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Top 10 Examples of "json-refs in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'json-refs' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should have proper structure', function () {
      var path = '/pet/{petId}';
      var pathObject = apiDefinition.getOperation(path, 'get').pathObject;

      assert.deepEqual(pathObject.apiDefinition, apiDefinition);
      assert.equal(pathObject.path, path);
      assert.equal(pathObject.ptr, JsonRefs.pathToPtr(['paths', path]));
      assert.deepEqual(pathObject.definition, apiDefinition.definitionRemotesResolved.paths[path]);
      assert.deepEqual(pathObject.definitionFullyResolved, apiDefinition.definitionFullyResolved.paths[path]);

      // Make sure they are of the proper type
      assert.ok(pathObject.regexp instanceof RegExp);

      // Make sure they have the proper keys
      assert.equal(1, pathObject.regexp.keys.length);
      assert.equal('petId', pathObject.regexp.keys[0].name);

      // Make sure they match the expected URLs
      assert.ok(_.isArray(pathObject.regexp.exec(apiDefinition.definitionFullyResolved.basePath + '/pet/1')));
      assert.ok(!_.isArray(pathObject.regexp.exec(apiDefinition.definitionFullyResolved.basePath + '/pets/1')));
      assert.ok(!_.isArray(pathObject.regexp.exec(apiDefinition.definitionFullyResolved.basePath + '/Pet/1')));
cOperation.parameters =, function (parameter) {
      // Used later by getOperationParameters to circumvent the chicken/egg situation (Removed there as well)
      parameter.definition.$$$ptr$$$ = JsonRefs.pathToPtr(parameter.path);

      return parameter.definition;

    if (_.isUndefined( { =;

    operations.push(new Operation(pathObject.api,
                                  cOperation.consumes || pathObject.api.resolved.consumes || [],
                                  cOperation.produces || pathObject.api.resolved.produces || []));
_.forEach(security, function (scopes, name) {
        var sdPath = ['securityDefinitions', name];
        var sdPtr = JsonRefs.pathToPtr(sdPath);
        var srPath = path.concat([index.toString(), name]);

        // Identify missing reference to the security definition
        if (_.indexOf(referenceable, sdPtr) === -1) {
            code: 'UNRESOLVABLE_REFERENCE',
            message: 'Security definition could not be resolved: ' + name,
            path: srPath
        } else {
          addReference(sdPtr, JsonRefs.pathToPtr(srPath));

          _.forEach(scopes, function (scope, sIndex) {
            var ssrPath = srPath.concat(sIndex.toString());
            var ssrPtr = JsonRefs.pathToPtr(sdPath.concat(['scopes', scope]));

            if (_.indexOf(referenceable, ssrPtr) === -1) {
                code: 'UNRESOLVABLE_REFERENCE',
                message: 'Security scope definition could not be resolved: ' + scope,
                path: ssrPath
            } else {
              addReference(JsonRefs.pathToPtr(sdPath.concat(['scopes', scope])), ssrPtr);
_.each(model.subTypes, function (subType, index) {
          var subPath = ['models', subType];
          var subPtr = JsonRefs.pathToPtr(subPath);
          var subMetadata = documentMetadata.definitions[subPtr];
          var refPath = modelDefPath.concat(['subTypes', index.toString()]);

          // If the metadata does not yet exist, create it
          if (!subMetadata && documentMetadata.resolved[modelDefsProp][subType]) {
            subMetadata = getDefinitionMetadata(subPath);

          // If the reference is valid, add the parent
          if (addReference(documentMetadata, subPath, refPath, results)) {
var ptrPath = JsonRefs.pathFromPtr(ptr);

    if (!_.has(metadata, 'missing')) {
      // This reference is a document reference, record it for later
      if (['relative', 'remote'].indexOf(metadata.type) > -1 && metadata.fqURI.indexOf('#') === -1) {
        if (_.isUndefined(docReferences[metadata.fqURI])) {
          docReferences[metadata.fqURI] = [];


      addReference(metadata.fqURI, ptr);

      if (ptrPath[ptrPath.length - 2] === 'allOf') {
        addAncestor(JsonRefs.pathToPtr(ptrPath.slice(0, ptrPath.length - 2)), metadata.uri);
async function main() {
	const openApiText = await readFile('openapi.yml', 'utf-8');
	const apiData = prepareApiData(
		(await resolveRefs(yaml.safeLoad(openApiText))).resolved
	await mkdir('./dist').catch(() => {});
	await writeFile(
import {CancelToken} from 'axios';
			.map(o => printApiTypes(o, apiData[o]))


export interface Bridges {
	/** Speak a sentence to the bridge */
	speakSentence(id: string, sentence: string, options?: SpeakSentenceOptions, cancelToken?: CancelToken): Promise;
async function main() {
	const openApiText = await readFile('openapi.yml', 'utf-8');
	const openapi = (await resolveRefs(yaml.safeLoad(openApiText))).resolved;
	const apiData = prepareApiData(openapi);
	await writeFile(
		`// Generated automatically. Don't edit this file.
import * as Joi from 'joi';

export default {
	name: '${}',
	version: '${pack.version ||}',
	objects: {
			.map(o => printApiObject(o, apiData[o]))
includeInvalid: true,
    loaderOptions: {
      processContent: function (res, callback) {
        callback(undefined, YAML.safeLoad(res.text));

  if (!cacheEntry.resolved) {
    // For Swagger 1.2, we have to create real JSON References
    if (swaggerVersion === '1.2') {
      jsonRefsOptions.refPreProcessor = swagger1RefPreProcesor;

    // Resolve references
    JsonRefs.resolveRefs(apiDOrSO, jsonRefsOptions)
      .then(function (results) {

        // Fix circular references
        _.each(results.refs, function (refDetails, refPtr) {
          if (refDetails.circular) {
            _.set(results.resolved, JsonRefs.pathFromPtr(refPtr), {});

        cacheEntry.referencesMetadata = results.refs;
        cacheEntry.resolved = results.resolved;
        cacheEntry.resolvedId = SparkMD5.hash(JSON.stringify(results.resolved));

.then(function (remoteResults) {
      // Resolve local references (Remote references should had already been resolved)
      cOptions.jsonRefs.filter = 'local';

      return JsonRefs.resolveRefs(remoteResults.resolved || cOptions.definition, cOptions.jsonRefs)
        .then(function (results) {
          _.each(remoteResults.refs, function (refDetails, refPtr) {
            results.refs[refPtr] = refDetails;

          return {
            // The original OpenAPI definition
            definition: _.isString(cOptions.definition) ? remoteResults.value : cOptions.definition,
            // The original OpenAPI definition with its remote references resolved
            definitionRemotesResolved: remoteResults.resolved,
            // The original OpenAPI definition with all its references resolved
            definitionFullyResolved: results.resolved,
            // Merge the local reference details with the remote reference details
            refs: results.refs
constructor (parameterObject, raw) {
    let pPath = JsonRefs.pathFromPtr(parameterObject.ptr)
    let processed = false
    let schema = parameterObject.schema
    let error
    let isValid
    let processedValue

    this.parameterObject = parameterObject
    this.raw = raw

    // Use Object.defineProperty for 'value' to allow for lazy processing of the raw value
    Object.defineProperties(this, {
      error: {
        enumerable: true,
        get: function () {
          // Always call this.valid to ensure we validate the value prior to returning any values
          if (this.valid === true) {

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