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Top 10 Examples of "gl-matrix in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'gl-matrix' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

let endRight =
          (pos + 1) * 9 + 3, (pos + 1) * 9 + 6);
        let endUp =
          (pos + 1) * 9 + 6, (pos + 1) * 9 + 9);
        // Then lerp... kinda.
        let right = vec3.create();
        vec3.lerp(right, startRight, endRight, lerpTimer % 1);
        let up = vec3.create();
        vec3.lerp(up, startUp, endUp, lerpTimer % 1);
        let eye = vec3.create();
        vec3.lerp(eye, start, end, lerpTimer % 1);
        vec3.add(eye, eye, up);
        let front = vec3.create();
        vec3.cross(front, up, right);
        vec3.normalize(front, front);
        let center = vec3.create();
        vec3.add(center, front, eye);
        // console.log(start, end);
        // Last, create view matrix from these three vectors.
        mat4.lookAt(context.cameraObj.viewMatrix, eye, center, up);
        // context.cameraObj.transform.position.set(eye);
        // context.cameraObj.transform.invalidate();
        let slope =, [0, -1, 0]);
        lerpAccel *= 0.98;
        lerpAccel += slope / 30;
        lerpAccel = Math.max(0.5, Math.min(1.5, lerpAccel));
        lerpTimer += delta * 5 * (lerpAccel + Math.max(0, slope + 1));
        if ((lerpTimer + 1) >= / 9) {
          lerpTimer = -1;
function quatLookAt(out, front, up) {
  let zFront = vec3.create();
  vec3.normalize(zFront, front);
  // vec3.scale(zFront, zFront, -1);
  let right = vec3.create();
  vec3.cross(right, up, zFront);
  vec3.normalize(right, right);
  if (vec3.length(right) < 0.0001) {
    right = [1, 0, 0];
  let yUp = vec3.create();
  vec3.cross(yUp, zFront, right);
  let mat = [
    right[0], right[1], right[2],
    yUp[0], yUp[1], yUp[2],
    zFront[0], zFront[1], zFront[2]
    /* right[0], yUp[0], zFront[0],
    right[1], yUp[1], zFront[1],
0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0,
        0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0,
        0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0,
        0, 1, 3, 3, 2, 0
  let box = renderer.geometries.create(calcNormals(originalData));
  let shader = renderer.shaders.create(
  let texture = renderer.textures.create(require('../texture/2.png'));

  let model1Mat = mat4.create();
  let model1Normal = mat3.create();

  return (delta, context) => {
    // mat4.rotateY(model1Mat, model1Mat, Math.PI * delta / 1000 / 2);
    // mat3.normalFromMat4(model1Normal, model1Mat);

      options: {
        clearColor: new Float32Array([0, 0, 0, 1]),
        clearDepth: 1,
        cull: gl.BACK,
        depth: gl.LEQUAL
      uniforms: Object.assign({},, {
        uPointLight: [{
          position: [0, 0, 8],
          color: '#ffffff',
abort: this.quitDrag,
						originalEvent: e

					BindManager.on('press', this.onBindToggle)
					BindManager.on('release', this.onBindToggle)
					if (this.dragging !== undefined) {
						this.$emit('update:dragging', this.dragStarted)
					this.$emit('dragstart', event)
					vec2.copy(this.prev, this.origin)
			} else {
				// Detect drag and emit
				this.toSpecifiedCoord(this.current, this.absCurrent)
				vec2.sub(, this.current, this.prev)
				vec2.sub(this.offset, this.current, this.origin)

				const event: MouseDragEvent = {
					current: this.current,
					offset: this.offset,
					abort: this.quitDrag,
					originalEvent: e

				this.$emit('drag', event)
				vec2.copy(this.prev, this.current)

		vec2.copy(this.absPrev, this.absCurrent)
init(featurePoint2D, imageWidth, imageHeight, planeHeight, cameraZ = 2435.782592) {
    // convert to image coord to world coord
    let featurePoint3D, size
      let min = [Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE]
      let max = [Number.MIN_VALUE, Number.MIN_VALUE]
      let mtx = mat3.create()
      let scale = planeHeight / imageHeight
      mat3.scale(mtx, mtx, [scale, -scale])
      mat3.translate(mtx, mtx, [-imageWidth / 2, -imageHeight / 2])
      featurePoint3D = => {
        let q = vec2.transformMat3([], p, mtx)
        vec2.min(min, min, q)
        vec2.max(max, max, q)
        return q
      size = vec2.sub([], max, min)

    // calc z position
    let scale = vec2.len(size) / this.standardFace.size
      let min = [Number.MAX_VALUE, Number.MAX_VALUE]
geoWire.faces( lines, { size: 2 } )

  geoPoints = glGeometry( gl );
  geoPoints.attr( 'aPosition', wirePositions );
} );

