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What is Crypto Malware?

Crypto Malware Explained?

Crypto malware is a specialized malware program designed to attack computers or systems connected to a network with the aim of mining cryptocurrency without any detection. It is long-term crypto jacking where the attacker uses computational resources of the victim’s system and mines cryptocurrency without them knowing. 

When an attacker successfully places malware programs and starts mining, you will experience slower computers and higher energy bills, making it impossible to conduct any intensive task. 

For this malware attack, the hacker doesn’t target the cryptocurrency funds or data; they just use the device for mining. Malicious attackers often target large-scale organizations as it helps them gain large processing power and reap huge rewards.

However, to completely understand crypto-malware, it is vital to learn about the terms crypto mining, cryptojacking, and other crypto-malware. 


Crypto mining is a popular term that defines the process of creating a unit of cryptocurrency by performing computationally intensive operations to validate data and add it to the blockchain. 

The crypto mining process involves a time-consuming and complex mathematical equation used for validating blocks in the blockchain, and after every validation, they are rewarded with cryptocurrency. It is completely a legal process that is recognized by many countries in the world.


Cryptocurrency is a widely popular digital currency that is transacted for services or goods using the blockchain technology. This digital currency is completely decentralized and encrypted, making it completely shielded from modification. 

Importantly, there is no central authority to manage cryptocurrency, so the amount of this digital currency in the blockchain network has no limit. The inability to trace this currency makes this a lucrative choice for cybercriminals. Even though there are other crypto coins, Bitcoin and Monero are widely used by attackers as it is widely traded cryptocurrencies among services and investors.


Cryptojacking is similar to cryptomining which is done by cybercriminals by illegally using someone’s or organization’s computing and processing resources to mine cryptocurrency. By exploiting various vulnerabilities and loopholes, the attackers install malware and sneakily utilize resources to mine crypto.

How Crypto Malware Works?

In general, most malware types are aimed at stealing data or encrypting them to extract money. However, crypto malware doesn’t steal data after it enters a device; instead, it utilizes the victim system’s computational power to mine cryptocurrency continuously. 

This crypto malware program runs disguised as legitimate software by embedding malicious code in the application. Leveraging the application, the code inconspicuously operates in the background and mines currency as long as possible by leveraging the processing power. 

Cryptocurrency mining is done through blockchain, which involves the Proof of Work algorithm to create a building block. Proof of Work is nothing but valid blocks in the blockchain that have header hashes whose value is lower than a specific value. However, finding a valid block is a tough process and requires exploring a lot of options. 

So whenever a miner finds a valid block, they are rewarded. To perform such searches for valid blocks, attackers infect a computer with crypto-malware and use it to look for blocks. Finding this malware gets more difficult as the malicious code is often stored in the browser through which malware has entered the device.

Types of Crypto Malware

Types of Crypto Malware

Even though crypto malware itself is defined as a type of malware, this malware program is classified into different types based on its functionality and techniques. The most popular one is ransomware, where the malware enters a victim’s device to encrypt all the files and demand a cryptocurrency ransom in exchange for a decryption key.

Crypto jackers is another type of crypto malware where the malware hijacks the victim’s system and uses it to perform various cryptographic tasks like generating wallet, verifying transactions and other blockchain tasks. This type of attack is also carried out by attackers because it helps them earn cryptocurrency as a reward.

Cryptorobbers is a unique type of malware attack that usually targets crypto wallets, applications, and services. The main motive of this malware type is to steal the victim’s cryptocurrency by gaining access to private keys to have unauthorized entry into their wallet or platform.

Crypto stealers are specialized crypto malware designed to extract wallet files, credentials, private keys and other cryptocurrency information from the victim’s system. This type of malware is targeted towards trading platforms and mining software and steals information on a large scale. They are mostly sold on the dark web in exchange of cryptocurrency or utilized for large scale attacks.

