Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'handsontable' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
reset() {
const lastSelectedColumn = this.hot.getPlugin('filters').getSelectedColumn();
const visualIndex = lastSelectedColumn && lastSelectedColumn.visualIndex;
const columnType = this.hot.getDataType.apply(this.hot, this.hot.getSelectedLast() || [0, visualIndex]);
const items = getOptionsList(columnType);
arrayEach(this.getInputElements(), (element) => element.hide());
// Select element as default 'None'
onBeforeRemoveRow(index, amount) {
this.removedRows.length = 0;
if (index !== false) {
// Collect physical row index.
rangeEach(index, index + amount - 1, (removedIndex) => {
this.removedRows.push(this.hot.runHooks('modifyRow', removedIndex, this.pluginName));
let hotInitializer = (wrapper) => {
if (!this._element) {
if (this.itemsBox) {
addClass(wrapper, 'htUIMultipleSelectHot');
// Construct and initialise a new Handsontable
this.itemsBox = new this.hot.constructor(wrapper, {
data: this.items,
columns: [
{data: 'checked', type: 'checkbox', label: {property: 'visualValue', position: 'after'}}
beforeRenderer: (TD, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) => {
TD.title = cellProperties.instance.getDataAtRowProp(row, cellProperties.label.property);
autoWrapCol: true,
colWidths: 187,
height: 110,
width: 187,
copyPaste: false,
disableVisualSelection: 'area',
fillHandle: false,
var hotInitializer = function hotInitializer(wrapper) {
if (!_this3._element) {
if (_this3.itemsBox) {
addClass(wrapper, 'htUIMultipleSelectHot');
// Construct and initialise a new Handsontable
_this3.itemsBox = new _this3.hot.constructor(wrapper, {
data: _this3.items,
columns: [{ data: 'checked', type: 'checkbox', label: { property: 'visualValue', position: 'after' } }],
beforeRenderer: function beforeRenderer(TD, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
TD.title = cellProperties.instance.getDataAtRowProp(row, cellProperties.label.property);
autoWrapCol: true,
colWidths: 187,
height: 110,
width: 187,
copyPaste: false,
disableVisualSelection: 'area',
fillHandle: false,
fragmentSelection: 'cell',
tabMoves: { row: 1, col: 0 },
constructor() {
this.data = Handsontable.helper['createSpreadsheetData'](100, 12); // tslint:disable-line:no-string-literal
this.options = {
height: 396,
colHeaders: true,
rowHeaders: true,
stretchH: 'all',
columnSorting: true,
contextMenu: true
c.sortFunction=function (sortOrder) {
// Handsontable's object iteration helper
let objectEach = Handsontable.helper.objectEach;
let unitsRatios = {
'TiB': 1024*1024*1024*1024,
'GiB': 1024*1024*1024,
'MiB': 1024*1024,
'KiB': 1024,
'B': 1,
let parseUnit = function(value, unit, ratio) {
if (isNil(value)) return value;
if (isNaN(value) && value.indexOf(' ' + unit) > -1) {
value = parseFloat(value.replace(unit, '')) * ratio;
return value;
visualcol: visualIndex,
prop: columnSettings.data,
row: null,
visualRow: null,
getSourceItems.call(cellProperties, columnSettings.source, (items) => {
// Prepare the items with key and value properties to be handled by intersectValues transparently
const visibleValues = items.map(item => ({
key: item[columnSettings.keyProperty],
value: item[columnSettings.valueProperty],
} else {
const visibleValues = Handsontable.helper.arrayMap(
v => toEmptyString(v),
componentDidMount() {
const { userId } = this.props;
if (!userId) return;
const self = this;
// この画面だけで使う日付のカラムを追加
title: `日付(${constants.DATEFMT})`,
data: 'date',
type: 'date',
dateFormat: constants.DATEFMT,
colWidths: 70,
this.hot = new Handsontable(this.hotDom, Object.assign({}, hotConf, {
isActiveNotifi: false,
renderAllRows: true,
height: 300,
colWidths: Math.round(window.innerWidth / hotConf.columns.length),
minRows: 10,
data: [],
afterRender() { self.syncStateByRender(); },
if (row === 0 || row === 1) {
cellProperties.renderer = firstRowRenderer; // uses function directly
} else if (col === 0) {
cellProperties.renderer = Handsontable.renderers.TextRenderer;
} else {
cellProperties.renderer = Handsontable.renderers.NumericRenderer;
if ($("#tableview").data("relative_areas") === true) {
cellProperties.format = "0.00000";
return cellProperties;
const container = $("#tableview");
const table = new Handsontable(container[0], settings);
load_data(table, data, errors);
return table;
function setupTable() {
const container = document.getElementById("studyLinesTable");
const columns = Config.columns(access);
// Handsontable.hooks.add("afterInit", onLineTableLoad);
const table = new Handsontable(container, {
"afterChange": Config.handleChange(access, container),
"afterInit": onLineTableLoad,
"afterGetColHeader": Config.disableMenuFirstColumn,
"allowInsertRow": false,
"allowInsertColumn": false,
"allowRemoveRow": false,
"allowRemoveColumn": false,
"beforeColumnMove": Config.disableMoveFirstColumn,
"beforeStretchingColumnWidth": Config.disableResizeFirstColumn,
"colHeaders": columns.map((c) => c.header),
"columns": columns,
"data": access.lines(),
// TODO: add additional menu items, filtering, etc.
"dropdownMenu": ["alignment"],
"filters": true,
// freeze the first column