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Top 10 Examples of "graphql-relay in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'graphql-relay' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// language=GraphQL
  const query = `
    query Q($id: ID!) {
      node(id: $id) {
        ... on User {

  const rootValue = {};
  const context = getContext();
  const variables = {
    id: toGlobalId('User',,

  const result = await graphql(schema, query, rootValue, context, variables);
    // Mutations
} from "graphql-relay";
// Connections
// connectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that supports bidirectional pagination.
connectionArgs.first = 10;
connectionArgs.after = "a";
connectionArgs.before = "b";
connectionArgs.last = 10;
// forwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports forward pagination.
forwardConnectionArgs.after = "a";
forwardConnectionArgs.first = 10;
// backwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports backward pagination.
backwardConnectionArgs.before = "b";
backwardConnectionArgs.last = 10;
// connectionDefinitions returns a connectionType and its associated edgeType, given a node type.
const resolve: GraphQLFieldResolver = (source, args, context, info) => {
    info.fieldName = "f";
const fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMap = {};
let t: GraphQLObjectType;
let e: GraphQLObjectType;
const def = connectionDefinitions({
    connectionFields: fields,
    edgeFields: fields,
    name: "N",
    nodeType: new GraphQLObjectType({
        name: "N",
        fields: {},
    // Mutations
} from "graphql-relay";
// Connections
// connectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that supports bidirectional pagination.
connectionArgs.first = 10;
connectionArgs.after = "a";
connectionArgs.before = "b";
connectionArgs.last = 10;
// forwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports forward pagination.
forwardConnectionArgs.after = "a";
forwardConnectionArgs.first = 10;
// backwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports backward pagination.
backwardConnectionArgs.before = "b";
backwardConnectionArgs.last = 10;
// connectionDefinitions returns a connectionType and its associated edgeType, given a node type.
const resolve: GraphQLFieldResolver = (source, args, context, info) => {
    info.fieldName = "f";
const fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMap = {};
let t: GraphQLObjectType;
let e: GraphQLObjectType;
const def = connectionDefinitions({
    connectionFields: fields,
    edgeFields: fields,
    name: "N",
    nodeType: new GraphQLObjectType({
        name: "N",
        fields: {},
    resolveCursor: resolve,
    // Object Identification
    // Mutations
} from "graphql-relay";
// Connections
// connectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that supports bidirectional pagination.
connectionArgs.first = 10;
connectionArgs.after = "a";
connectionArgs.before = "b";
connectionArgs.last = 10;
// forwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports forward pagination.
forwardConnectionArgs.after = "a";
forwardConnectionArgs.first = 10;
// backwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports backward pagination.
backwardConnectionArgs.before = "b";
backwardConnectionArgs.last = 10;
// connectionDefinitions returns a connectionType and its associated edgeType, given a node type.
const resolve: GraphQLFieldResolver = (source, args, context, info) => {
    info.fieldName = "f";
const fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMap = {};
let t: GraphQLObjectType;
let e: GraphQLObjectType;
const def = connectionDefinitions({
    // Object Identification
    // Mutations
} from "graphql-relay";
// Connections
// connectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that supports bidirectional pagination.
connectionArgs.first = 10;
connectionArgs.after = "a";
connectionArgs.before = "b";
connectionArgs.last = 10;
// forwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports forward pagination.
forwardConnectionArgs.after = "a";
forwardConnectionArgs.first = 10;
// backwardConnectionArgs returns the arguments that fields should provide when they return a connection type that only supports backward pagination.
backwardConnectionArgs.before = "b";
backwardConnectionArgs.last = 10;
// connectionDefinitions returns a connectionType and its associated edgeType, given a node type.
const resolve: GraphQLFieldResolver = (source, args, context, info) => {
    info.fieldName = "f";
const fields: GraphQLFieldConfigMap = {};
let t: GraphQLObjectType;
let e: GraphQLObjectType;
const def = connectionDefinitions({
    connectionFields: fields,
export default function getNodeDefinitions(apiUrl, dbAlias) {
  const db = consumer(apiUrl, dbAlias);

  return nodeDefinitions(
    (globalId) => {
      const { type, id } = fromGlobalId(globalId);

      return db.getEntity(id)
        .then(entity => {
          console.log(`type "${type}" entity:`, entity);
          return entity;
    (object) => {
      console.log('get GraphQL type of object:', object);
      // const registeredType = getRegisteredTypeForValueType(object.__type);

      // FIXME: Return object type from node interface...
      return null;
fields: () => ({
    id: Relay.globalIdField('User'),
    username: {
      type: GraphQL.GraphQLString,
      description: 'the User name',
      resolve: (user) => {
        // console.log(user.username);
        return user.username;
    images: {
      type: ImageConnectionType,
      description: 'A collection of images',
      args: Relay.connectionArgs,
      resolve: (_, args) => Relay.connectionFromPromisedArray(
        (new MyImages()).getAll(),
  interfaces: [nodeDefinition.nodeInterface],
export const listRelations = async (relationType, relationFilter, args) => {
  const searchFields = ['name', 'description'];
  const { first = 200, after, orderBy, orderMode = 'asc', withCache = true, inferred = false } = args;
  const { search, fromRole, fromId, toRole, toId, fromTypes = [], toTypes = [] } = args;
  const { firstSeenStart, firstSeenStop, lastSeenStart, lastSeenStop, weights = [] } = args;
  const offset = after ? cursorToOffset(after) : 0;
  const isRelationOrderBy = orderBy && includes('.', orderBy);
  // Handle relation type(s)
  const relationToGet = relationType || 'stix_relation';
  // 0 - Check if we can support the query by Elastic
  const unsupportedOrdering = isRelationOrderBy && last(orderBy.split('.')) !== 'internal_id_key';
  const supportedByCache = !unsupportedOrdering && !relationFilter && !inferred;
  const useCache = !forceNoCache() && withCache && supportedByCache;
  if (useCache) {
    const filters = [];
    const relationsMap = new Map();
    if (fromId) {
      filters.push({ key: 'connections.internal_id_key', values: [fromId] });
      relationsMap.set(fromId, { alias: 'from', internalIdKey: fromId });
    if (toId) {
      filters.push({ key: 'connections.internal_id_key', values: [toId] });
mutateAndGetPayload: async (data, { user }: GraphQLContext) => {
    if (!user) return { error: 'You must be authenticated' }

    const { id } = fromGlobalId(

    const question = await QuestionModel.findById(id)
    if (!question) return { error: "Question doesn't exists" }

    // eslint-disable-next-line eqeqeq
    if ( != user._id) {
      return { error: "You don't own this question" }

    await QuestionModel.findByIdAndDelete(id)

    return { error: null }
  outputFields: {
fields: () => ({
    id: globalIdField('OrderItem'),
    quantity: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLInt) },
    product: {
      // This can be null if product has been removed
      type: productType,
      resolve: (item) => item.getProduct(),
  interfaces: [nodeInterface],

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