Examples of Crypto Malware

Since its introduction on the internet, crypto-malware has grown in popularity as it allows attackers to sneakily use victims’ resources to mine cryptocurrency. Over the years, numerous crypto malware has come around. Here are some examples of crypto malware that you should be aware of: 


WannaMine is a well-known crypto malware that is utilized by attackers when they want to mine Monero cryptocurrency at the victim’s system. This type of crypto worm is usually spread through EternalBlue. It also utilizes Windows Management Instrumentation event subscription as a  trap to reside on the system and mine cryptocurrency in disguise.


XMRig is another widely utilized open-source cryptojacking malware that is integrated into other types of malware to launch an attack. This malware is widely used for attacks as it helps in mining Bitcoin or Monero crypto coins using the victim’s computation resources.


Rubuminer crypto worm came into limelight in 2018 which attacks Linux and Windows servers to use their computation resources. It mainly looks for vulnerable web servers where it implants XMRig to mine Monero.


In the same year as Rubyminer, LemonDuck was discovered in 2018, and it became popular among cybercriminals due to propagation methods. 

It utilizes vulnerabilities, malspam, compromised credentials and other propagation methods to log-in via RDP. Even though it is mostly utilized for crypto mining, it is also used for infecting systems by delivering other malware and stealing email credentials.


First discovered in the year of 2017, darkgate is a severe crypto malware that is designed to target Windows systems and use it to mine or other malicious activities. This malware is often used by attackers as it enables them to perform crypto mining, steal sensitive credentials, launch ransomware, perform RAT functionality, and others.


It is a unique crypto malware that possesses numerous worm characteristics and functionalities. This malware program can propagate through any unsecured containers in a cloud network and infect every system connected to it. After its introduction on the internet, it is estimated that it has infected over 2000 Dockers.


Considered to be a powerful crypto malware, PowerGhost enables attackers to target systems and terminals of organization and spread itself throughout the device and servers. 

Many cybercriminal organization often use this malware program because it has the ability to disable antivirus software and other cryptocurrency mining software. It allows the cybercriminals to extract the maximum amount of cryptocurrency without getting detected.


Coinhive is a cryptojacker that exploits JavaScript to mine coins. It was previously used as a website through which users had the capability to mine cryptocurrency. However, malicious actors used the website to mine the victim’s device without their consent when the victim clicked on the ads.

Rakhni Trojan

Rakhni trojan is a unique crypto malware that is utilized by attackers to check the target system’s capability. Based on the assessment by the malware program, the victim’s decide what type of crypto malware attack they should carry out on the victim’s device. 

If the system has high computation and processing power, then it is infected to mine cryptocurrency whereas weaker systems are infected for ransomware.


Prometei botnet is a network of infected computers that can be remotely controlled together without any suspicion. This botnet randomly targets devices and uses known exploits to propagate itself across the network of devices. The main aim of attackers using this worm is to mine Monero cryptocurrency on a large scale.

How to Detect Crypto Mining Malware

Crypto malware or crypto mining malware is designed to operate without getting detected. They usually hide in websites or legitimate software to continuously mine crypto without raising any suspicion.

However, users can understand its presence in the system or network of devices by assessing certain symptoms, and they are:

  • Cryptomining malware utilizes a lot of resources to find a valid block in the blockchain so it will slow down your system.
  • Another common symptom noticed by users is high traffic in the servers and the power consumption always remains high despite the system being idle. 
  • When your processor or graphics card get damaged without any reason or overheats suspiciously, then it might be because of crypto malware.
  • Consistent or high CPU usage is an indicator that your system is being utilized by crypto-malware for mining purposes. There are many ways to check the system usage and application consuming the CPU resources. Locating the software can help you identify the infected program.
  • Sudden modification in file extension is also a sign that you have a crypto worm in your device. Certain program or file’s extension might change to something unusual, enabling you to identify the presence.
  • Some files might get inaccessible when a crypto malware infects a system. The files may belong to the browser it infects or any other program. If you try to open the file, you will encounter error text.
  • If you notice increased network activity, then it might be because of the presence of crypto malware in your device. Crypto malware uses the network to send and receive various information, and monitoring the activity can help you identify the threat.
  • When your antivirus or any other security software suddenly gets disabled, then it would be because of crypto malware. There are many crypto malware that tries to disable all the security software in your device to prevent getting identified.
  • While using your browser or system, you might come across an unexpected pop-up where it shows warnings of encrypted files or to avoid file encryption you need to download a certain program. 

