("should be added to the instance", async () => {
const command = new Command([], {});
const { version } = await loadJsonFile(path.resolve(__dirname, "../package.json"));
map(function(listingItem) {
const { id } = listingItem
return loadJsonFile(path.join(__dirname, './bicycles', `${id}.json`))
}, bicycleListing)
module.exports = async ({ name }) => {
const { env, ssr } = await getAppConfig(name);
const cwd = path.resolve(`packages/${name}`);
await execa("yarn", ["build"], {
env: { ...env, REACT_APP_ENV: "browser" },
stdio: "inherit"
if (ssr) {
const pkg = loadJson.sync(path.join(cwd, "package.json"));
if (!get(pkg, "scripts.build:ssr")) {
`%s doesn't have a script "build:ssr"! This script is mandatory for SSR enabled apps.`,
await execa("yarn", ["build:ssr"], {
env: { ...env, REACT_APP_ENV: "ssr" },
stdio: "inherit"
glob.sync(path.join(__dirname, 'test', '**', '*.geojson')).forEach(filepath => {
const {name} = path.parse(filepath);
const geojson = load.sync(filepath);
const [feature1, feature2] = geojson.features;
equal(feature1, feature2);
suite.add(name, () => equal(feature1, feature2));
glob.sync(path.join(__dirname, 'test', 'in', '*.json')).forEach(filepath => {
const { name } = path.parse(filepath);
const geojson = load.sync(filepath);
if (name === 'bus_route_gps.json') {
directionalMean(geojson, {
planar: false
console.time(name + ' segment');
directionalMean(geojson, {
planar: false,
segment: true
console.timeEnd(name + ' segment');
suite.add(name, () => directionalMean(geojson, {
planar: false,
suite.add(name + ' segment', () => directionalMean(geojson, {