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Top 10 Examples of "html-to-text in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'html-to-text' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function printHtml(html) {
      // html-to-text method
      .fromString(html, {
        ignoreImage: true,
        tables: true,
        wordwrap: false
      // split into array of lines
      // trim whitespace
      .map(line => {
        return line.trim()
      // remove duplicate consecutive lines
      .reduce((accum, line, i) => {
        if (line !== accum.slice(-1)[0]) accum.push(line)
        return accum
function extractSummary (content, ext) {
  var text = ext === 'html'
    ? toText.fromString(content, {ignoreHref: true, ignoreImage: true, wordwrap: 99999})
    : content

  var summary = ''

  var chars = text.split('')
  for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
    var ch = chars[i]
    summary += ch
    if (ch === '\n' && chars[i + 1] === '\n' && summary.length > 300) {
      // paragraph
    if (ch === ' ' && summary.length >= 450) {
      // word break

        if (renderTags) {
            if (this.campaign) {
                html = await links.updateLinks(html, this.tagLanguage, mergeTags, campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped);

            // When no list and subscriptionGrouped is provided, formatCampaignTemplate works the same way as formatTemplate
            html = tools.formatCampaignTemplate(html, this.tagLanguage, mergeTags, true, campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped);

        const generateText = !!(text || '').trim();
        if (generateText) {
            text = htmlToText.fromString(html, {wordwrap: 130});
        } else {
            // When no list and subscriptionGrouped is provided, formatCampaignTemplate works the same way as formatTemplate
            text = tools.formatCampaignTemplate(text, this.tagLanguage, mergeTags, false, campaign, list, subscriptionGrouped)

        return {
var text = ['index', 'echarts3', 'map3'].map(function (name) {
    return htmlToText.fromString(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../../' + name + '.html'), 'utf-8'));
// htmlToText.fromString(html, {}, function (err, text) {
function cleanup (source, text, imgSrcs, anchorLinks, encoding) {
  if (!text) return ''

  text = htmlDecoder({ data: text }, {}).replace(/\*/gi, '')
    .replace(/<(strong|b)>(.*?)<\/(strong|b)>/gi, '**$2**') // Bolded markdown
    .replace(/<(em|i)>(.*?)<(\/(em|i))>/gi, '*$2*') // Italicized markdown
    .replace(/<(u)>(.*?)<(\/(u))>/gi, '__$2__') // Underlined markdown

  text = htmlConvert.fromString(text, {
    tables: (source.formatTables !== undefined && typeof source.formatTables === 'boolean' ? source.formatTables : config.feeds.formatTables) === true ? true : [],
    wordwrap: null,
    ignoreHref: true,
    noLinkBrackets: true,
    format: {
      image: node => {
        const isStr = typeof node.attribs.src === 'string'
        let link = isStr ? node.attribs.src.trim().replace(/\s/g, '%20') : node.attribs.src
        if (isStr && link.startsWith('//')) link = 'http:' + link
        else if (isStr && !link.startsWith('http://') && !link.startsWith('https://')) link = 'http://' + link
wordwrap: null,
    tables: true,
    hideLinkHrefIfSameAsText: true,
    ignoreImage: true

function callback(err: string, result: string) {
    console.log(`callback called with result ${result}`);

console.log("Processing file with default options");
htmlToText.fromFile("h2t-test.html", callback);

console.log("Processing file with custom options");
htmlToText.fromFile("h2t-test.html", htmlOptions, callback);

let htmlString = "<p><b>bold</b></p><p><i>italic</i></p>";
console.log("Processing string with default options");

console.log("Processing string with custom options");
console.log(htmlToText.fromString(htmlString, htmlOptions));
import * as htmlToText from 'html-to-text';

let htmlOptions: HtmlToTextOptions = {
    wordwrap: null,
    tables: true,
    hideLinkHrefIfSameAsText: true,
    ignoreImage: true

function callback(err: string, result: string) {
    console.log(`callback called with result ${result}`);

console.log("Processing file with default options");
htmlToText.fromFile("h2t-test.html", callback);

console.log("Processing file with custom options");
htmlToText.fromFile("h2t-test.html", htmlOptions, callback);

let htmlString = "<p><b>bold</b></p><p><i>italic</i></p>";
console.log("Processing string with default options");

console.log("Processing string with custom options");
console.log(htmlToText.fromString(htmlString, htmlOptions));
  const postAuthor = Users.findOne({_id: post.userId});
  if (postAuthor) {
    algoliaMetaInfo.authorSlug = postAuthor.slug;
    algoliaMetaInfo.authorDisplayName = postAuthor.displayName;
    algoliaMetaInfo.authorUserName = postAuthor.username;
  const postFeed = RSSFeeds.findOne({_id: post.feedId});
  if (postFeed) {
    algoliaMetaInfo.feedName = postFeed.nickname;
    algoliaMetaInfo.feedLink = post.feedLink;
  let postBatch = [];
  let paragraphCounter =  0;
  let algoliaPost = {};
  const body = (post.content ? htmlToText.fromString(contentToHtml(post.content)) : (post.htmlBody ? htmlToText.fromString(post.htmlBody) : post.body))
  if (body) {
    body.split("\n\n").forEach((paragraph) => {
      algoliaPost = {
        objectID: post._id + "_" + paragraphCounter,
        body: paragraph,
  } else {
  return postBatch;
self.emailForModule = async function(req, templateName, data, options, module) {
      const transport = self.getTransport();
      const html = module.render(req, templateName, data);
      const text = htmlToText.fromString(html, {
        format: {
          heading: function(elem, fn, options) {
            let h = fn(elem.children, options);
            let split = h.split(/(\[.*?\])/);
            return {
              if (s.match(/^\[.*\]$/)) {
                return s;
              } else {
                return s.toUpperCase();
            }).join('') + '\n';
      const args = _.assign({
        html: html,
exports.sendMail = async function(email) {
    Hoek.assert(internals.transporter, 'smtp transport not available');

    const { from, to, subject, template, context = {} } = email;
    const html = internals.templates[template](context);
    const text = HtmltoText.fromString(html);

    try {
        const info = await internals.transporter.sendMail({

        Logger.child({ info }).debug('email has been delivered');
    } catch (error) {
        throw NSError.MAILER_ERROR();

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