Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'kyt-utils' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const normalizeDep = (prefix, dep) => {
let resolved;
try {
// Prefix babel when babel doesn't exist
if (dep.indexOf('babel') < 0) {
resolved = resolve.sync(`${prefix}-${dep}`, { basedir: userRootPath });
return resolved || resolve.sync(dep, { basedir: userRootPath });
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Could not resolve dependency', dep);
logger.error('Error output', e);
return process.exit(1);
compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);
} catch (error) {
logger.error('Webpack config is invalid\n', error);
// Creates a webpack dev server at the specified port
server = new WebpackDevServer(compiler, webpackConfig.devServer);
server.listen(prototypeURL.port, prototypeURL.hostname, () => {
logger.end(`webpack-dev-server ${prototypeURL.href}prototype`);
logger.start('Configuring Prototype...');
if (!shell.test('-f', userPrototypePath)) {
logger.error('Prototype.js entry file does not exist.');
logger.error('See the kyt Readme for details.');
ifPortIsFreeDo(prototypeURL.port, startPrototype);
const normalizeDep = (prefix, dep) => {
let resolved;
try {
// Prefix babel when babel doesn't exist
if (dep.indexOf('babel') < 0) {
resolved = resolve.sync(`${prefix}-${dep}`, { basedir: userRootPath });
return resolved || resolve.sync(dep, { basedir: userRootPath });
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Could not resolve dependency', dep);
logger.error('Error output', e);
return process.exit(1);
const normalizeDep = (prefix, dep) => {
let resolved;
try {
// Prefix babel when babel doesn't exist
if (dep.indexOf('babel') < 0) {
resolved = resolve.sync(`${prefix}-${dep}`, { basedir: userRootPath });
return resolved || resolve.sync(dep, { basedir: userRootPath });
} catch (e) {
logger.error('Could not resolve dependency', dep);
logger.error('Error output', e);
return process.exit(1);
module.exports = (webpackConfig, cb) => {
let webpackCompiler;
const type = webpackConfig.target === 'web' ? 'Client' : 'Server';
// Compile the webpack config
try {
webpackCompiler = webpack(webpackConfig);
logger.task(`${type} webpack configuration compiled`);
} catch (error) {
logger.error(`${type} webpack config is invalid\n`, error);
webpackCompiler.hooks.beforeRun.tap('kyt', () => {
// Temporarily set the build type in the process.
// This is used by the babel-preset-kyt-core plugin.
process.env.KYT_ENV_TYPE = type.toLowerCase();
// Handle errors in webpack build
webpackCompiler.hooks.done.tap('kyt', stats => {
if (stats.hasErrors()) {
logger.error(`${type} build failed\n`, stats.toString());
logger.info('See webpack error above');
} else if (stats.hasWarnings()) {
logger.warn(`${type} build warnings`, stats.toJson().warnings.join('\n'));
clientConfig = config.modifyWebpackConfig(clone(clientConfig), clientOptions);
serverConfig = config.modifyWebpackConfig(clone(serverConfig), serverOptions);
} catch (error) {
logger.error('Error in your kyt.config.js modifyWebpackConfig():', error);
if (config.debug) {
logger.debug('Client webpack configuration:', clientConfig);
logger.debug('Server webpack configuration:', serverConfig);
// A "main" entry is required in the server config.
if (!serverConfig.entry.main) {
'A main entry is required in the server configuration. Found: ',
return {
module.exports = config => {
logger.start('Starting production build...');
let serverCompiler;
const { clientConfig, serverConfig } = buildConfigs(config, 'production');
// Clean the build directory.
if (shell.rm('-rf', buildPath).code === 0) {
logger.task('Cleaned ./build');
// Copy public folder into build
if (shell.test('-d', publicSrcPath)) {
// Create build folder if it doesnt exist
if (!shell.test('-d', buildPath)) {
shell.cp('-r', publicSrcPath, publicBuildPath);
logger.task('Copied /src/public to /build/public');
} else {
shell.mkdir('-p', `${buildPath}/public`);
// Compiles server code using the prod.server config
const buildServer = () => {
const createEditorconfigLink = () => {
const editorPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../config/user/.kyt-editorconfig');
const configPath = path.join(paths.userRootPath, '.editorconfig');
// Backup existing editor config
if (shell.test('-f', configPath)) {
const mvTo = path.join(paths.userRootPath, `editorconfig-${date}.bak`);
shell.mv(configPath, mvTo);
logger.info(`Backed up current editor config to ${mvTo}`);
shell.cp(editorPath, configPath);
logger.task('Created .editorconfig file');
const createBabelrc = () => {
// back up existing .babelrc, if it exists
if (shell.test('-f', paths.userBabelrcPath)) {
const mvTo = path.join(paths.userRootPath, `.babelrc-${date}.bak`);
shell.mv(paths.userBabelrcPath, mvTo);
logger.info(`Backed up current .babelrc to ${mvTo}`);
shell.cp(`${tmpDir}/.babelrc`, paths.userBabelrcPath);
logger.task('Created .babelrc');
const createPrototypeFile = () => {
const starterProto = `${tmpDir}/prototype.js`;
// No need to copy file if it doesn't exist
if (!shell.test('-f', starterProto)) return;
// Backup user's prototype file if they already have one
if (shell.test('-f', paths.userPrototypePath)) {
const prototypeBackup = path.join(paths.userRootPath, `prototype-${date}.js.bak`);
shell.mv(paths.userPrototypePath, prototypeBackup);
logger.info(`Backed up current prototype file to: ${prototypeBackup}`);
// Copy the prototype file from the starter-kyt into the users repo
shell.cp(starterProto, paths.userPrototypePath);
logger.task('copied prototype.js file into root');