Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'dot-prop' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function moveDefinition(spec: any, newSchemaKey: string, path: string): any {
// copy the definition to components.schemas root
const defSchema = dot.get(spec, path);
dot.set(spec, `components.schemas.${newSchemaKey}`, defSchema);
// delete the definition at current path
dot.delete(spec, path);
const newRef = `#/components/schemas/${newSchemaKey}`;
return updateRefs(spec, `#/${path.split('.').join('/')}`, newRef);
get maxParallelFiles(): number {
const {npmbundlerrc} = this._project;
// Default values for "ulimit -n" vary across different OSes. Some
// values I have found are:
// - Apparently Mac OS X limit is 256 but usually people increase it
// - Fedora: 1024
// - Windows: there's no ulimit, but MSVCRT.DLL has a 2048 limit
// Given this mess and the impossibility of retrieving the limit from
// Node, I'm giving this a default value of 128 because it looks like it
// doesn't impact performance and should be low enough to make it work
// in all OSes.
return prop.get(npmbundlerrc, 'max-parallel-files', 128);
// or, if ref path is like: #/components/schemas/A/properties/a
type = refPath[refPath.length - 4];
if (['schemas', 'parameters', 'responses'].includes(refPath[refPath.length - 2])) {
// in case of a ref like #/components/schemas/A or #/components/parameters/A or #/components/responses/A
// schema name is the last element of the path
schemaName = refPath[refPath.length - 1];
} else if (refPath[refPath.length - 2] === 'properties') {
// in case of a ref like #/components/schemas/A/properties/B
// schema name is A, then:
schemaName = refPath[refPath.length - 3];
if (['schemas', 'parameters', 'responses'].includes(type)) {
// check if the reference points to an existing path in spec
if (!dot.get(spec as any, refPath.slice(1).join('.'))) {
throw new Error(`Referenced path "${obj[key]}" doesn't exist in spec.`);
} else {
occurrences[type][schemaName]['count'] += 1;
occurrences[type][schemaName]['referencedBy'].push(currentPath.slice(0, 3).join('.'));
const prop = obj[key];
// recursively find and count...
if (prop && typeof prop === 'object') {
if (!Array.isArray(prop)) {
if (!parsedProps.find(p => p === prop)) {
findAndCount(prop, currentPath);
} else {
function rebaseOASDefinition(fullSpec: any, schemaKey: string, schema: any, path: string, definitionsPath: string[]): any {
if (schema.definitions) {
for (const defKey in schema.definitions) {
// current recursive definition path chain
const chain = [...definitionsPath, defKey];
const newPath = `${path}.definitions.${defKey}`;
const definition = dot.get(fullSpec, newPath);
fullSpec = rebaseOASDefinition(fullSpec, defKey, definition, newPath, chain);
const newSchemaName = `${chain.join('_')}`;
// move to components/schemas and get a new ref related to the new path
fullSpec = moveDefinition(fullSpec, newSchemaName, newPath);
dot.delete(fullSpec, `${path}.definitions`);
return fullSpec;
write(key, value) {
dotDrop.set(rawConfig, key, value)
set(key, value) { // write with emit event
if (fs.existsSync(this.getProjectPath('.wordup','config.yml'))) {
try {
this.dotWordupYml = YAML.parseDocument(fs.readFileSync(this.getProjectPath('.wordup','config.yml'), 'utf8'))
this.dotWordupJson = this.dotWordupYml.toJSON()
} catch (err) {
this.error('Could not parse wordup config: '+err, {exit:1})
// Create the slug as a name. Because it could be also a path
const slug = this.wPkg('slug')
if (slug.lastIndexOf('/') !== -1) {
dotProp.set(this.dotWordupJson, 'slugName', slug.substring(0, slug.lastIndexOf('/')))
} else {
dotProp.set(this.dotWordupJson, 'slugName', slug)
// Get config based on the current path
this.config = this._wordupConfigstore.get('projects.' + this.projectId)
//Set docker-compose files
if (fs.existsSync(this.getProjectPath('docker-compose.yml'))) {
// If there is a local docker-compose.yml file, extend it
composerFiles += seperator + this.getProjectPath('docker-compose.yml')
//Set env which are the same for each project
shell.env.COMPOSE_FILE = composerFiles
has(key) {
if (key.includes('.')) return dotProp.has(this.data, key)
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.data, key)
// delete. remove
// current schema was the last reference in the other schema referencing it, then remove also that schema
dot.delete(spec as any, referencedByPath);
} else {
// or, update the referencing schema removing the current schema:
// remove the entry from the referencedBy array in occurrences table
_.remove(referencedBy[referencedByKey].referencedBy, v => v === referencedByPath);
// update occurrence to save in occurrences table
const updatedOccurrence = {
count: referencedBy[referencedByKey].count - 1,
referencedBy: referencedBy[referencedByKey].referencedBy
dot.set(occurrences['schemas'] as any, referencedByKey, updatedOccurrence);
// finally, delete the current schema with count === 0
dot.delete(spec as any, pathToDelete);
return spec;
function rebaseOASDefinition(fullSpec: any, schemaKey: string, schema: any, path: string, definitionsPath: string[]): any {
if (schema.definitions) {
for (const defKey in schema.definitions) {
// current recursive definition path chain
const chain = [...definitionsPath, defKey];
const newPath = `${path}.definitions.${defKey}`;
const definition = dot.get(fullSpec, newPath);
fullSpec = rebaseOASDefinition(fullSpec, defKey, definition, newPath, chain);
const newSchemaName = `${chain.join('_')}`;
// move to components/schemas and get a new ref related to the new path
fullSpec = moveDefinition(fullSpec, newSchemaName, newPath);
dot.delete(fullSpec, `${path}.definitions`);
return fullSpec;
exports.handler = (argv) => {
const key = argv.key
let value = argv.value
value = tools.checkBoolean(value)
const config = noon.load(CFILE)
const theme = themes.loadTheme(config.theme)
if (config.verbose) themes.label(theme, 'down', 'Configuration')
if (dot.has(config, key)) {
if (/\./i.test(key)) {
if (/^\w*\.date/i.test(key)) {
throw new Error("API limits hardcoded, can't set this key.")
} else {
dot.set(config, key, value)
} else {
config[key] = value
} else {
throw new Error(`Option ${key} not found.`)
noon.save(CFILE, config)
console.log(`Set option ${chalk.white.bold(key)} to ${chalk.white.bold(value)}.`)