Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'graphql-language-service-interface' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
return [
text: 'fragment',
// Argument names
// console.log(kind, step, position);
// Field names
if (kind === 'SelectionSet' || kind === 'Field' || kind === 'AliasedField') {
if (typeInfo.parentType) {
const fields = typeInfo.parentType.getFields
// $FlowDisableNextLine
? objectValues(typeInfo.parentType.getFields())
: [];
if (isAbstractType(typeInfo.parentType)) {
if (typeInfo.parentType === schema.getQueryType()) {
fields.push(SchemaMetaFieldDef, TypeMetaFieldDef);
return fields.map((field) => ({
text: field.name,
type: field.type.toString(),
description: field.description,
if (kind === 'Arguments' || (kind === 'Argument' && step === 0)) {
if (!this._schema) return delegate(fileName, position, options);
const node = this._helper.getNode(fileName, position);
if (!node || node.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral) {
return delegate(fileName, position, options);
if (this._tagCondition && !isTagged(node, this._tagCondition)) {
return delegate(fileName, position, options);
const cursor = position - node.getStart();
const baseLC = this._helper.getLineAndChar(fileName, node.getStart());
const cursorLC = this._helper.getLineAndChar(fileName, position);
const relativeLC = { line: cursorLC.line - baseLC.line, character: cursorLC.character - baseLC.character + 1 };
const p = new SimplePosition(relativeLC);
const text = node.getText().slice(1, cursor + 1); // remove the backquote char
this._logger('Search text: "' + text + '" at ' + cursor + ' position');
const gqlCompletionItems = getAutocompleteSuggestions(this._schema, text, p);
return translateCompletionItems(gqlCompletionItems);
CodeMirror.registerHelper('hint', 'graphql', (editor, options) => {
const schema = options.schema;
if (!schema) {
const cur = editor.getCursor();
const token = editor.getTokenAt(cur);
const rawResults = getAutocompleteSuggestions(
* GraphQL language service responds to the autocompletion request with
* a different format:
* type CompletionItem = {
* label: string,
* kind?: number,
* detail?: string,
* documentation?: string,
* // GraphQL Deprecation information
* isDeprecated?: ?string,
* deprecationReason?: ?string,
export async function provideCompletionItems({
}: ProviderItemInput): Promise<
> {
const graphQLPosition = new GraphQLPosition(
position.lineNumber - 1,
position.column - 1,
graphQLPosition.setCharacter(position.column - 1);
graphQLPosition.line = position.lineNumber - 1;
const suggestions = await getAutocompleteSuggestions(
// @ts-ignore wants range
return {
// TODO: possibly return different kinds of completion items?
// TODO: (optionally?) show all completion items at first?
suggestions: suggestions.map(s => ({
label: s.label,
kind: s.kind,
detail: s.detail,
documentation: s.documentation,
insertText: s.label,
function _getDiagnostics(
filePath: string,
queryText: string,
schemaPath?: string,
try {
// `schema` is not strictly requied as GraphQL diagnostics may still notify
// whether the query text is syntactically valid.
const schema = schemaPath ? generateSchema(schemaPath) : null;
const resultArray = getDiagnostics(queryText, schema);
const resultObject = resultArray.reduce((prev, cur, index) => {
prev[index] = cur;
return prev;
}, {});
process.stdout.write(JSON.stringify(resultObject, null, 2));
} catch (error) {
const diagnoseQueryValue = async (
model: editor.ITextModel, // query or schema
schema: GraphQLSchema,
): Promise<{
valid: boolean;
formattedDiagnostics: editor.IMarkerData[];
diagnostics: any[];
}> => {
let valid = false;
const diagnostics = await getDiagnostics(model.getValue(), schema);
const formattedDiagnostics: editor.IMarkerData[] = diagnostics.map(
d => ({
startLineNumber: d.range.start.line + 1,
endLineNumber: d.range.end.line + 1,
startColumn: d.range.start.character + 1,
endColumn: d.range.end.character + 1,
message: d.message,
severity: MarkerSeverity.Error,
if (diagnostics.length < 1) {
valid = true;
editor.setModelMarkers(model, 'linter', formattedDiagnostics);
return {
(kind === 'TypeCondition' && step === 1) ||
(kind === 'NamedType' && state.prevState.kind === 'TypeCondition')
) {
let possibleTypes = null;
if (typeInfo.parentType) {
if (isAbstractType(typeInfo.parentType)) {
// Collect both the possible Object types as well as the interfaces
// they implement.
