Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'lines-and-columns' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
export default function resolveToPatchError(err: any, content: string, stageName: string): PatchError | null {
const makePatchError = (start: number, end: number, source: string): PatchError =>
new PatchError(`${stageName} failed to parse: ${err.message}`, source, start, end);
if (err.pos) {
// Handle JavaScript parse errors.
let { pos } = err;
if (pos === content.length) {
return makePatchError(pos, pos + 1, content);
} else if (err.syntaxError) {
// Handle CoffeeScript parse errors.
const { location } = err.syntaxError;
const lineMap = new LinesAndColumns(content);
const firstIndex = lineMap.indexForLocation({ line: location.first_line, column: location.first_column });
let lastIndex = lineMap.indexForLocation({ line: location.last_line, column: location.last_column });
if (firstIndex !== null) {
if (lastIndex === null) {
lastIndex = firstIndex + 1;
} else {
return makePatchError(firstIndex, lastIndex, content);
return null;
constructor(readonly source: string) {
this.linesAndColumns = new LinesAndColumns(source);
const getIndexesForSelection = (
documentText: string,
selectionOrRange: vscode.Selection
): number[] => {
const lines = new LinesAndColumns(documentText);
const { start, end } = selectionOrRange;
const startIndex = lines.indexForLocation({
line: start.line,
column: start.character
let endIndex = lines.indexForLocation({
line: end.line,
column: end.character
return [startIndex, endIndex];
export default function formatTokens(code: string, tokens: Array): string {
if (tokens.length === 0) {
return "";
const tokenKeys = Object.keys(tokens[0]).filter(
(k) => k !== "type" && k !== "value" && k !== "start" && k !== "end" && k !== "loc",
const typeKeys = Object.keys(tokens[0].type).filter((k) => k !== "label" && k !== "keyword");
const headings = ["Location", "Label", "Raw", ...tokenKeys, ...typeKeys];
const lines = new LinesAndColumns(code);
const rows = [headings, ...tokens.map(getTokenComponents)];
const padding = headings.map(() => 0);
for (const components of rows) {
for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
padding[i] = Math.max(padding[i], components[i].length);
return rows
.map((components) => components.map((component, i) => component.padEnd(padding[i])).join(" "))
function getTokenComponents(token: Token): Array {
const raw = code.slice(token.start, token.end);
return [
formatRange(token.start, token.end),
static prettyPrint(error: PatchError): string {
const { source, message } = error;
let { start, end } = error;
start = Math.min(Math.max(start, 0), source.length);
end = Math.min(Math.max(end, start), source.length);
const lineMap = new LinesAndColumns(source);
const startLoc = lineMap.locationForIndex(start);
const endLoc = lineMap.locationForIndex(end);
if (!startLoc || !endLoc) {
throw new Error(`unable to find locations for range: [${start}, ${end})`);
const displayStartLine = Math.max(0, startLoc.line - 2);
const displayEndLine = endLoc.line + 2;
const rows: Array> = [];
for (let line = displayStartLine; line <= displayEndLine; line++) {
const startOfLine = lineMap.indexForLocation({ line, column: 0 });
let endOfLine = lineMap.indexForLocation({ line: line + 1, column: 0 });
if (startOfLine === null) {
return JSON.parse(string, reviver);
} catch (error) {
fallback(string, reviver);
throw error;
} catch (error) {
error.message = error.message.replace(/\n/g, '');
const indexMatch = error.message.match(/in JSON at position (\d+) while parsing near/);
const jsonError = new JSONError(error);
if (filename) {
jsonError.fileName = filename;
if (indexMatch && indexMatch.length > 0) {
const lines = new LinesAndColumns(string);
const index = Number(indexMatch[1]);
const location = lines.locationForIndex(index);
const codeFrame = codeFrameColumns(
{start: {line: location.line + 1, column: location.column + 1}},
{highlightCode: true}
jsonError.codeFrame = codeFrame;
throw jsonError;
if (char === '\t' || char === '\n') {
const codePoint = char.codePointAt(0);
const isMissing = !characterSet.includes(codePoint);
if (isMissing) {
let location;
const charIdx = htmlAsset.text.indexOf(char);
if (charIdx === -1) {
location = `${htmlAsset.urlOrDescription} (generated content)`;
} else {
const position = new LinesAndColumns(
location = `${htmlAsset.urlOrDescription}:${position.line +
1}:${position.column + 1}`;
if (char === '\t' || char === '\n') {
const codePoint = char.codePointAt(0);
const isMissing = !characterSet.includes(codePoint);
if (isMissing) {
let location;
const charIdx = htmlAsset.text.indexOf(char);
if (charIdx === -1) {
location = `${htmlAsset.urlOrDescription} (generated content)`;
} else {
const position = new LinesAndColumns(
location = `${htmlAsset.urlOrDescription}:${position.line +
1}:${position.column + 1}`;