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Top 10 Examples of "atom-languageclient in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'atom-languageclient' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

type: "text",
              class: "cquery--namespace"
          else if(data.symbols[i].kind==SymbolKind.Macro)
            options = {
              type: "text",
              class: "cquery--macro"
          for(let j = 0;j
createHintMarker(editor, range) {
        // Create marker model
        const marker = editor.markBufferRange(Convert.lsRangeToAtomRange(range), BOOT_DATA_MARKER_TYPE);

        // Marker around the text in the editor
        editor.decorateMarker(marker, {
            type: 'highlight',
            class: 'boot-hint'

        // Marker in the diagnostic gutter
        let gutter = editor.gutterWithName(BOOT_HINT_GUTTER_NAME);
        if (!gutter) {
            gutter = editor.addGutter({
                name: BOOT_HINT_GUTTER_NAME,
                visible: false,
        const iconElement = document.createElement('span');
private createHintMarker(editor: TextEditor, range: Range) {
        // Create marker model
        const marker = editor.markBufferRange(Convert.lsRangeToAtomRange(range));

        // Marker around the text in the editor
        editor.decorateMarker(marker, DECORATION_OPTIONS);

        // Marker in the diagnostic gutter
        // let gutter = editor.gutterWithName(BOOT_HINT_GUTTER_NAME);
        // if (!gutter) {
        //     gutter = editor.addGutter({
        //         name: BOOT_HINT_GUTTER_NAME,
        //         visible: false,
        //     });
        // }
        // const iconElement = document.createElement('span');
        // iconElement.setAttribute('class', 'gutter-boot-hint');
        // gutter.decorateMarker(marker, {item: iconElement});
codeLenses.forEach((codeLens) => {
            if (!codeLens.command) {
                // To support this, one would have to send a resolve request and show some sort of placeholder
                // beforehand, as we wouldn't know what title to show yet.
                throw new Error('Code lenses with unresolved commands are currently not supported');

            const range = Convert.lsRangeToAtomRange(codeLens.range);
            const paddingSpacesNeeded = range.start.column - charactersTaken;

            // Having one marker per line  (see above) means that we need to do padding ourselves when multiple code
            // lenses are present. This can happen in cases where multiple properties are on one line, and more than one
            // of them is an override. ot great, but it gets the job done.
            const paddingSpanElement = document.createElement('span');
            paddingSpanElement.innerHTML = ' '.repeat(paddingSpacesNeeded);

            const anchorElement = document.createElement('a');
            anchorElement.innerHTML = codeLens.command.title;
            anchorElement.href = '#';
            anchorElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
                    command: codeLens.command.command,
let options = {
          type: "text",
          class: "cquery--disabled"
        // Delete all existing markers
        for(let i = 0;i
"use strict";
const atom_languageclient_1 = require("atom-languageclient");
const cp = require("child_process");
class VueLanguageClient extends atom_languageclient_1.AutoLanguageClient {
    getGrammarScopes() { return ['text.html.vue']; }
    getLanguageName() { return 'Vue'; }
    getServerName() { return 'MBRW'; }
    startServerProcess() {
        return cp.spawn('node', [require.resolve('vue-language-server/dist/vueServerMain')]);
    preInitialization(connection) {
        connection.onCustom('$/partialResult', () => { }); // Suppress partialResult until the language server honours 'streaming' detection
module.exports = new VueLanguageClient();
getInitializeParams (projectPath, process) {
    // Add additional initialization options.
    let params = AutoLanguageClient.prototype.getInitializeParams(projectPath, process);
    params.initializationOptions = this.getInitializationOptions(projectPath);
    return params;
static completionItemToSuggestion(item, request) {
    const suggestion = FlowAutocompleteAdapter.basicCompletionItemToSuggestion(
    // TODO: Snippets
    return suggestion;
      .then(() => DownloadFile(serverDownloadUrl, localFileName, (bytesDone, percent) => installSignal && installSignal.setTitle(`downloading ${Math.floor(serverDownloadSize / bytesToMegabytes)} MB (${percent}% done)`), serverDownloadSize))
      .then(() => installSignal && installSignal.setTitle('unpacking...'))
this.logger.log(`Downloading ${url} to ${localFileName}`);

    const serverHomeExists = await this.fileExists(serverHome);
    if (!serverHomeExists) {
      new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        fs.mkdir(serverHome, err => {
          if (err) {
            return reject(err);

          return resolve();

    await DownloadFile(url, localFileName, (bytesDone, percent) =>
      this.updateStatusBar(`downloading ${percent}%`)
    await decompress(localFileName, serverHome);

    const serverBinExists = await this.fileExists(
      path.join(serverHome, "bin", process.platform, serverBinary)
    if (!serverBinExists) {
      throw Error(
        `Failed to install the ${this.getServerName()} language server`

    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {

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