const possibleObjTypes = schema.getPossibleTypes(typeInfo.parentType);
const possibleIfaceMap = Object.create(null);
possibleObjTypes.forEach((type) => {
type.getInterfaces().forEach((iface) => {
possibleIfaceMap[iface.name] = iface;
possibleTypes = possibleObjTypes.concat(objectValues(possibleIfaceMap));
} else {
// The parent type is a non-abstract Object type, so the only possible
// type that can be used is that same type.
possibleTypes = [typeInfo.parentType];
} else {
const typeMap = schema.getTypeMap();
possibleTypes = objectValues(typeMap).filter(isCompositeType);
return possibleTypes.map((type) => ({
text: type.name,
type: typeName[type.constructor.name],
description: type.description,
description: field.description,
// Input values: Enum and Boolean
if (
(kind === 'EnumValue') ||
(kind === 'ListValue' && step === 1) ||
(kind === 'ObjectField' && step === 2) ||
(kind === 'Argument' && step === 2)
) {
const namedInputType = getNamedType(typeInfo.inputType);
if (namedInputType instanceof GQLEnumType) {
const valueMap = namedInputType.getValues();
const values = objectValues(valueMap);
return (values.map((value) => ({
text: value.name,
type: namedInputType.toString(),
description: value.description,
} else if (namedInputType === GraphQLBoolean) {
return [
{ text: 'true', type: GraphQLBoolean, description: 'Not false.' },
{ text: 'false', type: GraphQLBoolean, description: 'Not true.' },
// Fragment type conditions
if (
(kind === 'TypeCondition' && step === 1) ||
// description:
// `fragment ${frag.name.value} on ${frag.typeCondition.name.value}`,
// }));
// }
// Variable definition types
if (
(kind === 'VariableDefinition' && step === 2) ||
(kind === 'ListType' && step === 1) ||
(kind === 'NamedType' && (
state.prevState.kind === 'VariableDefinition' ||
state.prevState.kind === 'ListType'
) {
const inputTypeMap = schema.getTypeMap();
const inputTypes = objectValues(inputTypeMap).filter(isInputType);
return inputTypes.map((type) => ({
text: type.name,
description: type.description,
// Directive names
if (kind === 'Directive') {
const directives = schema.getDirectives().filter(
(directive) => canUseDirective(state.prevState.kind, directive),
return directives.map((directive) => ({
text: directive.name,
description: directive.description,
if (kind === 'Arguments' || (kind === 'Argument' && step === 0)) {
const { argDefs } = typeInfo;
if (argDefs) {
return (argDefs.map((argDef) => ({
text: argDef.name,
type: argDef.type.toString(),
description: argDef.description,
// Input Object fields
if (kind === 'ObjectValue' || (kind === 'ObjectField' && step === 0)) {
if (typeInfo.objectFieldDefs) {
const objectFields = objectValues(typeInfo.objectFieldDefs);
return (objectFields.map((field) => ({
text: field.name,
type: field.type.toString(),
description: field.description,
// Input values: Enum and Boolean
if (
(kind === 'EnumValue') ||
(kind === 'ListValue' && step === 1) ||
(kind === 'ObjectField' && step === 2) ||
(kind === 'Argument' && step === 2)
) {
const namedInputType = getNamedType(typeInfo.inputType);