Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'blessed-contrib' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// set up elements of the interface.
var grid = new contrib.grid({
rows: 6,
cols: 6,
screen: screen
var table_timeline = grid.set(0.5, 1, 4.3, 5, contrib.table,
{keys: true
, vi:true
, style:{border:{ fg:'blue'}}
, scrollbar: true
, label: "Timeline"
, columnWidth:[200]})
, box_generic_dashboard = grid.set(2,2, 1.5, 2,blessed.box,{
top: 'center',
left: 'center',
width: '50%',
let initUI = function initUI(){
table = contrib.table({
keys : true,
fg : 'white',
selectedFg : 'black',
selectedBg : 'cyan',
interactive : true,
label : '股票列表',
width : '55%',
height : '80%',
border : { type: 'line', fg: 'cyan' },
columnSpacing : 5,
columnWidth : [10, 7, 7, 7, 9],
/* eslint no-process-exit:0 */
screen.key(['escape', 'q', 'C-c'], () => process.exit(0) );
let table;
if (argv.useScreen) {
const blessed = require('blessed');
const contrib = require('blessed-contrib');
screen = blessed.screen({
smartCSR: true
screen.key(['escape', 'q', 'C-c'], () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-process-exit
return process.exit(0);
table = contrib.table({
columnSpacing: 5,
columnWidth: [
fg: 'white',
height: '80%',
interactive: true,
keys: true,
label: null,
selectedBg: 'blue',
selectedFg: 'white',
width: '80%'
// TODO: watch for namespace changes when the selection list is open
// and avoid 'n' key to trigger another request
get(session.openshift ? get_projects() : get_namespaces())
.then(response => JSON.parse(response.body.toString('utf8')))
// TODO: display a message in case the user has access to no namespaces
.then(namespaces => session.namespaces = namespaces)
.then(namespaces => namespaces_list.setItems(namespaces.items.reduce((data, namespace) => {
data.push(namespace.metadata.name === session.namespace ?
`{blue-fg}${namespace.metadata.name}{/blue-fg}` : namespace.metadata.name);
return data;
}, [])))
.then(() => screen.render())
.catch(error => console.error(error.stack));
const carousel = new contrib.carousel(
screen => {
// TODO: restore selection if any
screen => {
screen : screen,
interval : 0,
create(options) {
if (module.exports.screen) throw new Error('Screen already created!');
const screen = module.exports.screen = blessed.screen({
autoPadding: true,
smartCSR: true,
const grid = module.exports.grid = new contrib.grid({rows: 4, cols: 5, screen});
// Set up widgets.
widgets.streamThroughput = grid.set(...positions.streamThroughput, contrib.line, {
label: "Stream Throughput (max last 5 minutes)",
style: {
line: "red",
text: "green",
baseline: "white"
showNthLabel: 60
widgets.totalThroughput = grid.set(...positions.totalThroughput, contrib.line, {
label: "Total Throughput (max last 5 minutes)",
style: {
line: "green",
import * as contrib from 'blessed-contrib'
import { generate } from 'qrcode-terminal'
import {
} from '../../src/'
const screen = blessed.screen({
smartCSR: true,
fullUnicode: true, // https://github.com/chjj/blessed/issues/226#issuecomment-188777457
// create layout and widgets
const grid = new contrib.grid({rows: 12, cols: 12, screen: screen})
* Donut Options
* self.options.radius = options.radius || 14; // how wide is it? over 5 is best
* self.options.arcWidth = options.arcWidth || 4; //width of the donut
* self.options.yPadding = options.yPadding || 2; //padding from the top
const donut = grid.set(8, 8, 4, 2, contrib.donut,
label: 'Percent Donut',
radius: 16,
arcWidth: 4,
yPadding: 2,
data: [{label: 'Storage', percent: 87}],
var blessed = require('blessed')
, contrib = require('blessed-contrib')
, screen = blessed.screen()
, grid = new contrib.grid({rows: 2, cols: 4, screen: screen})
var times = [], hist = {};
var labelStyle = {
fg: "white",
bold: true
// grid.set(row, col, rowSpan, colSpan, obj, opts)
var table = grid.set(0, 0, 1, 2, contrib.table,
{ keys: true
, fg: 'white'
, selectedFg: 'white'
, selectedBg: 'blue'
, interactive: true
, label: 'JVM Processes (Enter=Monitor, Del=Terminate)'
initScreen () {
this.screen = blessed.screen({
title: this.title,
fullUnicode: true,
dockBorders: true,
smartCSR: true
// initialize 12x12 grid
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
this.grid = new contrib.grid({ rows: 12, cols: 12, hideBorder: true, screen: this.screen })
* LCD Options
//these options need to be modified epending on the resulting positioning/size
options.segmentWidth = options.segmentWidth || 0.06; // how wide are the segments in % so 50% = 0.5
options.segmentInterval = options.segmentInterval || 0.11; // spacing between the segments in % so 50% = 0.5
options.strokeWidth = options.strokeWidth || 0.11; // spacing between the segments in % so 50% = 0.5
//default display settings
options.elements = options.elements || 3; // how many elements in the display. or how many characters can be displayed.
options.display = options.display || 321; // what should be displayed before anything is set
options.elementSpacing = options.spacing || 4; // spacing between each element
options.elementPadding = options.padding || 2; // how far away from the edges to put the elements
options.color = options.color || "white";
const lcdLineOne = grid.set(0, 9, 2, 3, contrib.lcd,
label: 'LCD Test',
segmentWidth: 0.06,
segmentInterval: 0.11,
strokeWidth: 0.1,
elements: 5,
display: 3210,
elementSpacing: 4,
elementPadding: 2,
const errorsLine = grid.set(0, 6, 4, 3, contrib.line, {
style: {
line: 'red',
text: 'white',
* LCD Options
//these options need to be modified epending on the resulting positioning/size
options.segmentWidth = options.segmentWidth || 0.06; // how wide are the segments in % so 50% = 0.5
options.segmentInterval = options.segmentInterval || 0.11; // spacing between the segments in % so 50% = 0.5
options.strokeWidth = options.strokeWidth || 0.11; // spacing between the segments in % so 50% = 0.5
//default display settings
options.elements = options.elements || 3; // how many elements in the display. or how many characters can be displayed.
options.display = options.display || 321; // what should be displayed before anything is set
options.elementSpacing = options.spacing || 4; // spacing between each element
options.elementPadding = options.padding || 2; // how far away from the edges to put the elements
options.color = options.color || "white";
const lcdLineOne = grid.set(0, 9, 2, 3, contrib.lcd,
label: 'LCD Test',
segmentWidth: 0.06,
segmentInterval: 0.11,
strokeWidth: 0.1,
elements: 5,
display: 3210,
elementSpacing: 4,
elementPadding: 2,
const errorsLine = grid.set(0, 6, 4, 3, contrib.line, {
style: {
line: 'red',
text: 'white',