// Set the canvas size to fill the window and its pixel density
var mobile = isMobile( navigator.userAgent );
var dpr = mobile ? 1 : ( window.devicePixelRatio || 1 );
window.addEventListener( 'resize', fit( canvas, null, dpr ), false );

// Setup Matricies
var projection = mat4.create();
var normalm4 = mat4.create();
var normalm3 = mat3.create();
var view = mat4.create();

// Setup Shaders
var vertexShader = glslify( './shaders/shader.vert' );
var fragmentShader = glslify( './shaders/shader.frag' );
var shader = glShader( gl, vertexShader, fragmentShader );

var vertexWireframeShader = glslify( './shaders/shaderDebug.vert' );
var fragmentWireframeShader = glslify( './shaders/shaderDebug.frag' );
var shaderDebug = glShader( gl, vertexWireframeShader, fragmentWireframeShader );

var color = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ];
var colorPoints = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 ];
var colorWire = [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5 ];

// Setup Sketch Variables
if (!this.cmdlData.has(model.assetID))
            this.cmdlData.set(model.assetID, new CMDLData(device, textureHolder, cache, model));
        return this.cmdlData.get(model.assetID)!;

export class MREARenderer {
    private bufferCoalescer: GfxBufferCoalescerCombo;
    private materialGroupInstances: MaterialGroupInstance[] = [];
    private materialInstances: MaterialInstance[] = [];
    private surfaceData: SurfaceData[] = [];
    private surfaceInstances: SurfaceInstance[] = [];
    private cmdlData: CMDLData[] = [];
    private actors: Actor[] = [];
    public overrideSky: CMDLRenderer | null = null;
    public modelMatrix = mat4.create();
    public needSky: boolean = false;
    public visible: boolean = true;

    constructor(device: GfxDevice, modelCache: ModelCache, cache: GfxRenderCache, public textureHolder: RetroTextureHolder, public name: string, public mrea: MREA) {
        this.translateModel(device, cache);
        this.translateActors(device, cache, modelCache);

    private translateModel(device: GfxDevice, cache: GfxRenderCache): void {
        const materialSet = this.mrea.materialSet;

        this.textureHolder.addMaterialSetTextures(device, materialSet);

        // First, create our group commands. These will store UBO buffer data which is shared between
        // all groups using that material.
        for (let i = 0; i < materialSet.materials.length; i++) {
dst[13] = m[13];

    dst[2] = 0;
    dst[6] = m[6];
    dst[10] = v[2] * mz;
    dst[14] = m[14];

    // Fill with junk to try and signal when something has gone horribly wrong. This should go unused,
    // since this is supposed to generate a mat4x3 matrix.
    m[3] = 9999.0;
    m[7] = 9999.0;
    m[11] = 9999.0;
    m[15] = 9999.0;

const scratchModelViewMatrix = mat4.create();
const packetParams = new PacketParams();
export class ShapeInstance {
    public visible: boolean = true;

    constructor(public shapeData: ShapeData, private materialInstance: MaterialInstance) {

    public prepareToRender(device: GfxDevice, renderInstManager: GfxRenderInstManager, depth: number, camera: Camera, viewport: NormalizedViewportCoords, modelData: J3DModelData, materialInstanceState: MaterialInstanceState, shapeInstanceState: ShapeInstanceState): void {
        if (!this.visible)

        const materialInstance = this.materialInstance;
        if (!materialInstance.visible)

        const shape = this.shapeData.shape;
export function extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues = {}) {
  Object.assign(model, DEFAULT_VALUES, initialValues);

  // Inheritance
  vtkViewNode.extend(publicAPI, model, initialValues);

  model.keyMatrixTime = {};

  model.keyMatrices = {
    normalMatrix: mat3.create(),
    vcdc: mat4.create(),
    wcvc: mat4.create(),
    wcdc: mat4.create(),

  // Build VTK API
  macro.setGet(publicAPI, model, ['context', 'keyMatrixTime']);

  // Object methods
  vtkOpenGLCamera(publicAPI, model);
protected generateSphere1Node(parent: SceneNode): SceneNode {
        const gl =;

        /* Create node and transform */
        const node = parent.addNode(new SceneNode('mesh'));
        const translate = mat4.fromTranslation(mat4.create(), vec3.fromValues(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));
        const scale = mat4.fromScaling(mat4.create(), vec3.fromValues(0.4, 0.4, 0.4));
        const transformMatrix = mat4.multiply(mat4.create(), translate, scale);

        const transform = new TransformComponent(transformMatrix);

        /* Create and load texture. */
        const texture = new Texture2D(this._context, 'Texture');
        texture.initialize(1, 1, gl.RGB, gl.RGB, gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE);
        texture.fetch('./data/concrete_floor_02_diff_1k.webp', false).then(() => {

        /* Create material */
        const material = new SceneExampleMaterial(this._context, 'ExampleMaterial1');
        material.texture = texture;
        material.textured = true;

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