How to Prevent Crypto Malware Attack

How to Prevent Crypto Malware Attack

Crypto malware attacks are increasingly becoming popular among cybercriminals as it enables them to control a lot of computational power for mining. 

Since these malwares are a relatively new type of threat, it is becoming problematic to identify and defend against them. However, here are some steps you can opt to prevent your organization’s system from getting infected: 

Patching Application and Systems

Most of the crypto malwares exploit the security flaws of the application and system to get entry and infect them. Patching the application and system on a regular basis will fill the security gaps and prevent the malware from infecting the devices.

Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication

Compromised or default credentials on remote access platforms serves as a major mode for crypto malware delivery. 

Eliminating all the default credentials and implementing multi factor authentication can help you reduce the chance of attackers exploiting compromised credentials. Employing a robust secret management can also help you prevent malware attacks as it will securely store and prevent compromise. 

Securing the Gaps in the Cloud

Nowadays, cloud systems serve as the common target for most attackers because the dynamic nature and vast environment of the cloud leads to various security gaps. Attackers by delivering crypto malware get access to a vast computation power as these cloud systems are connected to large-scale servers, enabling them to mine cryptos easily.

Monitoring Network Activity

You should constantly monitor your network activity by going to system logs and router logs to identify if there is any unusual activity. If you find a sudden surge in network activity, you should opt for necessary security measures to discover and remove the crypto-malware.

Utilizing Intrusion Prevention System

Modern systems, especially cloud-based systems, are vast and patching all the vulnerabilities continuously can be daunting. One of the best ways to utilize patch programs is by utilizing Intrusion Prevention System that will not only scale the patch program but also address exploits.

Utilizing Zero-Day Protection

Implementing Zero-Day protection is essential for businesses because it will remediate all the security vulnerabilities and prevent crypto-malware from gaining access to the resources. Even if malware gets an entry, it can detect the presence and report it to the security team to take corrective steps to remove it.

Deploy Anti-Cryptomining Extension

Browsers often serve as the medium for crypto malware to hide their malicious code and run in the background. Installing anti-crypto mining extensions along with ad-blockers can help you prevent attackers from exploiting your resources. Importantly, you should remove all the unknown and unused extensions from the browser.

Leveraging Anomaly Detection

You can also implement anomaly detection coupled with machine learning to accurately identify patterns associated with crypto malware mining. It can proactively scan your devices across the network and help you identify crypto worm attacks quickly.

Conducting Employee Awareness Program

Employee plays a vital role when it comes to protecting your system from crypto malware attacks. You will have to conduct training regarding malware attack and how they can protect themselves. You should show what are consequences of downloading or accessing contents in a malicious site.

How CloudDefense.AI Can Help?

CloudDefense.AI is a top-tier CNAPP platform that is known for offering comprehensive protection against malware threats. CloudDefense.AI provides a comprehensive set of security measures that include secret management, IaC scanning, container vulnerability management, and ransomware protection to help you fight against crypto-malware attacks. 

With this platform, not only will you get centralized control, but you will also get complete visibility into your entire IT infrastructure. CloudDefense.AI will help you to prevent all the loopholes, exposed secrets, and vulnerabilities that crypto malware can utilize to gain entry into the system. It secures the cloud infrastructure from every endpoint and ensures continuous monitoring to ensure none of the attackers can exploit loopholes to place crypto malware. To learn more about how CloudDefense.AI can protect your organization against crypto malware, you should request a free live demo.


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