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Top 10 Examples of "d3-fetch in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'd3-fetch' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

return () => {
          json(data).then(d => {
            // console.log(d);
   = d;
export function launchTopExpressed(tissueId, heatmapRootId, violinRootId, urls=getGtexUrls(), filterGenes=true){
    // getting the top expressed genes in tissueId
    const url = filterGenes?urls.topInTissueFiltered:urls.topInTissue;
    const $filterInfoDiv = $(`#filterInfo`).length==0?$('<div>').attr('id', 'filterInfo').appendTo('#messageBox'):$(`#filterInfo`);
    if(filterGenes) $filterInfoDiv.html("Mitochondrial genes are excluded.<br>");
    else $filterInfoDiv.html("Mitochondrial genes are included.<br>");

    json(url+ tissueId)
        .then(function(results){ // top 50 expressed genes in tissueId
            const attr = 'topExpressedGene';
                throw 'Parse Error: required json attribute is missing: ' + attr;
            const topGeneList = results[attr].map((d)=&gt;{
                    throw 'Parse Error: required json attribute is missing: gencodeId';
                return d.gencodeId
            const callback = function(){
if (k=='buttons' || k=='svg') return;
        $(`<div id="${domIds[k]}">`).appendTo(`#${rootId}`);
    const urls = getGtexUrls();
   // get some data
    let gencode = "";
    if (rootId == "oneGene"){
        gencode = "ENSG00000106624.4";
    } else if (rootId == "twoGenes") {
        gencode = "ENSG00000065613.9,ENSG00000106624.4";

    } else {
        gencode = "ENSG00000065613.9,ENSG00000106624.4,ENSG00000120885.15";

    Promise.all([json(urls.tissue), json(urls.geneExp + gencode)])
            const tissueTable = parseTissues(args[0]).reduce((arr,d)=&gt;{arr[d.tissueId]=d; return arr},{});
            const data = parseGeneExpressionForViolin(args[1], true, colors);
            const sort = (a, b)=&gt;{
                if (a&gt;b) return 1;
                if (a</div>
context.pop = withDebouncedSave(history.pop);
    context.overwrite = withDebouncedSave(history.overwrite);
    context.undo = withDebouncedSave(history.undo);
    context.redo = withDebouncedSave(history.redo);

    ui = uiInit(context);

    connection = services.osm;
    background = rendererBackground(context);
    features = rendererFeatures(context);
    photos = rendererPhotos(context);
    presets = presetIndex(context);

    if (services.maprules && utilStringQs(window.location.hash).maprules) {
        var maprules = utilStringQs(window.location.hash).maprules;
            .then(function(mapcss) {
                mapcss.forEach(function(mapcssSelector) {
                    return services.maprules.addRule(mapcssSelector);
            .catch(function() {
                /* ignore */

    map = rendererMap(context);
    context.mouse = map.mouse;
    context.extent = map.extent;
    context.pan = map.pan;
    context.zoomIn = map.zoomIn;
return () => {
          tsv(data).then(d => {
            // console.log(d);
   = d;
      } else if (data.includes('.json')) {
return () => {
          csv(data).then(d => {
            // console.log(d);
   = d;
      } else if (data.includes('.tsv')) {
return () => {
          csv(data).then(d => {
            // console.log(d);
   = d;
      } else if (data.includes('.tsv')) {
drawData.url = function(url, defaultExtension) {
        _template = null;
        _fileList = null;
        _geojson = null;
        _src = null;

        // strip off any querystring/hash from the url before checking extension
        var testUrl = url.split(/[?#]/)[0];
        var extension = getExtension(testUrl) || defaultExtension;
        if (extension) {
            _template = null;
                .then(function(data) {
                    drawData.setFile(extension, data);
                .catch(function() {
                    /* ignore */

        } else {

        return this;
tiles.forEach(function(tile) {
            if (_krCache.loadedTile[] || _krCache.inflightTile[]) return;

            var rect = tile.extent.rectangle();
            var params = Object.assign({}, options, { left: rect[0], bottom: rect[3], right: rect[2], top: rect[1] });
            var url = _krUrlRoot + 'export.php?' + utilQsString(params) + '&ch=' + rules;

            var controller = new AbortController();
            _krCache.inflightTile[] = controller;

            d3_json(url, { signal: controller.signal })
                .then(function(data) {
                    delete _krCache.inflightTile[];
                    _krCache.loadedTile[] = true;
                    if (!data || !data.features || !data.features.length) {
                        throw new Error('No Data');

                    data.features.forEach(function(feature) {
                        var loc = feature.geometry.coordinates;
                        var props =;

                        // if there is a parent, save its error type e.g.:
                        //  Error 191 = "highway-highway"
                        //  Error 190 = "intersections without junctions"  (parent)
                        var errorType = props.error_type;
                        var errorTemplate = errorTypes[errorType];
export function searchById(heatmapRootId, violinRootId, glist, tlist=undefined, urls=getGtexUrls(), filterGenes=undefined, callback=undefined, qTissue=undefined){
    $(`#${heatmapRootId}`).empty(); // clear the root DOM content
    $(`#${violinRootId}`).empty(); // clear the root DOM content

    const MAX = 50;
    const $message = $('<div><br>').attr('class', 'col-xs-12 col-md-12').css('color', 'firebrick').appendTo(`#${heatmapRootId}`);
    let message = "";
    if (glist.length &gt; MAX) {
        message = `Warning: Too many genes. Input list truncated to the first ${MAX}. <br>`;
        glist = glist.slice(0, MAX);
    Promise.all([json(urls.tissue), json(urls.geneId+glist.join(","))])
           const tissues = parseTissues(args[0]);

           // genes
           const genes = parseGenes(args[1]);
           // error-checking
           message += _validateGenes(heatmapRootId, genes, glist);

           // get median expression data and clusters of the input genes in all tissues
           const gQuery =;g.gencodeId).join(",");
           const tQuery = tlist===undefined?undefined:tlist.join(",");
           const fetchUrl = tQuery === undefined? urls.medGeneExp + "&amp;gencodeId=" + gQuery: urls.medGeneExp + "&amp;gencodeId=" + gQuery + "&amp;tissueSiteDetailId=" + tQuery;

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