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Top 10 Examples of "jsonpath in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'jsonpath' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

.option('-o, --override-config ', 'Override single config item', (opt, opts) => {
    if (typeof(opts) === 'undefined') {
      opts = [];
    const [path, val] = opt.split('=');
    if (typeof(path) === 'undefined' || typeof(val) === 'undefined') {
      // tslint:disable-next-line
      console.warn('Invalid format for invalid config. Correct is -> jsonpath=value');
      return opts;
    try {
    } catch (e) {
      // tslint:disable-next-line
      console.warn('JSONPath is invalid', e);
    opts.push({ path, val });
    return opts;
(opt, opts) => {
      if (typeof opts === 'undefined') {
        opts = [];
      const [path, val] = opt.split('=');
      if (typeof path === 'undefined' || typeof val === 'undefined') {
        // tslint:disable-next-line
          'Invalid format for invalid config. Correct is -> jsonpath=value'
        return opts;
      try {
      } catch (e) {
        // tslint:disable-next-line
        console.warn('JSONPath is invalid', e);
      opts.push({ path, val });
      return opts;
function inlineHeaders(spec) {
  jpath.apply(spec, '$..[?(@.$ref)]', function(value) {
    if (!value.$ref.startsWith('#/headers')) {
      return value;

    // TODO: throw if (!_.omit(value, '$ref').isEmpty())
    return jsonpointer.get(spec, value.$ref.substring(1));
  delete spec.headers;
try {
    const specValidationResult = specVal.specValidationResult
    for (const [op, operation] of entries(specValidationResult.operations)) {
      const xmsExamplesNode = operation["x-ms-examples"]
      if (xmsExamplesNode === undefined) {
        throw new Error("xmsExamplesNode is undefined")
      const scenarios = xmsExamplesNode.scenarios
      for (const [scenario, scenarioItem] of entries(scenarios)) {
        // invalid? meaning that there's an issue found in the validation
        if (scenarioItem.isValid === false) {
          // get path to x-ms-examples in swagger
          const xmsexPath = linq
              jsonPath.nodes(swagger, `$.paths[*][?(@.operationId==='${op}')]["x-ms-examples"]`)
            .select(x => x.path)
          if (!xmsexPath) {
            throw new Error("Model Validator: Path to x-ms-examples not found.")
          // console.error(JSON.stringify(scenarioItem, null, 2));
          let result = new FormattedOutput(
            { scenarioItem, scenario },
            "Model validator found issue (see details).",
            [{ document: swaggerFileName, Position: { path: xmsexPath } }]
if (coreStrings === undefined) {

        if (options.isThemeString) {
            // If not in memory, load translations for theme
            if (themeStrings === undefined) {
            // Both jsonpath's dot-notation and bracket-notation start with '$'
            // E.g.: $ or $['store']['book']['title']
            // The {{t}} translation helper passes the default English text
            // The full Unicode jsonpath with '$' is built here
            // jp.stringify and jp.value are jsonpath methods
            // Info:
            path = jp.stringify(['$', msgPath]);
            candidateString = jp.value(themeStrings, path) || msgPath;
        } else {
            // Backend messages use dot-notation, and the '$.' prefix is added here
            // While bracket-notation allows any Unicode characters in keys for themes,
            // dot-notation allows only word characters in keys for backend messages
            // (that is \w or [A-Za-z0-9_] in RegExp)
            path = `$.${msgPath}`;
            candidateString = jp.value(coreStrings, path);

        matchingString = candidateString || {};

        if (isObject(matchingString) || isEqual(matchingString, {})) {
            if (options.log) {
                logging.error(new errors.IncorrectUsageError({
                    message: `i18n error: path "${msgPath}" was not found`
const applyDeletes = (document, deletes, nullify = true) => {
        const modified = _.cloneDeep(document);
        // const modified = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(document));
        for (const path of deletes) {
            const parent = jp.parent(modified, path);
            if (_.isArray(parent)) {
                const _subscript = /\[([\d]+)\]$/;
                const subscript = _subscript.exec(path)[1];
                if (nullify) {
                    parent[subscript] = null; // delete array['0'] doesn't work with jsonpath! list items should be deleted by setting to null or undefined,
                } else {
                    parent.splice(subscript, 1);
            } else {
                delete parent[path.split('.').pop()];
        return modified;
function getTimeline(result) {
  const entries = jp.query(result, '$.ClinicalDocument.entry')[0]
  const vitalSigns = jp.query(entries, '$[?(@.organizer.code.__code=="46680005")]')
  const observations = jp.query(vitalSigns, '$..observation')
  const keys = {
    'Height': 'height',
    'Body weight Measured': 'weight',
    'Heart rate': 'heart_rate',
    'Body Temperature': 'temperature'
  const obTimeline = => {
    const effectiveTime = jp.query(observation, '$.effectiveTime.low.__value')[0]
    const datetime = moment(effectiveTime, 'YYYYMMDDTHHmmss-Z').format()
    const name = jp.query(observation, '$.code.__displayName')[0]
    const value = jp.query(observation, '$.value.__value')[0]
    // ToDo: Convert value scale based on units
    // const unit = jp.query(observation, '$.value.__unit')[0]

    return { datetime, [keys[name]]: value}
async processData(regionData) {
        // Fix alpha/bravo images for the Chicken vs. Egg Splatfest.
        // For some reason these got swapped out with images that have an opaque background
        // even though they started out with transparent images.
        jsonpath.apply(regionData, '$..images.alpha', value => value.replace(
        jsonpath.apply(regionData, '$..images.bravo', value => value.replace(

        // Download result ranking data
        let festivalIds = jsonpath.query(regionData, '$.results..festival_id');
        for (let id of festivalIds) {
            let filename = `${this.getOutputPath()}/festivals/${this.region.toLowerCase()}-${id}-rankings.json`;

            // Have we already downloaded these rankings?
            if (!fs.existsSync(filename)) {
                let splatnet = new SplatNet(this.region);
      `Retrieving rankings for festival ID ${id}`);
                try {
                    let rankings  = await this.handleRequest(splatnet.getFestivalRankings(id));
                    writeJson(filename, rankings);
export async function run(
  document: string,
  openapiDefinition: any,
  sendMessage: (m: Message) => void,
  openapiType: OpenApiTypes,
  mergeState: MergeStates
) {
  const rulesToRun = rules.filter(rule => rule.mergeState === mergeState && rule.openapiType & openapiType)
  for (const rule of rulesToRun) {
    for (const section of nodes(openapiDefinition, rule.appliesTo_JsonQuery || "$")) {
      if ( {
        for (const message of, section.value, section.path.slice(1))) {
          handle(rule, message)
      } else {
        for await (const message of rule.asyncRun(openapiDefinition, section.value, section.path.slice(1))) {
          handle(rule, message)

  function handle(rule: Rule, message: ValidationMessage) {
    const readableCategory = rule.category

    // try to extract provider namespace and resource type
export function nodes(obj: T, jsonQuery: string): { path: JsonPath, value: any }[] {
  // jsonpath only accepts objects
  if (obj instanceof Object) {
    let result = jsonpath.nodes(obj, jsonQuery).map(x => { return { path: x.path.slice(1), value: x.value }; });
    const comp = (a: string, b: string) => a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0);
    result = result.sort((a, b) => comp(JSON.stringify(a.path), JSON.stringify(b.path)));
    result = result.filter((x, i) => i === 0 || JSON.stringify(x.path) !== JSON.stringify(result[i - 1].path));
    return result;
  } else {
    return matches(jsonQuery, []) ? [{ path: [], value: obj }] : [];

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