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Top 10 Examples of "appium-chromedriver in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'appium-chromedriver' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

beforeEach(function () {
    sandbox.stub(PortFinder, 'getPort').callsFake(function (cb) { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
      return cb(null, 4444); // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
    driver = new AndroidDriver();
    driver.adb = sandbox.stub();
    driver.adb.curDeviceId = 'device_id';
    driver.adb.getAdbServerPort = sandbox.stub().returns(5555);
    sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype, 'restart');
    sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype, 'start');
    sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype.proxyReq, 'bind').returns('proxy');

    stubbedChromedriver = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.proxyReq = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.proxyReq.bind = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.restart = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.stop = sandbox.stub().throws();
    stubbedChromedriver.removeAllListeners = sandbox.stub();
  afterEach(function () {
beforeEach(function () {
    sandbox.stub(PortFinder, 'getPort').callsFake(function (cb) { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
      return cb(null, 4444); // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-callbacks
    driver = new AndroidDriver();
    driver.adb = sandbox.stub();
    driver.adb.curDeviceId = 'device_id';
    driver.adb.getAdbServerPort = sandbox.stub().returns(5555);
    sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype, 'restart');
    sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype, 'start');
    sandbox.stub(Chromedriver.prototype.proxyReq, 'bind').returns('proxy');

    stubbedChromedriver = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.proxyReq = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.proxyReq.bind = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.restart = sinon.stub();
    stubbedChromedriver.stop = sandbox.stub().throws();
    stubbedChromedriver.removeAllListeners = sandbox.stub();
  afterEach(function () {
async.eachSeries(Object.keys(this.sessionChromedrivers), function (context, cb) {
    logger.debug("Stopping chromedriver for context " + context);
    // stop listening for the stopped state event
    this.sessionChromedrivers[context].stop().nodeify(function (err) {
      if (err) logger.warn("Error stopping Chromedriver: " + err.message);
      // chromedriver isn't valid anymore, so remove it from context list
      delete this.sessionChromedrivers[context];
  }.bind(this), function (err) {
    // if one of these fails, go back to last proxy state and error out
ChromeAndroid.prototype.stop = function (cb) {
  // stop listening for the stopped state event
  // now we can handle the stop on our own
  this.chromedriver.stop().nodeify(function (err) {
    if (err) logger.warn("Error stopping Chromedriver: " + err.message);
const knownPackages = [

  if (_.includes(knownPackages, this.opts.appPackage)) {
    opts.chromeBundleId = this.opts.appPackage;
  } else {
    opts.chromeAndroidActivity = this.opts.appActivity;
  this.chromedriver = await this.setupNewChromedriver(opts, this.adb.curDeviceId, this.adb);
  this.chromedriver.on(Chromedriver.EVENT_CHANGED, (msg) => {
    if (msg.state === Chromedriver.STATE_STOPPED) {

  // Now that we have a Chrome session, we ensure that the context is
  // appropriately set and that this chromedriver is added to the list
  // of session chromedrivers so we can switch back and forth
  this.curContext = CHROMIUM_WIN;
  this.sessionChromedrivers[CHROMIUM_WIN] = this.chromedriver;
  this.proxyReqRes = this.chromedriver.proxyReq.bind(this.chromedriver);
  this.jwpProxyActive = true;

  if (this.shouldDismissChromeWelcome()) {
    // dismiss Chrome welcome dialog
    await this.dismissChromeWelcome();
helpers.stopChromedriverProxies = async function stopChromedriverProxies () {
  this.suspendChromedriverProxy(); // make sure we turn off the proxy flag
  for (let context of _.keys(this.sessionChromedrivers)) {
    let cd = this.sessionChromedrivers[context];
    log.debug(`Stopping chromedriver for context ${context}`);
    // stop listening for the stopped state event
    try {
      await cd.stop();
    } catch (err) {
      log.warn(`Error stopping Chromedriver: ${err.message}`);
    delete this.sessionChromedrivers[context];
// For now the only known arg passed this way is androidDeviceSocket used
  // by Operadriver (deriving from Chromedriver) // We don't know how other
  // Chromium embedders will call this argument so for now it's name needs to
  // be configurable. When Google adds the androidDeviceSocket argument to
  // the original Chromedriver then we will be sure about its name for all
  // Chromium embedders (as their Webdrivers will derive from Chromedriver)
  if (this.args.specialChromedriverSessionArgs) {
    _.each(this.args.specialChromedriverSessionArgs, function (val, option) {
      logger.debug("This method is being deprecated. Apply chromeOptions " +
                   "normally to pass along options,see" +
                   " for more info");
      caps.chromeOptions[option] = val;
  caps = this.decorateChromeOptions(caps);
  this.chromedriver.on(Chromedriver.EVENT_CHANGED, function (msg) {
    if (msg.state === Chromedriver.STATE_STOPPED) {
      // bind our stop/exit handler, passing in context so we know which
      // one stopped unexpectedly
  this.chromedriver.start(caps).nodeify(function (err) {
    if (err) return cb(err);
    // save the chromedriver object under the context
    this.sessionChromedrivers[context] = this.chromedriver;
this.chromedriver.on(Chromedriver.EVENT_CHANGED, function (msg) {
    if (msg.state === Chromedriver.STATE_STOPPED) {
      // bind our stop/exit handler, passing in context so we know which
      // one stopped unexpectedly
  this.chromedriver.start(caps).nodeify(function (err) {
helpers.setupNewChromedriver = async function setupNewChromedriver (opts, curDeviceId, adb) {
  if (opts.chromeDriverPort) {
    log.warn(`The 'chromeDriverPort' capability is deprecated. Please use 'chromedriverPort' instead`);
    opts.chromedriverPort = opts.chromeDriverPort;

  if (opts.chromedriverPort) {
    log.debug(`Using user-specified port ${opts.chromedriverPort} for chromedriver`);
  } else {
    // if a single port wasn't given, we'll look for a free one
    opts.chromedriverPort = await getChromedriverPort(opts.chromedriverPorts);

  const chromedriver = new Chromedriver({
    port: opts.chromedriverPort,
    executable: opts.chromedriverExecutable,
    cmdArgs: opts.chromedriverArgs,
    verbose: !!opts.showChromedriverLog,
    executableDir: opts.chromedriverExecutableDir,
    mappingPath: opts.chromedriverChromeMappingFile,
    bundleId: opts.chromeBundleId,
    useSystemExecutable: opts.chromedriverUseSystemExecutable,
    disableBuildCheck: opts.chromedriverDisableBuildCheck,
    isAutodownloadEnabled: (this || {}).isChromedriverAutodownloadEnabled
      ? this.isChromedriverAutodownloadEnabled() : undefined,

  // make sure there are chromeOptions
  opts.chromeOptions = opts.chromeOptions || {};
it('should handle chromedriver event with STATE_STOPPED state', async function () {
      await driver.startChromedriverProxy('WEBVIEW_1');
      await driver.chromedriver.emit(Chromedriver.EVENT_CHANGED,
        {state: Chromedriver.STATE_STOPPED});
    it('should ignore events if status is not STATE_STOPPED', async function () {

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