Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'hasha' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
app.post('/very-secure-manifest-convert', upload.single('pdf'), async (req, res) => {
const {file:pdf} = req;
// logging
log(req, {file:pdf.path});
// hash check for duplicate files
const hash = await hasha.fromFile(pdf.path);
const viewUrl = `${req.protocol}://${req.get('host')}/uploads/${pdf.filename}.html`;
if ( State.Files.has(hash) ) {
const existingViewUrl = State.Files.get(hash);
log(req, {note:'File exists', hash, existingViewUrl});
return res.end(existingViewUrl);
} else {
newFiles += 1;
State.Files.set(hash, viewUrl);
if ( newFiles % WAIT_NEW_FILES_BEFORE_DISK_SYNC == 0 ) {
// job start
const subshell = spawn(CONVERTER, [pdf.path, uploadPath]);
fileList.forEach(node => {
let { type, file } = node;
let hash = '';
let code = '';
if (/\[hash\]/.test(file)) {
if (file === destPath) {
// data.code will remove the last line of the source code(//# sourceMappingURL=xxx), so it's needed to add this
code = data.code + `//# sourceMappingURL=${basename(file)}.map`;
} else {
code = readFileSync(file).toString();
hash = hasha(code, { algorithm: 'md5' });
// remove the file without hash
file = file.replace('[hash]', hash)
writeFileSync(file, code);
const src = isURL(file) ? file : relative(firstDir, file);
if (type === 'js') {
let attrs = {src: src};
let mode = node.mode || defaultmode;
if (mode) attrs.type = mode;
attrs = Object.entries(([key, val]) => `${key}="${val}"`).join(' ');
const script = `\n`;
// node.inject will cover the inject
if (node.inject === 'head' || inject === 'head') {
} = require('cache/lib/index')
const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const quote = require('quote')
const cliParser = require('argument-vector')()
const homeDirectory = os.homedir()
const useYarn = fs.existsSync('yarn.lock')
const lockFilename = useYarn
? 'yarn.lock'
: 'package-lock.json'
const lockHash = hasha.fromFileSync(lockFilename)
const platformAndArch = `${process.platform}-${process.arch}`
// enforce the same NPM cache folder across different operating systems
const NPM_CACHE_FOLDER = path.join(homeDirectory, '.npm')
const NPM_CACHE = (() => {
const o = {}
let key = core.getInput('cache-key')
if (!key) {
if (useYarn) {
key = `yarn-${platformAndArch}-${lockHash}`
} else {
key = `npm-${platformAndArch}-${lockHash}`
} else {
console.log('using custom cache key "%s"', key)
function replaceBuiltins(text,filename){
const used = new Set();
let uid = 0;
//current file identificator
const fid = hasha(filename,{algorithm: 'md5'});
//remve all examples by file id
ExamplesStore.delete(new RegExp(`Ex_\\d+_${fid}`));
// parse blocks in the file
getBlocks(text).forEach(block => {
if(block.type === 'example') {
let name = `Ex_${uid++}_${fid}`;
text = text.replace(
css: componentStyles => {
let styles = globalStyles.replace( '__components__', componentStyles );
try {
fs.mkdirSync( 'client/dist' );
} catch ( err ) {
// noop
if ( dev ) {
fs.writeFileSync( `client/dist/main.css`, styles );
} else {
styles = new CleanCSS().minify( styles ).styles;
const hash = hasha( styles, { algorithm: 'md5' });
fs.writeFileSync( `client/dist/main.${hash}.css`, styles );
fs.writeFileSync( `server/manifests/css.json`, JSON.stringify({ 'main.css': `client/dist/main.${hash}.css` }) );
success: [],
error: [],
unchanged: [],
print(`Trying to upload ${files.length} files...`);
for (let i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
const _uploadedFiles = jsonfile.readFileSync(pathOfMappingFile);
const uploadedFiles = _uploadedFiles.messenger || {};
const name = files[i];
const basename = path.basename(name);
const fileMeta = uploadedFiles[basename];
const checksum = hasha.fromFileSync(name);
let pageId;
if (force || !fileMeta || checksum !== fileMeta.checksum) {
try {
if (!pageId) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const pageInfo = await client.getPageInfo();
pageId = pageInfo.id;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const data = await client.uploadAttachment(
is_reusable: true,
: path.resolve('uploaded-images.json');
if (!fs.existsSync(pathOfMappingFile)) {
jsonfile.writeFileSync(pathOfMappingFile, {});
print(`initialize ${bold('uploaded-images.json')} for you`);
for (let i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) {
const uploadedImages = jsonfile.readFileSync(pathOfMappingFile);
const name = filenames[i];
const basename = path.basename(name);
const imageMeta = uploadedImages[basename];
const checksum = hasha.fromFileSync(name);
if (!imageMeta || checksum !== imageMeta.checksum) {
// overwrite
const file = fs.readFileSync(name);
try {
const data = await manager.pushFile(
contentType: fileType(file).mime,
catch (error) {
return false;
let meta = identifyImage(filepath);
if (!meta) {
// Identifying via GM failed...
meta = {};
const meta = {};
//const color = getPixelColor(filepath);
const sha256 = hasha.fromFileSync(filepath, {
algorithm: 'sha256'
const size = imageSize(filepath);
const data = Object.assign({
filepath: filepath,
hash: sha256,
filesize: size
}, meta);
return data;
// @ts-check
const core = require('@actions/core')
const exec = require('@actions/exec')
const io = require('@actions/io')
const hasha = require('hasha')
const { restoreCache, saveCache } = require('cache/lib/index')
const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const quote = require('quote')
const homeDirectory = os.homedir()
const useYarn = fs.existsSync('yarn.lock')
const lockFilename = useYarn ? 'yarn.lock' : 'package-lock.json'
const lockHash = hasha.fromFileSync(lockFilename)
const platformAndArch = `${process.platform}-${process.arch}`
// enforce the same NPM cache folder across different operating systems
const NPM_CACHE_FOLDER = path.join(homeDirectory, '.npm')
const NPM_CACHE = (() => {
const o = {}
if (useYarn) {
o.inputPath = path.join(homeDirectory, '.cache', 'yarn')
o.restoreKeys = `yarn-${platformAndArch}-`
} else {
o.inputPath = NPM_CACHE_FOLDER
o.restoreKeys = `npm-${platformAndArch}-`
o.primaryKey = o.restoreKeys + lockHash
return o
async hashObject(stats: Stats, path: string) {
const stream = new PassThrough()
const output = hasha.fromStream(stream, { algorithm: "sha1" })
stream.push(`blob ${stats.size}\0`)
if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) {
// For symlinks, we follow git's behavior, which is to hash the link itself (i.e. the path it contains) as
// opposed to the file/directory that it points to.
stream.push(await readlink(path))
} else {
return output