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Top 10 Examples of "bluebird in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bluebird' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('should not send messages to crashed forked actors', async function () {
      // Define test behaviour.
      let def = {
        kill: () => {

        getPid: () =>

      // Create clustered forked actor.
      let actor = await rootActor.createChild(def, {mode: 'forked', clusterSize: 2});

      // Get child actor PIDs.
      let pids = await, () => actor.sendAndReceive('getPid'));

      // Kill first child.
      await actor.send('kill');

      // Wait for child to die.
      await tu.waitForCondition(() => !isRunning(pids[0]));

      // Send getPid message again. Second PID should be received.
      let pid2 = await actor.sendAndReceive('getPid');


      // Send getPid message again. First actor should be skipped as crashed.
      let pid = await actor.sendAndReceive('getPid');

it('should calculate rewards for round 1 correctly - all should be the same (native, rounds_rewards, delegates)', function () {
			var round = 1;
			var expectedRewards;

			return Promise.join(getBlocks(round), getRoundRewards(round), getDelegates(), function (blocks, rewards, delegates) {
				// Get expected rewards for round (native)
				expectedRewards = getExpectedRoundRewards(blocks);
				// Rewards from database table rounds_rewards should match native rewards

				return Promise.reduce(delegates, function (delegates, d) {
					if (d.fees > 0 || d.rewards > 0) {
						// Normalize database data
						delegates[] = {
							fees: Number(d.fees),
							rewards: Number(d.rewards)
					return delegates;
mode: 'forked',
      clusterSize: 3,
      balancer: 'CustomBalancer'

    let error;

    yield parent.sendAndReceive('test', { shard: 0, value: 1 }).catch(err => {
      error = err;

    expect(error.message).to.match(/No child to forward message to./);

  it('should generate proper error if forward() returned non-existing child ID', P.coroutine(function*() {
     * Custom balancer.
    class CustomBalancer {
      forward(topic, msg) {
        // Return absent ID.
        return '123456';

    // Define custom system with our test balancer.
    yield system.destroy();
    system = actors({
      test: true,
      balancers: [CustomBalancer]
it.skip('file + file siblings without proper content', function () {
            var id;
            return Promise.promisify(fs.readFile)(f.path).then(function (data) {
                return riakfs.writeFile('/' + path.basename(f.path), data);
            .then(function () {
                return riakfs.stat('/' + path.basename(f.path)).then(function (stats) {
                    id =;
            .then(function () {
                // make several siblings
                return[0, 123, 456, 789], function (len) {
                    return riakfs.riak.put({
                        bucket: riakfs.filesBucket,
                        key: '/' + path.basename(f.path),
                        content: {
                            value: JSON.stringify({
                                id: uid2(32),
// 2 board last thread title
        // 2 board post count
        // 2 board thread count
        // 2 board total post count
        // 2 board total thread count
        // post post order
        // thread first post id
        // thread last post created at
        // thread last post username
        // thread post count
        // thread order
        // thread title
        // thread username
        // view count
        return, function(data) {
          return probe.del(METADATA, data.key);
async function clearKeyEvents (driver) {
  let el = await getElement(driver, BUTTON_CLASS);;

  // wait a moment for the clearing to occur, lest we too quickly try to enter more text
  await B.delay(500);
// and semotus tries to send back a sync: false messages to force the client to refresh we handle
                // it ourselves and end the test.  Note that for whaever reason the implementation of XMLHTTPRequest
                // used here doesn not handle overlapping calls properly.  It will send the second call but will
                // never see the response for the inner call.  For this reason the full reset sequence never happens.
                var ServerRemoteObjectTemplate = serverController.__template__.objectTemplate;
                var oldSendMessage = ServerRemoteObjectTemplate._getSession().sendMessage;
                ServerRemoteObjectTemplate._getSession().sendMessage =  function (message) {
          , message);
                    expect((new Date()).getTime() > (startTime + 5000));
            }).catch(function(e) {
        Bluebird.delay(100).then(function () {
            RemoteObjectTemplate._getSession().sendMessageEnabled = true; // Force duplicate message
                .then(function () {
                    expect('Should not be here').to.equal(false);
                }, function (e) {
                    expect('Should not be here').to.equal(false);
                }).catch(function(e) {
function processAction(action, context) {
		if (_.isArray(action)) {
			// Loop through each response validation step and verify
			return Promise.mapSeries(action, single_action => processAction(single_action, context));
		if (action === true) {
			return Promise.resolve(true);
		if (action === false) {
			return Promise.reject(exports.expected_failure);
		throw new Error("Action type has not been implemented for mock-context");
const Log = require('log')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const P = require('bluebird')

const PregnancyCenterModel = require('../pregnancy-centers/schema/mongoose-schema')
const pregnancyCenterSchemaJoi = require('../pregnancy-centers/schema/joi-schema')

const UserModel = require('../users/schema/mongoose-schema')
const PersonModel = require('../persons/schema/mongoose-schema')
const PregnancyCenterHistoryModel = require('../pregnancy-center-history/schema/mongoose-schema')

mongoose.Promise = require('bluebird')
const log = new Log('info')

// TODO: Error handling
const startDatabase = P.coroutine(function* startDatabase() {
	yield mongoose.connect(config.mongo.connectionString)'Connected to database')


async function reimport() {
	await PregnancyCenterModel.collection.drop()
	await UserModel.collection.drop()
	await PregnancyCenterHistoryModel.collection.drop()
	await PersonModel.collection.drop()

	const user = await UserModel.create({
		providerId: '10155647416405110',
		updatedAt: '2017-08-26 14:14:03.553',
* @author  Jensen Bernard
 * @version 0.2.0

import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import Promise from 'bluebird';
import validURL from 'valid-url';
import { exec } from 'child_process';

import content from './content';

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
const info =;

const execute = Promise.promisify(exec);

const name = (uri: string): string => path.basename(uri, '.git');
const folder = (uri: string, base: string): string => path.resolve(base, name(uri));
const canCreate = (uri: string, base: string): boolean => fs.existsSync(folder(uri, base));

const cmd = (uri: string, out: string): string => `git clone ${uri} ${out}`;
const clone = (uri: string, tmpl: string): Promise<> => execute(cmd(uri, folder(uri, tmpl)));

const add = (uri: string, templates: string): Promise<> =>
  new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    if (validURL.isWebUri(uri)) {
      if (canCreate(uri, templates)) {
        clone(uri, templates).then(resolve).catch(reject);
      } else { info(content.duplicateName()); }
    } else {

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